International Leprosy Association -
History of Leprosy

  • International Leprosy Association -
    History of Leprosy


    Professor Lorentz M. Irgens

    Status Physician
    Country Norway


    Lorentz Irgens (1942-), MD, PhD is a Norwegian epidemiologist and leprologist of international standing. He is currently Professor of Preventative Medicine and chairs a research group on Registry Based Epidemiology based at the University of Bergen, and Director of the Medical Birth Registry of Norway (MBRN), for the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.

    Lorentz Irgens gained his MD from the University of Bergen in 1967. After internships in Internal Medicine, Surgery and General Practice, he carried out National Service as a Medical Officer in the Royal Norwegian Navy in 1969. From 1970 he has been continually employed at the Institute of Hygiene and Social Medicine, University of Bergen as Research Fellow (1970-5), Assistant Professor of Preventative Medicine (1975), Associate Professor (1976-1987) and Professor (1987-). Irgens also gained a PhD from the University in 1980. Irgens has been invovled in a number of academic collaborations. From 1976 to 2000 he carried out epidemiological research on the prevalence of the mycobacteria in western Norway with Professor J Kazda. Between 1980 and 1985 he contributed towards a WHO project to establish and analyse a national leprosy register in Portugal, resulting in a article co-authored with MF Lechat (Louvain University, Belgium) and others. Between 1980 and 1993 he also collaborated with Professor DR Peterson of the University of Washington in research and publications on SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).

    Irgens was on the President’s Advisory Board for the ILA from 1978 to 1988 and the Board of Directors of the Armauer Hansen Research Institute in Addis Ababa from 1984 to 1989. Since 1980 he has served as a consultant on leprosy to the WHO.

    From 1985 he has developed a strong research agenda on perinatal health, and is a member of several national and international research groups and committees concerned with birth defects. In 1986 he was appointed Director of the Medical Birth Registry of Norway (MBRN), part of the Norwegian Institute of Public Health and, in 1987, he became a full Professor of Preventative Medicine at the University of Bergen. He founded the Nordic Association of Medical Birth Registries (NOMBIR) in 1996. Through the 1990s Irgens participated in research projects based in Norway, Denmark and Sweden, and chaired several European groups involved in the surveillance of birth defects. In his capacity as Director of the MBRN he has continued to oversee substantial research on perinatal risk factors.

    Irgens has published extensively on leprosy, perinatal health and preventative medicine.


    1. Irgens L. Kort historikk vedrørende lepra og lepraforskning i Bergen, Nord Vet Med, 1970;22: suppl.2:23-29.
    2. Irgens LM. Leprosy in Norway: An Interplay of Research and Public Health Work. Int J Leprosy, 1973;41:189-198.
    3. Irgens LM, Bjerkedal T. Epidemiology of leprosy in Norway: the History of The National Leprosy Registry of Norway from 1856 until today. Int J Epidemiol, 1973;2: 81-89.
    4. Irgens LM. Epidemiology of leprosy in Norway. The control of a public health problem. Int J Leprosy, 1973;41:597.
    5. Bjerkedal T, Irgens LM. Epidemiology of leprosy in Norway: Changes in age distribution of new cases during a period of decreasing incidence. Int J Leprosy 1973; 41:597-598.
    6. Irgens LM. En forskerbragd for 100 år siden. Om Armauer Hansens oppdagelse av leprabasillen. Forskningsnytt, 1973; 2 :32-36.
    7. Irgens EM. Armauer Hansen: Norsk lege med verdens-berømmelse. Programbladet, 1973; 8:42.
    8. Irgens EM, Bjerkedal T. Utvikling av informasjonssystemer i helsesektoren og bruken av disse i det forebyggende helsearbeid. Tidsskr. Nor Lægeforen, 1976;96:295-300.
    9. Irgens EM, Bjerkedal T, Fotland E, Helgesen T. Utvikling av arbeidsrutiner i skolehelsetjenesten. Vurdering av en metode for screening av skolebarn med hensyn på mistrivsel. Tidsskr Nor Lageforen, 1 976;96:407-4 11.
    10. Hellesøy OH, Irgens LM. Utvikling av arbeidsrutiner i skolehelsetjenesten. Samarbeidsmodell for diagnostikk og terapi med srlig henblikk på tilpasningssvikt. Skolehygienisk Tidsskr, 1 976;64: 55-61.
    11. Irgens LM, Hellesøy OH. Utvikling av arbeidsrutiner i skolehelsetjenesten. Screening på mistilpasning og kvantitering av intervensjonsbehov. Skolehygienisk Tidsskr, 1976;64:62-74,
    12. Irgens LM, Hellesøy OH, Skagseth PA. Systematisk utnyttelse av elevundersokelser ved skolestart. Et forsok på å tilrettelegge muligheter for sosialmedisinsk arbeid. Institutt publikasjon basert på foredrag ved Den IV nordiske kongress i sosialmedisin, Uppsala, 1977.
    13. Irgens LM, Nome Eikhom S, Bjerkedal T. Maladjusted Children and the school Health Services. Development of a Screening Test for Routine Use. Scand J Soc 1977; 31-39. (Also in Polish).
    14. Bjerkedal T, Irgens LM. Forebyggende helsearbeid - forutsetninger og arbeidsmåte, In Blekeli RD, Selmer KS, eds. Data og personvern Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. 1977: 149-152, Also in Tranøy KE ed. Fra filosofi til fysiologi. Universitetsforlaget 1987:95-99.
    15. Irgens LM. Informasjonssystemer I helsestasjonsarbeidet. In Hellesøy OH, ed. Mentalhygienisk arbeid ved helsestasjonene i Bergen. Arbeidsrapport til Helseseksjonen, Bergen Kommune, 1978.
    16. Irgens LM. Øyefagets saga. Kronikk i Bergens Tidende, 11.09.78.
    17. Irgens LM. Leprosy in Norway; Epidemiological Aspects. In Nunzi E, ed. Leprosy in Europe. Bologna: Amici di R. Foullereau. 1979:70-87.
    18. Irgens LM. Leprosy in Norway; Social rehabilitation. ibid.: 222-223.
    19. Irgens LM. Leprosy in Norway; Legislation. ibid.: 267-274.
    20. Kazda J, Müller K, Irgens LM. Cultivable mycobacteria in sphagnum vegetation of moors POE in south Sweden and coastal Norway. Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand (B), 1979;87:97-101.
    21. Bråtveit A, et al., Irgens LM, Nilsson F. Primærhelsetjenesten i en kommune. Ønsker og holdninger hos befolkningen. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen, 1979;99:1322-1326.
    22. Irgens LM. Lepra i Norge, - en epidemiologisk studie basert på et nasjonalt pasientregister. Et kort sammendrag. Instituttrapport, Bergen, 1979.
    23. Irgens LM, Skjærven R. The Use of Information in Addition to Incidence Rates in the Evaluation of a Vaccination Trial Against Leprosy. In Latapi F, Saul A, Rodriguez O, Malacara M, Browne SG, eds. Leprosy. Experta Medica, Amsterdam, Oxford, Princeton, 1980.
    24. Irgens LM. Leprosy in Norway. An epidemiological Study Based on a National Patient Registry. Lepr Rev, 1980; 51 Suppl. 1: 1-130 (Doctoral thesis).
    25. Kazda J, Irgens LM, Müller K. Isolation of Non-Cultivable Acid-Fast Bacilli in Sphagnum and Moss Vegetation by Foot Pad Technique in Mice. Int J Lepr, 1980; 48: 1-6.
    26. Müller K, Kazda J, Irgens LM. Zum Vorkommen von Myko-bakterien in Mooren. Telma, 1980;10:245-252.
    27. Irgens LM. Guide to The Leprosy Museum. The Bergen Collections on the History of Medicine, J.D. Beyer, Bergen. (Also in Norwegian, German, French and Spanish).
    28. Hellesøy OH, Irgens LM. The School Health Services and Psycho-Social Health Problems. Some Principles and Practical Implications. Scand J Soc Med,1980;24: Suppl.:9-18.
    29. Hellesøy OH, Irgens LM. The School Health Services and Psycho-Social Health Problems. A Model for Cross Professional Co-operation. Scand J Soc Med, 1980;24: Suppl.:19-25.
