El Archivo del Reino de Galicia has been managed by the Regional Government of Galicia since 1989. It has its origins in “la Real Cédula de Carlos V” which was created February 3, 1529 and in “la Real Provisión” of the same Emperor and of his mother, Doña Juana, March 1, 1543. Its continuity was guaranteed by the “Real Cédula de Carlos III”, October 22, 1775, by which the archive itself was created. It was installed in “Palacio de la Real Audiencia” and transferred to the cellars of “el Palacio de Justicia” in 1936, where it remained until 1956, when it was complied in the building that it occupies at the moment.
Nowadays its capacity is approximately 17 linear km of bookcases, of which 12,400 linear meters are occupied.
It functions as the Archivo Histórico General de Galicia and the Archivo Histórico Provincial de A Coruña and holds documentation from all the Galician provinces and from Coruña province.
1 Subsection: Epidemiology and sanitary campaigns (1935-1981) 59-U.I. Compartida
- Provincial Inspection of Health
- Provincial Headquarters of Health
- Territorial Delegation of Health and Social Security
- Provincial Direction of Health and Consumption
The holdings in this section were acquired in 1992. They include 8 sections created by “la Dirección de Salud de la Junta de Galicia” from “el Sanatorio Marítimo de Oza” (the Marine Sanatorium from Oza). The documents arrived at Oza from “la Estación Sanitaria de Oporto” (the Sanitary Station in Porto.)
”La Subsección de Epidemiología y Luchas Sanitarias” [Subinspection of Epidemiology and Health Campaigns] corresponds with one of the functions of the Public Health Section, where all the activities related to the battle against infectious diseases, the activities of the sanitary police, vaccination campaigns, the operations of disinfection and decontamination, the sanitary statistics, etc. Leprosy is one of the topics included in the general documentation. These files include information about hospitals and the movement of patients.
2. Section: Public Health (1917-1983) 147-Books
The Public Health Section includes all the documents related to the prevention, protection and promotion of the public health in general. It includes two types of services: health care services, public health and social services, which contains, among others, “Foreign Health Policies and Epidemiology”, and on the other hand “Professional and health services”, health policies and institutional organisation. The main areas covered are:
- “La Sanidad Exterior en las provincias marítimas” (the Foreign Health Care in the naval districts and colonies.)
- “ Epidemiología, Vacunaciones, Desinfección, Estadística y Higiene del trabajo.” (Epidemiology, Vaccinations, Disinfection, Statistics and Hygiene)
- “Análisis higiénico-sanitaria.”(Hygiene and Sanitation Research)
- “ Tuberculosis, adscrita al Patronato Nacional Antituberculoso.” ( Tuberculosis, assigned to the Antitubercular National Board.)
- “ Puericultura y Maternología y Higiene escolar.” ( Puericultural, Maternal and Child Health Care and School Hygiene.)
- “ Venereología, Lepra y Enfermedades parasitarias del piel.” ( Venereology, Leprosy and Parasitic Diseases of the Skin.)
- “ Paludismo, Anquilostomiasis y Kala-zar.” (Malaria, Anquilotomiase and Kala-zar.)
- “Ingeniería y Arquitectura sanitarias, Higiene y Saneamiento urbano y rural y Obras Sanitarias.”( Sanitary engineering and architecture, hygiene and urban and rural sanitation and sanitary works.)
- “ Higiene de la alimentación y Vigilancia de alimentos y bebidas.”(Hygiene of nutrition and Monitoring of foods and drinks.)
- “Cancro y radioterapia.”( Cancer and x-ray.)
- “ Higiene mental y Toxicomanías.” ( mental hygiene and drug addictions.)
- “ Oftalmología.” (Ophtalmology)
- “Otorrinolaringología.” (Otorrinolaryngology)
- “ Odontología.” (Odontolgy)
According to the existing documentation, the documents are in two different subsections: “Sanidad Exterior” (Foreign Health Policy) and on the other hand, “Epidemiología y luchas sanitarias” (Epidemiology and Health Campaigns.)
Entry made December 18, 2006