International Leprosy Association -
History of Leprosy

  • International Leprosy Association -
    History of Leprosy




    Category Leprosarium
    Country Kenya
    Address Kikuyu


    Frank Oldrieve reported on his visit to Tumutumu "where the Church of Scotland Mission have a splendid work, with Dr Philp in charge. It is at the base of Mount Kenya and beautifully situated. The Doctor has been doing some leper work on a small scale, but would like to increase it, and indeed, it appears that there is a good deal of need for more to be done in that part of the Kikuyu country. I much hope that Dr Philp will be able to extend his leprosy work, and I trust that the Mission to Lepers will be able to help him if he seeks their aid." (Frank Oldrieve, British Empire Leprosy Relief Association, Secretary's Report No 5, "Report on Tour in Kenya Colony and Protectorate", 1927)

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