Category | Hospital/Research Institute |
Organization | Instituto Estadual de Dermatologia Sanitária |
Country | Brazil |
Address | Rua Godofredo Viana, 64, Jacarepaguá, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil 20.231-092 |
Telephone | + 2423.3069 and + 2423.3065 |
URL | http://www.fs.rj.gov.br/ |
This summary of the records at Instituto Estadual de Dermatologia Sanitária (Antigo Hospital Colônia of Curupaiti) was carried out by Elisabeth Poorman as part of the Brazilian Archival Preservation Project, 2007.
Entry made June 18, 2007
Name | Elisabeth Poorman |
Organization | Instituto Estadual de Dermatologia Sanitária |