International Leprosy Association -
History of Leprosy

  • International Leprosy Association -
    History of Leprosy


    Ecclesiastical Archive, Monastery in San Pelayo (Monasterio de San Pelayo), Asturias


    Category Institutional Archive
    Country Spain
    Address San Vicente, 11, Oviedo, Asturias, Spain
    Telephone + 985 218981


    Archivo Eclesiastico, Monasterio de San Pelayo (Asturias) [Eccleciastical Archive, Monastery in San Pelayo(Asturias)]

    This archive holds two specialised publications on leprosy in Asturias: Tolivar Faes, J, Leprosy Hospitals in Asturias during the Medieval and Modern Periods,(Oviedo, 1966) and Tolivar Faes, J, The Leprosy Hospital in San Lázaro del Cam, (Oviedo; Archivum, 1963).

    Entry made December 15, 2006


    Name Archivist
    Organization Ecclesiastical Archive, Monastery in San Pelayo
    Address San Vicente, 11, Oviedo, Asturias, Spain
    Telephone 985 218981

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