    30. Irgens LM, Hellesøy OH. The School Health Services and Psycho-Social Health Problems. Operational Diagnostics and Intervention. Scand J Soc Med, 1980;24: Suppl.:27-34.
    31. Irgens LM. Leprosy in Norway, - a historical reminder. Research in Norway, 1980:32-39. (Commissioned by the journal).
    32. Iversen PF, Skjærven R, Irgens LM. Engen sykehjem. Sosial bakgrunn for pasienter innlagt i et sentralsykehjem mellom 1965 og 1978. I Beverfelt E, Julsrud AC, Kjærstad H, Nygård AM, eds. Nordisk gerontologi, 4. nordiske kongress i gerontologi. Oslo, Nordisk selskap for aldersforskning, 1980:184-187.
    33. Irgens LM, Kazda J, Müller K, Eide GE. Conditions relevant to the occurrence of acidfast bacilli in sphagnum vegetation. Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand (B), 1981;89:41-47.
    34. Irgens LM. Trafikkulykkenes epidemiologi, - årsaksforhold og forebyggelse fra medisinsk synsvinkel. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning, 1981;22: 17-38.
    35. Irgens LM. Epidemiological aspects and implications of the disappearence of leprosy from Norway: some factors contributing to the decline. Lepr Rev, 1981;52:Suppl.1:147-165. (Also in Chinese).
    36. Irgens LM. Skolehelsetjenesten i Norge. Socialmedicinsk tidsskrift, 1982;59:156-162. Special issue on the school health services in Scandinavia. Commissioned by the journal.
    37. Irgens LM. Prevention of Disease and Promotion of Health by the School Health Services through Early Detection. A Special Programme for Psycho-Social Health Problems. The Dutch Journal of Social Medicine, 1982;60:675-80.
    38. Haavik J, et al., veileder Irgens LM. Plutselig uventet spedbamsdød: en litteraturgjennomgang og en undersøkelse av forekomster i Norge. Student-seminararbeid ved Institutt for hygiene og sosialmedisin, 19.nov. 1982.
    39. Irgens LM. Lepra; fra fortidens Norge og nåtidens U-land. Naturen 1983;1:17-20, (Commissioned by the journal). Also in ‘Bergen i Verden’, Universitetet i Bergen. 1985:213-219.
    40. Irgens LM. Skolehelsetjenesten, - et strategisk felt for forebyggende helsearbeid og epidemiologisk forskning. Socialmedisinsk tidsskrift, 1983; 60: 139-147.
    41. Irgens LM. The Discovery of Mycobacterium Leprae. A medical Achievement in the Light of Evolving Scientific Methods. Am J Dermatopathol, 1984;6:337-343. (Commissioned by the journal).
    42. Irgens LM, Skjærven R, Peterson DR. Prospective Assessment of Recurrence Risk in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Siblings. J Pediatr. 1984; 104:349-351. Also in Colorado SIDS program, 1984.
    43. Sommerfelt H, Irgens LM, Christian M. Geographical Variations in the Occurrence of Leprosy: Possible Roles Played by Nutrition and Some Other Environmental Factors. Int J Lepr, 1985;53:524-532.
    44. Irgens LM, Skjærven R. Secular Trends in Age at Onset, Sex Ratio and Type Index in Leprosy Observed During Declining Incidence Rates. Am J Epidemiol, 1985;122:695-705.
    45. Irgens LM. Secular Trends in Leprosy: Increase in Age at Onset Associated with Declining Rates and Long Incubation Periods. Int J Lepr, 1985;53:610-617.
    46. Irgens LM, Kazda J. The Epidemiological Significance of the Occurrence of Mycobacterium Leprae-like Microorganisms in the Environment. In Desikan KV, ed. XII International Leprosy Congress, Proceedings. New Delhi 1985: 363-365.
    47. Irgens LM, Skjærven R, Peterson DR. Prospective Assessment of Recurrence Risk in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Siblings. In Oski F, Stockman JA, eds. The Yearbook of Pediatrics. Chicago, Yearbook Medical Publishers Inc., 1985;570-571.
    48. Sommerfelt H, Irgens LM, Christian M. Variation in the Occurrence of Leprosy within small Geographical Areas; Some possible Epidemiological Clues. In Desikan Ky, ed. XII International Leprosy Congress, Proceedings. New Delhi, 1985:575-577.
    49. Waaler PE, Helland-Hansen K, Miljeteig H, Osphaug O, Irgens LM. Barneneurologiske studier ved lese/skrive-vansker-/dysleksi. Foredrag ved Symposium om lese/skrivevanskelig-heter hos barn, Nordisk Øjenhugemøde, Århus, 1985 og ved Årsmøte i Nordisk Neuropediatrisk Forening, Nådenda1 (Finland), 1985.
    50. Kazda J, Ganapati R, Revankar C, Buchanan TM, Young DB, Irgens LM. Isolation of environment - derived Mycobacterium leprae from soil in Bombay. Lepr Rev,1986;57:Suppl. 3:201-208.
    51. Irgens LM, Skjærven R. Sudden infant death syndrome and post perinatal mortality in Norwegian birth cohorts 1967-1980. Acta Pædiatr Scand, 1986;75:523-529.
    52. Irgens LM, Skjærven R. Familier som mister barn. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen, 1986;106:777-78.
    53. Irgens LM, Skjærven R. SIDS and Risks of Subsequent Siblings in Norway. In Infantile Apnea, Home Monitoring. NIH Consensus Development Conference, Statement 6 no. 6,1986.
    54. Irgens LM, Skjærven R. Secular Trends of SIDS in Norway. Ibid. 1967-1984. pp. 34-35
    55. Irgens LM. Home Monitoring of Infantile Apnea in Norway. Ibid.
    56. Irgens LM. (red) Årsmelding MFR 1985 (Summary and tables in English), Bergen 1986.
    57. Irgens LM. (red) Fodsier og perinatale helseproblemer 1967-1984 (Summary and tables in English), Bergen 1987.
    58. Irgens LM, Skjærven R. Sudden infant death syndrome and risk of subsequent siblings. XI Scientific Meeting of the International Epidemiological Association, Helsinki, August 1987 (Abstr. p.31).
    59. Lie RT, Irgens LM. The contribution of early neonatal care to the recent decline in early neonatal mortality rates in Norway. XI Scientific Meeting of the International Epidemiological Association, Helsinki, August 1987 (Abstr p. 126).
    60. International Clearinghouse for Birth Defects Monitoring Systems. Epidemiology of Bladder Exstrophy and Epispadias. Teratology 1987;36:221-227.
    61. Irgens LM. (red) Årsmelding MFR 1986, (Summary and tables in English) Bergen, 1987.
    62. Skjærven R, Irgens LM, Lie RT, Bjerkedal T. Parity specific perinatal mortality. A longitudinal study based on sibships. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 1987; 1:163-83.
    63. Lie RT, Irgens LM, Skjærven R, Bergsjø P, Secular changes in early neonatal mortality in Norway, 1967-1981. Am. J. Epidemiol. 1987;125,1066-78.
    64. Skjærven R, Irgens LM. Perinatal mortality and mother’s marital status at birth in subsequent siblings. Early Human Development, 1988; 18:199-212.
    65. Irgens LM. (red) Årsmelding MFR 1987, (Summary and tables in English) Bergen, 1988.
    66. Skjærven R, Irgens LM, Lie RT. Sex Differences in Neonatal Survival. Relationship to Birthweight and Gestational Age. (letter) Int J Epidemiol, 1988;17:687-688.
    67. Knudtzon J, Solberg LK, Grieg E, Skjærven R, Steen J, Irgens LM. Høyde, vekt og hodeomkrets hos 0-4 år gamle barn. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen, 1988;108:2136-2142.
    68. Meberg A, Broch H, Wefring KW, Irgens LM. Cerebral parese i Vestfold 1970-84. Insidenstall i en periode med fallende peri-og neonatal dødelighet. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen,1988;l08:2l2-214. Also in Nordisk Medicin 1988,103,244-246.
    69. Irgens LM, Lie RT. Birth defects monitoring systems. Am J Epidemiol (letter), 1988; 128 :679.
    70. Irgens LM, Skjærven R, Peterson DR. Sudden infant death syndrome and recurrence in subsequent siblings. (letter). J Pediatr, 1988; 112:501.
