Category | Hospital/Research Institute |
Country | India |
Address | Chengalpattu - 603 001, Tamil Nadu, India |
Telephone | (044) 27426274, 27426275, 27426065 |
Fax | (044) 27426064, 27427767 |
dircltri@dataone.in | |
URL | http://cltri.gov.in/ |
Also referred to as Chingleput, Tirumani, and Lady Willingdon Settlement, this institution dates from 1864 (Report from Surgeon E A Trimnell, Chingleput 5-6 under treatment). In 1927 it was aided by The Mission for Lepers as a government leprosy hospital. In 1930 an outpatients' clinic was in operation (Leprosy Review 1.4 (1930): 25). By 1935 it was the largest leprosarium in Madras presidency, with a capacity for 750 patients. In 1941 the Annual Report of the Madras Provincial Branch of BELRA for the year 1940-41 indicates a government agreement to the proposal that the anti-leprosy campaign should be located at the Lady Willingdon Leprosy Sanitorium, Chingleput, and that the name be changed from Settlement to Sanitorium. In 1941-1942 the Madras Council of BELRA reported 11.5 to 41.1 per 1 000 cases. (1941-1942 Annual Report, BELRA, Madras Provincial Council, Chingleput: Arpudha Press.)
The Rules, Regulations & Bye-Laws of the Central Leprosy Teaching & Research Institute Tirumani (Chingleput) outline the "Scheme for the Establishment of a Central Leprosy Research Institute"
"The Institute will be established at Chingleput in Madras State utilising the facilities available in that State, namely, (1) the Government Lady Willingdon Leprosy Sanatorium at Chingleput, and (2) the Silver Jubilee Children's Clinic at Saidapet. These institutions will be taken over by the Central Government. Additional facilities, such as the buildings to house the laboratories for the various departments for the Institute and the necessary equipment, will be provided by the Central Government.
The scope and functions of the Institute will include the following:
(a) To undertake research into the basic problems relating the the inception and spread of Leprosy.
(b) To promote field studies for the application of the results of basic researches to the problem of controlling leprosy in the community.
(c) To train leprosy workers of various types in sufficient numbers and of the requisite quality.
(d) To function as a Centre from which to give technical advice and guidance for the promotion of anti-leprosy work on sound lines.
(e) To participate actively in the organisation and development of State leprosy institutes when such are established and to make available its services for the invesigation of special problems in all parts of the country.
In 1963, when Stanley Browne visited what was now known as the Central Leprosy Teaching and Research Institute, he met Drs Dharmendra, Ramanujam, Ramu, Iyer, and Mohamed Ali.
In 1965 Ramanujam was publishing on long-acting sulphones. In 1965 Dharmendra and Noordeen and Ramanujam were working on the Prophylactic Value of DDS. The report for the institute in 1965 notes the death of Dr H Paul who was associated with the institute when it was Lady Willingdon Leprosy Sanatorium. Dr D Chakrabarti, Officer in Charge of the Leprosy Training Centre at Nagpur was appointed to follow in his footsteps, in the meantime, Dr K Ramanujam took responsibility for the Institute. Continuing studies on the prophylactic value of DDS appeared from this Institute. Reports also note collaboration between the Institute and the Christian Medical College and Hospital, Vellore, the Scheffelin Leprosy Research Sanatorium, Karigiri, the Central Leprosy Teaching and Research Institute, Chingleput, and the Leprosy Centre, Polambakkam.
Name | Director |
Organization | Central Leprosy Teaching & Research Institute |
Address | Chengalpattu - 603 001, Tamil Nadu, India |
Telephone | (044) 27426274, 27426275, 27426065 |
Fax | (044) 27426064, 27427767 |
dircltri@dataone.in | |
URL | http://cltri.gov.in/ |