International Leprosy Association -
History of Leprosy

  • International Leprosy Association -
    History of Leprosy

    Matsuo Sasaki

    Japan, 1946- Profile
    Born in Iwate Prefecture in 1946, has been making ceramics for 13 years. Entered Tohokushinseien in 1957 and then returned to society, Reentered Tama Zenshoen in 1992. Many of her works make people smile because they express her kind personality, like the character in “My Neighbor Totoro.” Looked up to Koichi Kondo, leader of a harmonica band of blind musicians, as a mentor.
    Blue Bird Band Matsuo Sasaki
    Messages from Mr. Koichi Kondo Matsuo Sasaki
    Messages from Mr. Koichi Kondo Matsuo Sasaki
    Messages from Mr. Koichi Kondo Matsuo Sasaki
    Messages from Mr. Koichi Kondo Matsuo Sasaki
    Messages from Mr. Koichi Kondo Matsuo Sasaki
    Relaxing Matsuo Sasaki