    71. Skjærven R, Wilcox A, Lie RT, Irgens LM. Selective fertility and the distortion of perinatal mortality. Am J Epidemiol, 1988,128:1352-63.
    72. Meberg A, Broch H, Wefring KW, Irgens LM. Cerebral palsy as a parameter in perinatal quality control. XI European Congress of Perinatal Medicine, Roma 1988 (abstract).
    73. Waaler PE, Helland-Hansen K. Osphaug O, Miljeteig H, Larsen JL, Bruland H, Irgens LM. Neurologiske undersøkelser av barn med dysleksi. I Bergens-prosjektet III, Studier av barn med dysleksi og andre lærevansker, Universitets-forlaget, Oslo, 1988: 277-287, 445-463, 471-488. 73a. Waaler PE, Helland-Hansen K, Miljeteig H, Opshaug O, Larsen JL, Bruland H, Irgens LM. Neurological Examinations. In Gjessing HJ, Karisen B(Ed) A Longitudinal Study of Dyslexia. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 1989, pp.210-266
    74. Irgens LM. På hvilken måte kan Medisinsk fødselsregister yte service til perinatalkomiteene? Rapport fra konferanse om perinatal omsorg, sept. 1987. Helsedirekoratet, Oslo1988.
    75. Irgens LM, Skjærven R. Occurrence of birth defects in various categories of Norwegian municipalities. Abstract. Eur J Epidemiol, l989;5:255.
    76. Lie RT, Irgens LM, Skjærven R. Secular changes in prevalence at birth of Down syndrome among young mothers in Norway, 1967-1986. Abstract. Eur. J. Epidemiol. 1989;5:257.
    77. Irgens LM, Skjærven R, Lie RT. Secular Trends of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Other Causes of Post Perinatal Mortality in Norwegian Birth Cohorts. Acta Paediatrica Scandinavica, 1989;78:228-232.
    78. Waaler PE, Knudtzon J, Grieg E, Skjærven R, Solberg LK, Steen J, Irgens LM. Nye norske hodeomkretser for barn. XX Nordiska Neuropediatriska Konferensen, Uddevalla, Sverige,1989.
    79. Irgens LM. Kampen mot lepra i Norge. XII nordiske medisinskhistoriske kongress, Bergen, 1989, 1.
    80. Irgens LM, Lie RT, Skjærven R, Reitan JB, Strand P, Ulstein M, Skeie Jensen T. Birth defects and the environment; increased need for epidemiologic surveillance after Chernobyl. XII nordiske perinatalkongress, Bergen, 1989:22-23.
    81. Irgens LM. Epidemiologic Surveillance of Birth Defects in Norway; Methods and Some Results. Book of abstracts, p. 20. Joint meeting ICBDMS-CSR, Prague 1989.
    82. Lie RT, Heuch I, Skjærven R, Irgens LM. Surveillance with Ascertainment Control by Double Registration. Abstract Ibid. p.26.
    83. Irgens LM. Folkesykdommen Lepra. Naturen, 1989, no.6, 207-212.
    84. Irgens LM. (red) Årsmelding MFR 1988 (summary and tables in English) Bergen 1989.
    85. Irgens LM. Krybbedød, trender i utviklingen. Rapport fra Konferanse om perinatal omsorg sept. 1988 Ref. ved Marit Kromberg. Helsedirektoratet, Oslo 1989. pp. 37-49.
    86. Irgens LM. Prenatal diagnostikk, konsekvenser for overvåking av medfødte misdannelser. Abstract. Ibid, 60-61.
    87. Skjerve E, Ulstein M, Skeie Jensen T, Irgens LM, Lie RT, Sivertsen E, Skjeldestad FE. Svangerskapsutfall i noen norske fylker før og etter Tsjernobylulykken. (Forfatterne kommenterer). Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen, 1990; 110:359-62.
    88. Irgens LM, Melo Caeiro F, Lechat MF. Leprosy in Portugal 1946-1980. Epidemiologic patterns observed during declining incidence rates, Leprosy Review, 1990;61:32-49.
    89. Lie RT, Irgens LM, Skjærven R, Reitan JB, Strand P and Strand T. Birth Defects in Norway by Levels of External and Food-Based Exposure to Radiation from Chernobyl. Am J Epid 1992;136:377-88.
    90. Ulstein M, Skeie Jensen I, Irgens LM, Lie RT, Sivertsen E. Outcome of Pregnancy in one Norwegian County 3 Years Prior to and 3 years Subsequent to the Chernobyl Accident. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 1990;69:277-280.
    91. Kazda J, Irgens LM, Kolk AHJ. Acid fast bacilli found in sphagnum vegetation of coastal Norway containing myco-bacterium leprae specific phenoloc glycolipid I. Int J Leprosy, 1990;58:353-357.
    92. Skjærven R, Lie RT, Irgens LM. Low Birthweight and Perinatal Mortality. Dependencies BytteSin Outcome between Successive Sibs. Int J Epidemiol, submitted.
    93. Bakke HK, Ursin G, Volden KS, Irgens LM, Venner B. Undersøkelse av helse- og funksjonstilstanden hos hjemmeboende eldre som grunnlag for vurdering av hjelpebehov og evaluering av helsetjenesten. (in manuscript).
    94. Lie RT, Heuch I, Irgens LM. A Temporary Increase of Down Syndrome Among Births of Young Mothers in Norway: An Effect of Risk Unrelated to Maternal Age? Genetic Epidemiology 1991;8:217-230.
    95. Lie RT, Heuch I, Irgens LM. Maximum likelihood estimation of the proportion of congenital malformations using double registration systems. Biometrics 1994; 50: 433-444.
    96. Irgens LM, Skjærven R. Ugift mor, - fremdeles overrisiko? Rapport fra Konferanse om perinatal omsorg, nov. 1989. Helsedirektoratet, Oslo 1990, 21-27.
    97. Irgens LM. Forebyggende helsearbeid, dagens oppgaver og frerntidige utfordringer. I Anders Chr. Gogstad ed: “Hva skjer i heisevesenet?’ (Debattbok, uklart om den vil bli utgitt).
    98. Irgens LM. Urn svangerskapsavbrudd etter 18 uker. I: Abort etter 18. svangerskapsuke på grunn av fosterskade. Helse-direktoratets utredningsserie 8-90, Oslo 1990, 181-191.
    99. Bakke A, Irgens LM, Malt U, Høisæter PÅ. Clean Intermittent Catheterization, - Performing Abilities, Aversive Experience and Distress. Paraplegia 1993;31:288-297.
    100. Bakke A, Høisater PÅ, Irgens LM, Vollset SE. Physical complications in patients treated with clean intermittent catheterization. Scand. J. Urol. Nephrol. 1993; 27: 55-61.
    101. Daltveit AK, Irgens LM, Vollset SE. Risikoforhold ved transportfødsler i Norge 1967-88. Tidsskr. Nor Lægeforen 1991:111:1217-21.
    102. Irgens LM. Årsaker til krybbedød - hva vet vi, hva trenger vi av ny kunnskap? Helsedirektoratets konferanse om helsestasjonsvirksomhet inklusiv svangerskapsomsorg. Stavanger 19.-21. september 1990 (Mai Dalen ed.) Oslo 1990 37-63.
    103. Irgens LM. Mors subite du nourrison et risque de recurrence. Euromedecine 90, Montpellier 1990, pp. 318-319. Also in Revue International du Pediatrie.
    104. Skjerve E, Ulstein M, Skeie Jensen T, Irgens LM, Lie RT, Sivertsen E, Skjeldestad FE. Svangerskapsutfall i noen norske fylker før og etter Tsjernobylulykken. En kommentar. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen, 1990; 110:2109-10.
    105. Irgens LM, Lie RT, Ulstein M, Skeie Jensen I, Skjærven R, Sivertsen E, Reitan JB, Strand P, Strand T, Skjeidestad FE. Pregnancy outcome in Norway after Chernobyl. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 1991 ;45 :233-241.
    106. Kristensen P, Irgens LM, Daltveit AK, Andersen AA. Perinatal outcome among children of male printers exposed to lead and organic solvents. Am.J.Epidemiol. 1993;137:134-44.
    107. Irgens LM. Introduction In Gumiar Kvåle ed.: Utviklings-muligheter for epidemiologisk forskning. Bergen 1991, pp. 9-10.
