International Leprosy Association -
History of Leprosy

  • International Leprosy Association -
    History of Leprosy


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    1848 Hospital dos LázarosRaposo, J M, 'Observação de um caso de elephantiase dos gregos'. Archivo Médico Brasileiro, 1848:4 (5) 109-111. (In Biblioteca Nacional) [Leprosarium] [Brazil]
    1848 Hospital dos Lázarosde M Albuquerque Pitta, M A, 'Parecer sobre o assacú'. Archivo Médico Brasileiro, 1848:4 (12) 274-9. (In Biblioteca Nacional) [Leprosarium] [Brazil]
    1848 Tocundubada Gama Malcher, J, 'História de quatro morphéticos que tem tomado o assacú'. Archivo Médico Brasileiro, 1848:4 (7) 156-9. (In Biblioteca Nacional) [Leprosarium] [Brazil]
    1848 Lazaretto, Black RockThe history of Barbados states that two acres in St. Michael's parish were purchased for an asylum at £ 271/17/ 6 (Schomburgk’s history) 1848. The buildings were begun but not completed; lunatics were housed here and another appropriation of £2000 was made to build a separate leprosy asylum. The actual start of construction is unknown because records were lost, but 12 July 1853 was given as the date for completion. (Cited from notes provided by Gerald F. Schroedl, Professor of Anthropology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville from Schomburgk’s history at the Barbados Museum and Archives) [Leprosarium] [West Indies]
    1849 Norway: Lungegaarde Hospital opened near Bergen under Dr Danielssen (Ehlers quoted in Rogers 17). [Other] [Europe]
    1849 LungegaardsFounded. [Leprosarium] [Norway]
    1850 Spain: a person with leprosy from the Philippines was reputed to have settled at Parcent, and by 1887, there were sixty cases of the disease in the area; by 1914, 898 cases; and by 1941, 928 (Leloir and Gehr quoted in Rogers 22). [Epidemiology] [Europe, South-East Asia]
    1850 RajkotEstablished by chiefs of Kathiawar, Major donor Takore Saheb of Shavnagar [Leprosarium] [India]
    1850 Almora TLM Hospital and HomeIn 1850, Almora was handed over to the London Missionary Society. It was supported by the Mission to Lepers. [Leprosarium] [India]
    1851 Almora TLM Hospital and HomeUnder charge of Rev. J H Budden, LMS [Leprosarium] [India]
    1851 Almora TLM Hospital and HomeIt was managed by the London Missionary Society from 1851 until 1926.
    Source: League of Nations Archive: File 29098. [Leprosarium] [India]
    1852 Hospital dos Lazaros da BahiaAzevedo, T G. 'Regulamento do Hospital de São Christovão dos Lazaros da Bahia.- Hospital e Quinta dos Lazaros, 6 de Setembro de 1852. Elaborado pelo seu fundador D. Rodrigo José de Menezes'. Arq. Pub. Baía, 1852.
    Source: Keffer, L, Índice Bibliográfico da Lepra:1.500-1.944, Vol II, I-P. Biblioteca do Departamento da Lepra do São Paulo, Brasil, 1946. [Leprosarium] [Brazil]
    1852 São LazaroAlves Branco Junior, J M, 'Extracto de jornaes de medicina - Jornal da Sociedade Pharmaceutica Lusitana'., Gazeta dos Hospitais do Rio de Janeiro, 1852:2 (23) 363-6. (In Biblioteca Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) [Leprosarium] [Portugal]
    1853 Professor F J Mouat of the Bengal Medical Service introduced chaulmoogra oil to Western medicine for the treatment of leprosy (Feeny Ch 12). [Treatment, People] [India]
    1854 Mouat's publication in the Indian Annals of Medical Science. [People, Publication]
    1854 Leprosy asylum established at Karbata, District Almora, India.
    Source: Dongre, History of Leprosy in India, p 54. [Other] [India]
    1854 The first account published in a medical journal, known of by Gluckman, was entitled “An Account of the Disease called Ngerengere by the New Zealanders (Lepra Gangraenosa)” and published in 1854 in the British and Foreign Medical – Chirurgical Review by Arthur Thomson, MD, Surgeon to the 58th Regiment. (L. Gluckman, “Leprosy in New Zealand before the Twentieth Century” August, 1962) [Other] [New Zealand]
    1854 Robben IslandDescribed by William Loney, in "Leprosy at the Cape", 1854. (The ILA Global Project on the History of Leprosy is not responsible for the content of external sites.) [Leprosarium] [South Africa]
    1854 Amballa (Ambala)The asylum was founded. Source: League of Nations Archive: File 29098 and Report on Leprosy and its Control in India by the Committee appointed by the Central Advisory Board of Health (1941). Government of India Press, New Dehli, 1942, p. 59. [Leprosarium] [India]
    1855 Successful use of chaulmoogra oil in China (Hobson) International Journal of Leprosy: Centennial Festskrift, 1 1873-1973. [Treatment] [China]
    1855 Norway: almost 3000 cases. Source: RG Cochrane, "Leprosy in Scandinavia", Leprosy Review, 24.1 (1953): 5-7. [Epidemiology] [Europe, Scandinavia]
    1856 Norway: census, 2 079 cases 1.91 per mille. [Epidemiology] [Europe]
    1856 Sweden: 67 cases Helsingland. [Epidemiology] [Europe]
    1856 Amballa (Ambala)American Missionaries [Leprosarium] [India]
    1857 Successful use of chaulmoogra oil in Bengal (Mouat) International Journal of Leprosy: Centennial Festskrift, 1 1873-1973. [Treatment] [India]
    1857 1857-1859 - Construction of the building that was to serve as the Carville center's administration building-designed by the notable New Orleans architect Henry Howard, who also designed Nottoway Mansion and other Mississippi River Road historic plantation manor houses, located on Louisiana's famous Great River Road. (Daughters of Charity, West Central Province Archives, “Record Group 11-2, Records of the National Hansen’s Disease Programs, Carville, Louisiana, Marillac Provincialate, St. Louis, Missouri”) [Other] [Carville, North America]
    1857 Carville1857-1859 - Construction of the Center's Administration building - designed by the notable New Orleans architect, Henry Howard, who also designed Nottoway Mansion and other Mississippi River Road historic plantation manor houses, located on Louisiana's famous Great River Road. ( [Leprosarium] [USA]
    1857 Pleiestiftelsen for Spedalske Nr 1Founded. [Leprosarium] [Norway]
    1858 Administration of India transferred to the Crown. The Indian Medical Service becomes the responsibility of the British Government, as distinct from Army Medical Department. [Other] [Europe, India]
    1858 Tarn TaranAt Armritsar - government institution [Leprosarium] [India]
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