International Leprosy Association -
History of Leprosy

  • International Leprosy Association -
    History of Leprosy


    Makete Leprosarium


    Category Leprosarium
    Country Tanganyika
    Address Tukuyu, Makete
    Current Address Rungwe, Tanzania


    Dr ND Fraser visited the leprosarium in 1961, and made the following observations:

    'At the Tukuyu Government Hospital I met Dr. Carson and Sister Macnamara and accompanied them on a routine visit to the leprosarium. Dr. Wheate, formerly Medical Superintendent had been transferred to Ghazi; Mr. Powell, a BLRA [sic] worker had resigned to take up work for the blind; Sister Pedersen was on leave, and a new African Medical Assistant had just recently taken up his duties.'

    There 650 patients under treatment, with hospital beds for 36. Twelve out-patient clinics attend to some 3,000 patients. In spite of serious staff shortages the work seemed to be well maintained. Carson, who was to retire at the end of the month, saw all the patients in the wards and showed me over the leprosarium, including the new Church, which is a very attractive building.

    The leprosarium has some 5 sq. miles of land for cultivation. The Minster of Health at Dar-es-Salaam, however, feels it is a mistake for the Medical Department to be responsible for agricultural developments and it looks as if part of this land may be taken over for other use.

    The major problem is one of staff shortage, which is affecting nearly all the medical work in Tanganyika.

    Source: ND Fraser, "A review of leprosy work in Ethiopia, Uganda, N. Rhodesia and Tanganyika", Lep Rev, 33.2 (1962): 141-153; on p. 148.


    BELRA/LEPRA workers associated with this leprosarium:-

    Mr Lambert, lay worker, 1941-1946 (Awarded the MBE in 1942)
    Mr R Taylor, lay worker, 1946
    Mr Stanley Alderson, lay worker, 1946-1955
    Dr Cyril Wallace, doctor, 1950
    Mr & Mrs Fred Hobbs, nurses, 1951-1953
    Dr Harold Wheate, doctor, 1954-1956
    Mr Peter Ellis, lay worker, 1955-1960
    Mr Allan Powell, lay worker, 1957-1960
    Mr B Waters, lay worker, 1961-1962

    Source: Information supplied by LEPRA.

    Entry updated 19 Sept, 2006.

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