    108. Irgens LM. Hvorfor trenger helsevesenet personopplysninger? Ibid, 1991 pp.74-89.
    109. Irgens LM. Perinatal epidemiologisk forskning. Ibid, 1991, pp. 109-112.
    110. Irgens LM, Skjærven R. Lie RT. Plutselig spedbarnsdød. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 1991:111: 234.
    111. Notzon F, Bergsjø P, Cole S, Irgens LM, Daltveit AK. Differences in obstetrical delivery practice: Norway, Scotland and the United States. Acta Obstetr Gynec Scand. 1991, 70: 451-460.
    112. Irgens LM. Some challenges of leprosy to modern epidemiology. The first European ECMLTA Congress, book of abstracts p.49, Geilo 1991.
    113. Irgens LM. Tsjernobylulykken. Konsekvenser i form av perinatale helseproblemer. I Rapport fra Helsedirektoratets konferanse om svangerskap- og perinatalomsorg. Oslo 1991 pp. 5-30.
    114. Irgens LM, Lie RT, Skjærven R. Birth Defects in Norway by levels of external and internal exposure in the three year period after the Chernobyl radio-active fallout. Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian Teratology Society 1991, Abstracts p. 1.
    115. Irgens, L.M. Hansen 150 years after his birth. The context of a medical discovery. Int. J. Leprosy, 1992, 60: 466-469.
    116. Irgens L.M. Leprosy. In Blockmans W.P. (e.d.) The Making of Europe, vol VIII Body and Mind, Hilversum 1992.
    117. Lie RT, Heuch I, Irgens LM. A new sequential procedure for surveillance of Down syndrome. Statistics in Medicine 1993; 12: 13-25.
    118. The International Clearinghouse for Birth Defects Monitoring Systems 1991(14 programmes) Conjoined Twins - An Epidemiological Study Based on 312 cases. Acta Genet Med Gemellol 1991, 40: 325-335.
    119. Irgens LM, Øyen N. The epidemiological definition of sudden infant death syndrome. Acta Paediatr Suppl. 1993;389:17-19.
    120. Irgens LM., Øyen N, Skjærven R. Recurrence of sudden infant death syndrome among siblings. Acta Paediatr. Suppl. 1993; 389:23-25.
    121. Irgens LM. Lepra i Norge; fremdeles noe å lære? Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen (ed.) 1992;1 12:3773-4.
    122. Bjerkedal T, Irgens LM. Medisinsk fødselsregister, -en guligruve for forskning. Nordisk Medicin 1993;108:211-2.
    123. Esphaug B, Daltveit AK, Vollset SE, Øyen N, Ericson A, Irgens LM. Infant Survival in Norway and Sweden 1985-88. Acta paed. 1994;83:977-82.
    124. Øyen N, Irgens LM, Skjærven R, Morild I, Markestad I, Rognum T.O. Secular trends of sudden infant death syndrome in Norway, 1967-1988. Application of a method of case identification to Norwegian registry data. Paediatric & Perinatal Epi. 1994; 8: 263-281.
    125. Smedby B, Irgens LM, Norvenius G. Consensus statement of epidemiology. Acta Pediatr 1993;Suppl 389:42-3.
    126. Irgens LM. Svangerskapsbrudd etter prenatal diagnostikk, meldeplikt og meldesvikt. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen, 1993;113: 3124-5.
    127. Irgens LM. Evaluation of perinatal effects in Norway after Chernobyl.
    128. Kristensen F, Irgens LM. Clusters of anophthalmia. No link with benomyl in Norway BMJ, 1994;308 :205-206.
    129. Hinderaker T, Daltveit AK, Irgens LM, Iden A. Reikerås O. The impact of intra-uterine factors on neonatal hip unstability. An analysis of 1.059.479 children in Norway. Acta Orthop. Scan. 1994;65:239-242.
    130. Wilcox A, Skjærven R, Irgens LM. Harsh Social Conditions and Perinatal Survival: An Age-Period-Cohort Analysis of the World War II Occupation of Norway. American J. Public Health. 1994;84:1463-1467.
    131. Bolton King P, Lie RT, Irgens LM. Risk of spina bifida and orofacial clefts among infants of mothers with epilepsy, and the use of anticonvulsant drugs in Norway 1967-1992. Am. J. Public Health, 1996;86:1454-56.
    132. Irgens LM, Markestad I, Baste V. Schreuder F, Skjærven R, Øyen N. Sleeping position and SIDS in Norway 1967-1991. Arch Dis Child 1995;72:478-82.
    133. Markestad I, Skadberg B, Hordvik F, Morild I, Irgens LM. Sleeping position and SIDS, effect of an intervention program to avoid prone sleeping. Acta Pediatrica 1995;84:375-378.
    134. Mostafa HM, Kazda J, Irgens LM, Hüesse HG. Acid fast bacilli from former leprosy regions in coastal Norway showing PCR positivity for mycobacterium leprae. Int J Leprosy 1995;63:97-99.
    135. Notzon FC, Cnattingius S, Bergsjø P, Cole S, Taffel S, Irgens LM, Daltveit AK. Cesarean section delivery in the 1980’s: International comparison by indication. Am.J.Obstet Gynecol 1994; 170:495-504.
    136. Düring von V, Maltau JM, Forsdahl F, Åbyholm T, Kolvik R, Ertzeid G, Steier A, Baste V, Irgens LM. Svangerskap, fødsel og barn etter in vitrofertilisering i Norge 1988-1991. T.n.lægeforen 1995;115:2054-2060.
    137. Irgens LM. (red) Årsmelding MFR 1992 (Summary and tables in English), Bergen 1993.
    138. Lie RT, Irgens LM. Heuch I. Epidemiologisk overvåking av medfødte misdannelser. En Epidemiologisk forskning om sammenhengen mellom miljø og helse, Rapport for perioden 1987-1992. Norges forskningsråd. Oslo 1994 pp. 91-96.
    139. Kristensen P. Andersen Aa, Irgens LM, Bye AS, Sundheim LS. Cancer in offspring of parents engaged in agricultural activities in Norway: Incidence and risk factors in the farm environment. Int. J. Cancer 1996, 65, 39-50.
    140. Kristensen P, Andersen Aa, Irgens LM, Bye AS, Vagstad N. Testicular Cancer and Parental use of Fertilizers in Agriculture: Cancer Epidemiology, Biomakers & Prevention 1996;5 :3-9.
    141. Irgens LM. Risk factors for SIDS. Do they exist? In Rognum TO. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. New Trends in the Nineties. Oslo Scandinavian Univ Press, 1995:99-105.
    142. NOMESKO: AFSTAT (Bille H, Rancke Madsen A, Ruusinen A, Gissler M, Virtanen M, Snædal G, Signaldason H, Biering G, Bergsjø P, Irgens LM, Daltveit AK, Karlberg P, Niklasson A, Ericson A, Hedberg C, Olausson PO). Birth and Infant Mortality in the Nordic Countries. København 1993:39.
    143. Øyen N, Skjærven R, Irgens LM. Population based recurrence risk of sudden infant death syndrome, compared with other infant and fetal deaths. Am. J. Epidemiol. 1996, 144, 300-305.
    144. Irgens LM, Helle K. Medisinske røtter i Bergen. I Universitetet i Bergens historic. Bergen,1996,2:248-267.
    145. Kristensen P, Andersen Aa, Irgens LM, Laake P, Bye AS. Incidence and risk factors of cancer among men and women in Norwegian agriculture. Scand. J. Work Environ. Health 1996, 22: 11-23.
    146. Irgens LM. (red) Årsmelding MFR 1993 (Summary and tables in English), Bergen 1994.
    147. Rasmussen S, Irgens LM, Bergsjø P, Dalaker K. The occurrence of placental abruption in Norway 1967-1991. Acta obst et gynecol. 1996;75:222-228.
    148. Rasmussen S. Irgens LM, Bergsjø P, Dalaker K. Perinatal mortality and case fatality after placental abruption in Norway 1967-1991. Acta obst et gynecol, 1996;75:229-234.
    149. Daltveit AK, Vollset SE, Olaussen PO, Irgens LM. Infant mortality in Norway and Sweden 1975-88: a cause specific analysis of an increasing difference. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology 1997; 11:214-27.
