The following files directly relating to leprosy can be located at the Federal Archives in Koblenz. There may also be information on leprosy in files for tropical diseases, tropical medicine, epidemiology etc which would reward more extensive research.
B189 - Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (Ministry for Family, Seniors, Women and Youth)
- B/189/Arch Nr: 35889: Leprabekämpfung in Togo (Fight against leprosy in Togo)
(1975-1975) Az: 4532-11/5 Aktf:325
- B/189/Arch Nr: 35889: Lepra-Forschung in Borstel (Leprosy research in Borstel) (1976-1986) Az:
4532-11/6 Akft: 325
- B/189/Arch Nr: 35889 XI. Intern. Lepra-Congreß (XI. Intern. Leprosy Congress)
(1978-1978) Az: 4532-11/7 Akft: 325
- B/189/Arch Nr: 35889 Tätigkeit d.Lepra-Spezialisten Prof Enne Freerksen (Activity of Leprosy Specialist Prof Enne Freerksen)
(1978-1987) Az: 4532-11/4 Akft: 325
B353 - Bundesministerium fϋr Gesundheit (Ministry of Health)
- B/353/Arch Nr 700 Entwicklung eines AM gegen Lepra u. Tuberkulose (Development of a Drug against Leprosy and TB (1975-1975) Az: 5080/2 Aktf: 114)
R 73 Deutsche Forschungs Gemeinschaft (to 1945) (German Research Association)
Einschlägig sind einige Beihilfeakten im Bestand DFG bis 1945 (A few support files in the holding DFG up to 1945 are pertinent)
- R 73/10.124 Hilke Augustin, Berlin KWI (Antragsteller). Untersuchung über Eiweiss Cholesterin-Fraktionen bei Lepra und Infektionskrankheiten. (Investigation into Protein, Cholesterol Content in Leprosy and Infectious Diseases) (1940-1941)
- R 73/11262 Ernst Jakob Gminder, Tübingen. Untersuchung über die Lepra–Aetiologie und –bekämpfung, 1938-1940 (Investigation into the Etiology and Therapy of Leprosy)
- R73/12179 Prof. Viktor Klingmüller. Fortsetzung von Leprastudien, 1938-1940. (Advances in Leprosy Studies, 1938-1940)
- R73/14222 Rudolf Schaller, Bangkok (AA). Leprastudien, 1942-1943 (Leprosy Studies, 1942-43)
- R73/14401 Schmidt-Thome , Berlin KWI. Untersuchung über die Hämolyse, insbesondere bei Saponinhämolyse in Zusammenhang mit der Lepra-Hypothese Oberdörffers, 1942-1943 (Investigation into Haemolysis, Particularly in Saponinhaemolysis in Relation to Oberdörffer’s Leprosy Hypothesis 1942-1943)
Entry made June 15, 2006