International Leprosy Association -
History of Leprosy

  • International Leprosy Association -
    History of Leprosy


    Garkida Leprosy Hospital


    Category Leprosarium
    Country Nigeria
    Address Gongola State
    Current Address Adamawa State


    This hospital was founded in 1929 as the Garkida Agricultural Leper Colony by the Church of the Brethren Mission (USA). It is located on 2 500 acres of land. Until the early 1950s, it served as an isolation centre for leprosy patients. Although there was no effective treatment for leprosy patients during these early years, chaulmoogra oil injections were administered, and patients received treatment for other illnesses. They were instructed in crafts and improved agricultural methods.

    With the advent of antibiotics in the 1940s and the use of dapsone to treat leprosy, the role of the hospital changed. Out-patient clinics were opened throughout the province, so patients could get treated locally.

    Patients in the settlement area were encouraged to return to their homes, or settle in nearby villages.

    Consequently, by the 1970s, the number of patients living around the hospital had fallen to a handful.

    During the period of Dr Roy Pfaltzgraff as Medical Superintendent (1954-1982), the hospital became internationally well-known for developmental work in surgical rehabilitation, physiotherapy, protective footwear, prostheses and training.

    The Church of the Brethren Mission ran the hospital until 1976 when it was handed over to the Ministry of Health of the former Gongola State. In August 1991, Gongola State was split into Adamawa and Taraba States. At that time, the hospital had seventy beds, and became the Referral Centre for leprosy and dermatology patients in Adamawa State. The State population is around 2.4 million, but because of the hospital's location in the very far north of the State, approximately 45% of the patients are from the neighbouring states and Cameroon.

    From 1929 to 2002, the number of leprosy patients admitted was 12 507. This figure represents individual patients; it does not include readmissions and out-patients.

    Information supplied by Dr AG Barminus, Principal Medical Officer at Garkida Leprosy Hospital. Entry made 13 February 2003

    BELRA/LEPRA workers associated with this leprosarium:-

    Dr R Robertson, doctor, 1930-1931
    Mr Edward Hough, lay worker, 1957-1961
    Dr Roy Pfaltzgraff, doctor, 1962
    Mr Roland Huskinson, lay worker, 1979

    Information supplied by LEPRA

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