    150. Irgens LM, Øyen N. Recent trends in postneonatal mortality and the rate of sudden infant death in the Scandinavian countries. Conference report, Münster 1995.
    151. Markestad T, Irgens LM. Mageleie og krybbedød. T. norske lageforen. 1995; 115: 3480-1.
    152. Irgens LM. (red) Årsmelding MFR 1994 (Summary and tables in English), Bergen 1995.
    153. Vollset SE, Irgens LM. Folinsyre og svangerskap - sikker kunnskap, usikker praksis. T. norske Lægeforen. 1996; 116: 2 17-8.
    154. Rasmussen S, Irgens LM, Dalaker K. The effect on the likelihood of further pregnancy of placenta abruption and the rates of its recurrence. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1997;104:1292-1295.
    155. Hellesen HR, Vikane E, Lie RT, Irgens LM. Diabetes hos mor; normalisert perinatal dødelighet, men fortsatt økt fostervekst. T. norske Lægeforen. 1996; 116: 3465-9.
    156. Vollset SE, Irgens LM. Folatmangel, kreft og medfødte misdannelser. Forvirrende om folsyre og folinsyre. Tidsskr nor Lægeforen (Korr.) 1996; 116: 892-3.
    157. Kristensen P, Andersen Aa, Irgens LM, Bye AS, Sundheim L. Gestational age, birthweight and perinatal death among births to Norwegian farmers, 1967-1991. Am J Epidemiol 1997;146:329-38.
    158. Kristensen P, Irgens LM, Andersen Aa, Bye AS, Sundheim L. Birth defects in offspring of Norwegian farmers, 1967-1991. Epidemiology 1997;8 :537-44.
    159. Daltveit AK, Vollset SE, Irgens LM. Population density and perinatal mortality in Norway and Sweden, 1975-1988. Scand J Public Health. 1999; 27: 213-219,
    160. Campbell MK, Østbye T, Irgens LM. Post-term birth: Risk factors and outcomes in a 10 year cohort of Norwegian births. Obstetrics & Gynecology. 1997;89:543-548.
    161. Kristensen P, Irgens LM, Bjerkedal T. Enviromnental factors, reproductive history and selective fertility in farmers’ sibships. Am J Epidemiol 1997;145:817-25.
    162. Aibrechtsen S, Rasmussen S, Reigstad H, Askvik K, Markestad T, Irgens LM, Dalaker K. Evaluation of a protocol for selecting fetuses in breech presentation for vaginal delivery or cesarean section. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1997;177:586-92.
    163. Albrechtsen S, Rasmussen S, Dalaker K, Irgens LM. The occurrence of breech presentation in Norway 1967-1994. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 1998:77:410-415.
    164. Irgens Å, Krüger K, Skorve AH, Irgens LM. Yrke og reproduksjonsutfall. Prosjekt rapport fra Yrkesmedisinsk avdling og Medisinsk fødselsregister, Universitetet i Bergen, 1996:1-105.
    165. Irgens LM. Fødselsregisteret, historic og fremtidige oppgaver. Tellries G, Larsen Ø (Ed.). Epidemiologi og forebyggende helsearbeid. Festskrift ved Tor Bjerkedals 70 årsdag. UiO 1996 s. 12-19.
    166. Irgens LM, Øyen N. Recent trends in postneonatal mortality and the rate of sudden infant death in the Scandinavian countries. In Jorch G (Ed.) Prevention of Sudden Infant Death, European Workshop. Ministerium für Arbeit, Gesundheit und Sociales des Landes Nordrheim Westfalen. Münster 1996. pp. 1-11.
    167. Irgens LM. Medisinsk fødselsregister, en hjornesten i norsk epidemiologi. Norsk Epidemiologi 1997;7 (1): 5-10.
    168. Øyen N, Haglund B, Skjærven R, Irgens LM. Maternal smoking, birthweight and gestational age in sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) babies and their surviving siblings. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology 1997, II suppl. 84-95.
    169. Øyen N, Markestad T, Skjærven R, Irgens LM, Helweg-Larsen K, Alm B, Norvenius G, Wennergren G. Combined effects of sleeping position and prenatal risk factors in sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). The Nordic Epidemiological SIDS Study. Pediatrics 1997;100 (4):613-621.
    170. Irgens Å, Kruger K, Skorve AH, Irgens LM. Male proportion in offspring of parents exposed to strong static and extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields in Norway. Am J Industrial Med 1997;32:557-561.
    171. Wennergren G, Alm K, Øyen N, Helweg-Larsen K, Milerad J, Skjærven R, Norvenius SG, Lagerkrantz H, Wennborg M, Daitveit AK, Markestad T, Irgens LM. The decline in the incidence of SIDS in Scandinavia and its relation to risk-intervention campaigns. The Nordic Epidemiological SIDS Study. Acta Padiatr 1997;86:963-8.
    172. Helweg-Larsen K, Banner Lundemose J, Øyen N, Skjærven R, Alm B, Wennergren G, Markestad T, Irgens LM. Interactions of infectious symptoms and modifiable risk factors in sudden infant death syndrome. Acta Pediatrica 1999;88:521-7.
    173. Daltveit K, Øyen N, Skjærven R, Irgens LM. The epidemic of SIDS in Norway 1967-93 — Changing effects of risk factors. Arch Dis Child 1997;77:23-27.
    174. Stoltenberg C, Magnus P, Lie RT, Daltveit AK, Irgens LM. Influence of consanguinity and maternal education on risk of still birth and infant death in Norway 1967-1993. Am J Epidemiol 1998;148:452-9.
    175. Stoltenberg C, Magnus P. Lie RT, Daltveit AK, Irgens LM. Birth Defects and Parental Consanguinity in Norway. Am J Epidemiol 1997145:439-48.
    176. Kimmerle R, von Kries R, Lie RT, Irgens LM, Berger M, Wolf HG. A comparison of pregnancy outcomes in women with pregestational diabetes between Norway and Northlire (Germany) 1987-1992. Consequenses for the organisation of care? (Submitted)
    177. Albrechtsen S, Rasmussen S, Dalaker K, Irgens LM. Factors influencing delivery method in breech presentation. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 1998;77:416-421.
    178. Kelmanson I, Øyen N, Daltveit AK, Irgens LM, Skjærven R, Markestad T, Wennergren G, Alm B, Norvenius G, Helweg-Larsen K. A reexamination of the risk factors of SIDS in the.Scandinavian countries and in St. Petersburg (Russia). (Submitted)
    179. Haug K, Irgens LM, Markestad T, Skjærven R, Baste V, Schreuder PC. Secular trends in breastfeeding and parental smoking. Acta Paediatrica 1998; 87:1023-27.
    180. Bjerkedal T, Irgens LM, Daltveit AK. Occurrence and survival of low birthweight births in the Nordic Countries, 1980-1994. Health Statistics in the Nordic Countries, 1997;49:191-215.
    181. Bjerkedal T, Osnes K, Hinne PH, Irgens LM. Overlevelse og sykelighet blant barn med lay fødselsvekt. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 1997;117:3922-9.
    182. Irgens A, Kruger K, Skorve Al-I, Irgens LM. Medfødte misdannelser og fars yrkeseksposisjon: Hypoteser basert på funn fra tidligere studier etterprøvet i et norsk registermateriale. Norsk Epidemiologi 1997;7:13-18.
    183. Kristensen P, Irgens LM. Maternal Reproductive History: a registry based comparison of previous pregnancy data derived from maternal recall and data obtained during the actual pregnancy. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2000;79:471-77.
    184. Irgens LM. Epilog: Forskeren og mennesket. Johanne-Margrethe Patrix: Gerhard Armauer Hansen, leprabasillens oppdager. Bergen, Eide forlag 1997:242-57.
    185. Svanes C, Omenaas E, Heuch JM, Irgens LM, Gulsvik A. Birth characteristics and asthma symptoms in young adults: results from a population-based cohort study in Norway. Eur Respir J 1998;12:1366-1370.
    186. Ulstein M, Irgens Å, Irgens LM. Secular trends in sperm variables for groups of men in fertile and infertile unions. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 1999; 78: 332-335.
