International Leprosy Association -
History of Leprosy

  • International Leprosy Association -
    History of Leprosy


    Dr Chapman Hunter Binford

    Status Physician
    Country USA


    Chapman Hunter Binford (1900-1990) was Chief of Infectious Disease Pathology at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology from 1951 to 1955. He was appointed medical director of Leonard Wood Memorial in 1963 and vice-president of International Leprosy Association from 1968, and was executive director of the International Journal of Leprosy. He received the Damien Dutton Award in 1971. Binford carried out extensive research into leprosy, primarily on the search for, and evaluation of, animal experimental models and on the pathology of leprosy.

    International Journal of Leprosy, Centennial Festskrift edition, Vol 41, No 2. 1973.

    See also obituary by fellow mycologist, JP Utz, in Mycopathologia, 116.1 (1991): 2, and

    HP Burchfield, "Armadillo leprosy and a failed vaccine", World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology 15 (1999): 653-667.

    Research Institute(s) associated with:
    Leonard Wood Memorial, Cebu, Philippines


    CW Emmons, CH Binford, JP Utz, Medical Mycology. London: 1963.

    Binford contributed to over 50 articles on leprosy between 1951 and 1998.

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