International Leprosy Association -
History of Leprosy

  • International Leprosy Association -
    History of Leprosy


    Dr Neil Duncan Fraser

    Status Physician
    Country United Kingdom


    Neil Duncan Fraser, MB, ChB, DTM&H. (England, 1900-1969) was a well-known authority on the care and control of leprosy. He began his work in South China in 1924 as part of the English Presbyterian Mission. In 1928 he was responsible for planning and controlling the whole Swatow region in Southwest China and, with the help of Mission to Lepers, he developed village clinics for the treatment of leprosy. In 1946 he joined Mission to Lepers as part-time secretary for China. From 1950 to 1960, as medical superintendent, he played a strong role in the development of Hay Ling Chau Leprosarium, Hong Kong. He was quick to use every modern method of communication to ensure that leprosy workers all over the world were informed of the dramatic advances in medicine, surgery and rehabilitation. In 1960 he joined the Mission to Lepers staff in London as medical secretary, and was one of the strongest advocates of changing the name to The Leprosy Mission in 1966. He was also a contributing editor to the International Journal of Leprosy.

    International Journal of Leprosy, Centennial Festskrift edition, Vol 41, No 2. 1973.


    ND Fraser, "A Review of Leprosy Work in Ethiopia, Uganda, N. Rhodesia and Tanganyika", Leprosy Review 33.2 (1962): 141-153.


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