    187. Alm B, Milerad J, Wennergren G, Skjærven R, Øyen N, Norvenius G, Daltveit AK, Helweg-Larsen K, Markestad T, Irgens LM. A case-control study of smoking and sudden infant death syndrome in the Scandinavian countries, 1992-1995. Archives of Disease in Childhood 1998;78:329-334.
    188. Daltveit AK, Irgens LM, Øyen N, Skjærven R, Markestad T, Alm B, Wennergren G, Norvenius G, Helweg-Larsen K. Sociodemographic risk factors for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: associations with other risk factors. The Nordic Epidemiological SIDS Study. Acta Paediatrica. 1998 ;87:284-290.
    189. Irgens Å, Krüger K, Skorve AR, Irgens LM. Har tanniegeassistenter økt risiko for å få barn med hjernemisdannelser? Den norske tannlegeforenings tidende, 1997; 107:856-858.
    190. Botto LD, Khoury MJ, Mastroiacovo P. Castilla EE, Moore CA, Skjærven R, Mutchinik O, POP Borman B, Coechi G, Czeizel AE, Goujard J, Irgens LM, Lancaster PAL, Martinez Frias ML, Merlob P, Ruusinen A, Stoll C, Sumiyoshi T. The spectrum of congenital anomalies of the VATER Association: An International Study. Am. J. Med. Gen. 1997;71:8-15.
    191. Lie RT, Irgens LM. The Norwegian maternal birth cohort. International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine, 1997;10:191.
    192. Irgens LM, Maland HJ. Register for friskere barn. Bergens Tidende, (kronikk) 23/12 1997 s.20.
    193. Helweg-Larsen K, Øyen N, Milerad J, Irgens LM, Rognum TO. Pludselig spdbarnsdød i Norden. Sudden Infant Death in the Nordic countries. Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen, Tema-Nord 1997; 600:1-124.
    194. Irgens LM, Baste V, Wiik P. Halleraker JH, Lie RT. Clubfoot in offspring of servicemen in the Royal Norwegian Navy. Teratology 1998;57:34.
    195. Lie RT, Rasmussen S, Brunborg H, Gjessing HK, Lie-Nielsen F, Irgens LM. Fetal and maternal contributions to risk of pre-eclampsia: population based study. BMJ 1998;31 6:1343-47.
    196. Irgens Å, Krüger K, Skorve AH, Irgens LM. Reproductive Outcome in Offspring of Parents POP Occupationally Exposed to Lead in Norway. Am J of Industrial Medicine 1998;34:431-37.
    197. Alm B, Werinergren G, Norvenius G, Skjærven R, Øyen N. Helweg-Larsen K, Lagercrantz H, Irgens L M; Caffeine and alcohol as risk factors for sudden infant death syndrome. Archives of Disease in Childhood, l999: 81,107-111.
    198. Irgens LM, The Medical Birth Registry of Norway; a source for epidemiological and clinical research. Scand J Rheumatol 1998;27(Suppl 107):105-8.
    199. Skomsvoll JF, Ostensen M, Irgens LM, Baste V. Obstetrical and neonatal outcome in patients with rheumatic disease. Scand J Rheumatol 1998; 27(Suppl 107): 109-12.
    200. Albrechtsen S, Rasmussen S, Dalaker K, Irgens LM. Reproductive Career After Breech Presentation: Subsequent Pregnancy Rates, Interpregnancy Interval, and Recurrence. Obstetrics & Gynecology 1998;92:345-350.
    201. Vollset SE, Refsum H, Irgens LM, Emblem BM, Tverdal Aa, Hansen ALB, Ueland PM. Plasma total homocysteine, pregnancy complications and adverse outcomes: The Hordaland Homocysteine Study. Am J Clinical Nutrition 2000;71: 962-8.
    202. Albrechtsen S, Irgens LM, Dalaker K. Breech delivery protocol. (Letter) Am J Obstet Gynecol 1998;178:l 104.
    203. Bjerkedal T, Thune O, Irgens LM. Tidlig identifisering av barn med økt risiko for varig arbeidsuførhet. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 1999;119:652-6.
    204. Daltveit AK, Vollset SE, Skjærven R, Irgens LM. The impact of multiple births and elective deliveries on the trends in low birthweight in Norway 1967-95. Am J Epidemiol 1999;149: 1128-33.
    205. Rasmussen S, Irgens LM, Dalaker K. The effect on the likelihood of further pregnancy of placental abruption and the rate of its recurrence. (Author’s reply). Br J Obst Gyn 1998;105:l125.
    206. Albrechtsen S, Rasmussen S, Dalaker K, Irgens LM. Perinatal mortality in Breech Presentation Sibships. Obstetrics & Gynecology 1 998;92 :775-780.
    207. Rasmussen R, Irgens LM, Dalaker K. A history of placental dysfunction and risk of placental abruption. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology 1999; 13:9-21.
    208. Rasmussen S, Irgens LM, Dalaker K. Outcome of pregnancies subsequent to placental abruption: a risk assessment. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2000;79:496-501.
    209. Irgens Å, Irgens LM. Male proportions in offspring of military air pilots in Norway. Norsk Epidemiologi 1999;9:47-49.
    210. Irgens Å, Irgens LM. Interpreting the female excess among births to women with adverse chemical or occupational exposures. (Letter) Am J of Industrial Medicine, 1999;35:665.
    211. Kristensen P, Irgens LM. Multiple pregnancies among women engaged in agriculture in Norway, 1967-91. Norsk Epidemiologi 1999; 9: 57-64.
    212. Irgens LM. Genetisk epidemiologi og tvillingforskning (editorial). Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen, 1999;119:3251.
    213. Alm B, Norvenius G, Wennergren G, Skjærven R, Øyen N, Milerad J, Wennborg M, Kjarbeck J, Helweg-Larsen K, Irgens LM. Changes in the epidemiology of sudden infant death syndrome in Sweden 1973-1996. Arch Dis Child 2001;84:24-30.
    214. Alm B, Norvenius SG, Wennergren G, Lagerkrantz H, Helweg-Larsen K, Irgens LM. Living conditions in early infancy in Denmark, Norway and Sweden 1992-95: results from the Nordic Epidemilological SIDS study. Acta Paediatrica 2000;89:208-14.
    215. Rosano A, Smithells D, Cacciani L, Botting B, Castilla E, Cornel M, Erickson D, Goujard J, Irgens LM Merlob P. Robert E, Siffel C, Stoll C, Sumiyoshi Y. Time trends in neural tube defects prevalence in relation to preventive strategies: an international study. J of Epidemiology & Community Health 1 999;53 :630-635.
    216. Irgens LM. Barnedød i et tidsperspektiv i Landsforeningen til støtte ved krybbedød: Fakta og frykten om fremtiden, Oslo 1999:6-10.
    217. Irgens LM. Hvorfor informere om risiskofaktorer? Landsforeningen til støtte ved krybbedød: Fakta og frykten om fremtiden, Oslo 1999:22.
    218. Kristensen P, Andersen Aa, Irgens LM. Hormone-dependent cancer and adverse reproductive outcomes in farmers’ families: Effects of climatic conditions favoring fungal growth in grain. Scand J Work Environ Health 2000;26:331-337.
    219. Skomsvoll JF, Østensen M, Baste V. Irgens LM. Number of births, interpregnancy interval and subsequent pregnancy rate after a diagnosis of inflammatory rheumatic disease in Norwegian women. J Rheumatol 2001;28:2310-14.
    220. Alm B, Wemiergren G, Norvenius SG, Skjærven R, Lagerkrantz H, Helweg-Larsen K, Irgens LM. Vitamin A and sudden infant death syndrome in Scandinavia 1992-1995. Acta Paediatrica 2003;92(2): 162-4.
    221. Rasmussen S, Irgens LM, Albrechtsen S, Dalaker K. Predicting preeclampsia in the second pregnancy from low birth weight in the first pregnancy. Obstetrics & Gynecology 2000;96:696-700.
    222. Bergsjø P. Irgens LM, Lie RT. Registry based perinatal research. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2000;79:433-34.
    223. Irgens LM. The Medical Birth Registry of Norway. Epidemiological research and surveillance throughout 30 years. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2000;79:435-39.
    224. Irgens Å, Krüger K, Skorve AH, Irgens LM. Birth defects and paternal occupational exposure. Hypotheses tested in a record linkage based dataset. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2000;79:465-70.
    225. Haug K, Irgens LM, Skjærven R, Markestad T, Baste V, Schreuder P. Maternal smoking and birthweight: Effect modification of period, maternal age and paternal smoking. Acta Obstet Gynecol Seand 2000;79:485-89.
    226. Skomsvoll JF, Østensen M, Irgens LM, Baste V. Pregnancy complications and delivery practice in women with connective tissue disease and inflammatory rheumatic disease in Norway. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2000;79:490-95.
    227. Albrechtsen S, Rasmussen S, Irgens LM. Secular trends in pen- and neonatal mortality in breech presentation; Norway 1967-1994. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2000;79:508-512.
    228. Olsen J, Czeizel A, Sørensen HT, Nielsen GL, van den Berg U, Irgens LM, Olesen C, Pedersen L, Larsen H, Lie RT, de Vries C, Bergman U. How do we best detect toxic effects of drugs taken during pregnancy? A EuroMap paper. Drug Safety 2002;25(l):21-32.
    229. Moster D, Lie RT, Irgens LM, Bjerkeda T, Markestad T. The association of Apgar score POF with subsequent death and cerebral palsy; A population based study in term infants. J Pediatr. 2001 ;138:798-803.
    230. Skomsvoll JF, Ostensen M, Irgens LM, Baste V. Perinatal outcome in pregnancies of women with connective tissue disease and inflammatory rheumatic disease in Norway. Scand J Rheumatol 1999; 28:352-6.
    231. Irgens LM. Infeksjon og svangerskapsutfall, datagjenbruk og datakobling. Tidsskr Nor Lageforen 2000;120:999.
    232. Egeland GM, Skjærven R, Irgens LM. Birth characteristics of women who develop gestational diabetes: population based study. BMJ 2000;321:546-7.
    233. Hawthorne G, Irgens LM, Lie RT. Outcome of pregnancy in diabetic women in northeast England and in Norway, 1994-7. BMJ 2000;321:730-1.
    234. Egeland GM, Skjærven R, Irgens LM. Is a multiple birth pregnancy a risk factor for gestational diabetes? Letter. Am J Obstet Gynecol 200l;184:l275-76
    235. Irgens LM. Preface. In Kazda J. The ecology of mycobacteria. vii, Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dordrecht/Boston/London 2000.
    236. Irgens KH, Irgens LM. St. Jørgens Hospital. Institusjons- og bygningshistorie. Foreningen til norske fortidsminnesmerkers bevaring, årbok 2000;58-76.
    237. Irgens Å, Irgens LM. Secular trends in Uncertain-Sex Births and Proportion of Male Births in Norway, 1967-98. Arch Environ Health 2003;58:554-59.
    238. Irgens Å, Ulstein M, Irgens LM. Reproductive outcome according to semen quality in couples with infertility problems. Fertility and sterility 2001 ;76:209-l 1.
    239. Albrechtsen S, Irgens LM. Epidemiology and aetiology of breech presentation. In Kunzel W. (ed.). Breech delivery. Elsevier 2002:17-25.
    240. Rasmussen S, Irgens LM, Albrechtsen S, Dalaker K. Women with a history of placental abruption: When in a subsequent pregnancy should special surveillance for a recurrent placental abruption be initiated. Acta Obst Gyn Scand 200 l;80:708-712.
    241. Egeland GM, Skjærven R, Irgens LM. The reproductive health of daughters of pregestational diabetic women: Medical Birth Registry of Norway. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology 2002; 16:290-96.
    242. Irgens HU, Reisærther U, Irgens LM, Lie RT. Long term mortality of mothers and fathers after pre-eclampsia: population based cohort study. BMJ 2001;323;1213-17. Also in: Yearbook of obstetrics and gynecology 2003. Mosby Year Book Inc. 2002.
    243. Hawthorne G, Irgens LM, Lie RT. Outcome of pregnancy in diabetic women (letter). BMJ 2001;322:615.
    244. Nafstad P, Samuelsen SO, Irgens LM, Bjerkedal T. Pregnancy complications and the risk of asthma among Norwegians born between 1967 and 1993. Eur J Epidemiol 2003; 18(8):755-61.
    245. Skomsvoll JF, Østensen M, Baste V. Irgens LM. Validity of a rheumatic disease diagnosis in the Medical Birth Registry of Norway. Acta Obst Gynecol Scand 2002; 81:831-4.
    246. Skomsvoll JF, Østensen M, Baste V, Irgens LM. The recurrence risk of adverse outcome in the second pregnancy in women with rheumatic disease. Obstetrics & Gynecology 2002;100:l196-202.
    247. Nilsen ST, Daltveit AK, Irgens LM. Fødeinstitusjoner og fødsler i Norge i 1990-àrene, Tidsskr Nor Lageforen 2001; 121:3208-12.
    248. Nafstad P. Samuelsen SO, Irgens LM, Bjerkedal T. Birth weight and hearing impairment in Norwegians born 1967 to 1993. Pediatrics 2002;1l0(3):e30.
    249. Meberg A, Broch H, Irgens LM. Cerebral parese som nyfødt-medisinsk kvalitetsindikator. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 2001; 121:2917-22.
    250. Irgens LM. Medisinsk fødselsregister — et sentralt utgangspunkt for perinatalmedisinsk forskning. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 2002;122:2546-49.
    251. Kristensen P, Irgens LM, Bjerkedal T. Impact of low birth weight on subsequent fertility: population based register study. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol 2003; 17:10-16.
    252. Meima A, Irgens LM, Oortmarsen GJv, Richardus JH, Habbema JD. Disappearance of leprosy from Norway: exploration of critical factors using an epidemiological modelling approach. Int J Epidemiol 2002;31:991-1000.
    253. Fridstrøm L, Irgens LM, Daltveit AK. Road accident risk during the menstrual cycle and pregnancy: population based registry study.
    254. Rosano A, Mastroiacovo P. Castilla E, Rittler M, Bianchi F, Botting F, de Walle H, Erickson JD, Gait M, Goujard J, Irgens LM, Johnson H, Lancaster P, Merlob P. Mutchinck O, Ritvanen A, Robert E, Scarano G, Stoll C. International study of sex ratio in malformed infants.
    255. Alm B, Wennergren G, Norvenius SG, Skjærven R, Lagercrantz H, Helweg-Larsen K, Irgens LM. Breast feeding and the sudden infant death syndrome in Scandinavia 1992-1995. Arch Dis Child 2002;86:400-402.
    256. Rasmussen S, Albrechtsen S, Irgens LM, Dalaker K, Maartmann-Moe H, Viatkovich L, Markestad T. Unexplained ante partum fetal death in Norway 1985-97. Diagnostic validation and some epidemiological aspects. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2003; 82:109-115.
    257. Irgens LM. Challenges to registry-based epidemiology in post-modernistic civilization. Norsk Epidemiologi 2001; 11:127-131.
    258. Irgens LM. Oppdagelsen av leprabasillen. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 2002;122:708-709.
    259. Sandmo S, Irgens LM. Lepraarkivene og Verdens hukommelse. Bergens Tidende 2001; 21 oktober:21.
    260. Irgens LM. Våre medisinske helseregistre; viktige verktøy i kvantitativ medisin og medisinsk kvalitetssikring. I Helse for de mange, Samfunnsmedisin i Norge. Larsen Ø, et al red. Gyldendal Akademisk 2003;107-23.
    261. Frøen JF, Arnestad M, Vege Å, Irgens LM, Rognum TO, Saugstad OS, Stray Pedersen B. Comparative epidemiology of sudden infant death syndrome and sudden intrauterine unexplained death. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 2002;87:F118-F121.
    262. Rasmussen S, Albrechtsen S, Irgens LM, Dalaker K, Maartmann-Moe H, Vlatkovic L, POF Markestad T. risk factors for unexplained ante partum fetal death in Norway 1967-98. Early Hum Dev 2003;71 :39-52.
    263. Rasmussen S, Irgens LM. Fetal growth and body proportion in preeclampsia. Obstetrics & Gynecology 2003;l01:575-83.
    264. Rasmussen S, Irgens LM, (preeclampsia + weight, para II) (mindre aktuell)
    265. Rasmussen S, Irgens LM, (abruptio i generasjoner) Sendt til JAMA (res. letter).
    266. Irgens Å, Irgens LM, Reitan JB, Haldorsen T, Tveten U. Pregnancy outcome among offspring of airline pilots and cabin attendants. Scand J Work Environ Health 2003;29:94-99.
    267. Neegaard H, Stokke R, Tell GS, Irgens LM svangerskapsutfall hos kvinner med astma i Norge 1967-94. Tidsskr Nor Legeforen
    268. Hill SAR, Hjelmeland S, Johannessen NM, Irgens LM, Skjærven R. Changes in parental risk behaviour after an information campaign against SIDS in Norway. Acta Paediatrica 2004;93 :250-54.
    269. Carpenter RG, Irgens LM, Blair P, England PD, Fleming P, Huber J, Jorch G, Schreuder P. Sudden unexplained infant death in 20 regions in Europe: case control study. Lancet 2004;363:185-91.
    270. Irgens LM. Kvinnor som har haft preeklampsi löper ökad risk för hjärtkardöd. L ä kartidningen 2002;99: 1464.
    271. Magnus P, Irgens LM, Haug K, Nystad W, Skjærven R, Stoltenberg C. Cohort Profile: the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa). Int J Epi.
    272. Irgens LM, Baste V, Botting B, Heracek J, Nilssen S, Sipek A, de Walle H. Birth defects in urban and rural areas.
    273. Smeltzer JS, Lowy C, Johnstone F, Hawthorne G, Jervell J, Irgens LM. Electronic responses to: Outcome of pregnancy in diabetic women in northeast England and in Norway, 1994-7. (BMJ 2000;321:730-731)., 26 Jun 2001 ni sekretai tat loteate dtveis kke acsavheagtg bibliodrafi m kornplett med -ovecstkt dec 18
    274. Kazaura MR, Lie RT, Irgens LM, Didriksen A, Kapstad M, Egenes J, Bjerkedal T. Increasing risk of gastroschisis in Norway; an age-period-cohort analysis. Am J Epidemiol 2004;159:358-63.
    275. Daltveit AK, Irgens LM, Øyen N, Skjærven R, Markestad T, Wennergren G. Circadian variations in sudden infant death syndrome: associations with maternal smoking, sleeping position and infections. The Nordic Epidemiological SIDS Study. Acta Paediatr 2003;92:1007-13.
    276. Oldereid NB, Abyhoim T, Tanbo T, Engelund IE, Irgens LM. Medfødte misdannelser hos barn født etter assistert befruktning i Norge. Tidsskrift Nor Lægeforen 2003;123:2696-9.
    277. Irgens LM. Kampen mot Lepra. I Byen og helsearbeidet. Elvebakken KT, Ruse G. red. Fagbokforlaget 2003; 177-86.
    278. Kristensen P, Bjerkedal T, Irgens LM. Birth weight and work participation in adulthood. Int J Epidemiol 2004;33:849-56.
    279. Thompson JMD, Irgens LM, Rasmussen S, Daltveit AK. Secular trends in socio-economic status and the implications for preterm birth. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol 2006;20(3):182-7.
    280. Thompson JMD, Irgens LM, Rasmussen S, Daltveit AK. Secular trends of obstetric intervention in social groups.
    281. Thompson JMD, Irgens LM, Skjærven R. Placentile curves for normal singleton births.
    282. Thompson JMD, Irgens LM. Maternal and obstetric determinants of placental weight and its ratio to birthweight.
    283. Skjærven R, Vatten L, Wilcox A, Rønning T, Irgens LM, Lie RT. Recurrence of preeclampsia across generations: Exploring fetal and maternal genetic components in a population based cohort. BMJ 2005;33 1:877-79. (Comment and editorial abstract in Obstetrics 2006;61:162-l63).
    284. Trøgstad LIS, Stoltenberg C, Magnus P, Skjærven R, Irgens LM. Recurrence risk in hyperemesis gravidarum. BJOG 2005; 112:1641-45.
    285. Rønnestad A, Abrahamsen TG, Medbøe S, Reigstad H, Lossius K, Kaaresen PT, Engelund IE, Irgens LM, Markestad T. Late-onset septicmia in a national cohort of extremely immature infants receiving very early full human milk feeding. Pediatrics 2005:1 15:e269-76.
    286. Hawthorne G, Irgens LM, Lie RT, Moe N, Jervell J. Retraction of paper on maternal diabetes. BMJ 2003;327:929.
    287. Botto LD, Lisi A, Robert-Gnansia E, Erickson JD, Vollset SE, Mastroiacovo P. Botting B, Cocchi G, de Vigan C, de Walle H, Feijoo M, Irgens LM, McDonnell B, Merlob P, Ritvanen A, Scarano G, Siffel C, Metneki J, Stoll C, Smithells R, Goujard J. International retrospective cohort study of neural tube defects in relation to folic acid recommendations: are the recommendations working? BMJ 2005;330:571-73.
    288. Markestad T, Kaaresen PT, Rønnestad A, Reigstad H, Lossius K, Medbø S, Zanussi G, Engelund IE, Skjærven R, Irgens LM on behalf of the Norwegian Extreme Prematurity Study Group. Early death, Morbidity and Need of Treatment in Extremely Premature Infants, The Norwegian Extreme Prematurity Study. Pediatrics 2005;115:1289-98.
    289. Eide MG, Øyen N, Skjærven R, Irgens LM, Bjerkedal T, Nilssen ST. Breech Delivery and Intelligence: A population-based Study of 8,738 Breech Infants. Obstetrics & Gynecology 2005;105:4-11.
    290. Vollset SE, Gjessing HK, Tandberg A, Rønning T, Irgens LM, Baste V, Nilsen RM, Daltveit AK. Folate Supplementation and Twin Pregnancies. Epidemiology 2005;16:201-5.
    291. Irgens LM. Leprasjukhusen i Bergen, ett medicinens Mecka pa 1800-talet. Sjukhusfarmaci 2004;no. 1:4-8.
    292. Daltveit AK, Tollånes MC, Ahlstrøm H, Irgens LM. Cesarean section and risk of complications in a subsequent pregnancy.
    293. Haga HJ, Gjesdal CG, Irgens LM, Østensen M. Reproduction and gynaecological manifestations in women with primary Sjögren’s syndrome: a case control study. Scand J Rheumatol 2005;34:45-48.
    294. Daltveit AK, Irgens LM. Epidemiologisk forskning med utgangspunkt i Medisinsk fødselsregister. Norsk Epidemiologi 2004; 14(1): 47-52.
    295. Haga HJ, Gjesdal CG, Koksvik HS, Skomsvoll JF, Irgens LM, Ostensen M. Pregnancy outcome in patients with Sjøgren’s syndrome. A Case-Control Study. J Rheumatology 2005;32(9): 1734-1736.
    296. Nordby KC, Andersen Aa, Irgens LM, Kristensen P. Indicators of mancozeb exposure in relation to thyroid cancer and neural tube defects in farmer’s families. Scand J Work Environ Health 2005;3 1:89-96.
    297. Rønnestad A, Abrahamsen TG, Medbø S, Reigstad H, Lossius K, Kaaresen PI, Engelund IE, Irgens LM, Markestad T. Septicimea in the first week of life in a Norwegian national cohort of extremely premature infants. Pediatrics 2005;115:e262-68.
    298. Vikse BE, Irgens LM, Bostad L, Iversen BM. Adverse perinatal outcome and later kidney biopsy in the mother. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2006;17:837-45.
    299. Lehmann S, Børdahl P, Irgens LM, Rasmussen S. Higher CS rates among Norwegian doctors and midwives.
    300. Rasmussen S, Irgens LM. Is PROM a risk factor for abruptio placentae?
    301. Prevalence of smoking in pregnancy.
    302. Nordby KC, Irgens LM, Kristensen P. Immunologic exposures in Norwegian agriculture and preeclampsia. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology 2006.
    303. Rasmussen S, Irgens LM. The effects of smoking and hypertensive disorders on fetal growth. BioMed Central Pregnancy and Childbirth 2006, URL:
    304. Ronda E, Irgens A, Regidor E, Irgens LM. Maternal employment status and perinatal outcome: The situation in Norway and Spain.
    305. Irgens LM. Gerhard Henrik Armauer Hansen. Bibliography. In Biographical Dictionary of the History of Medicine. Ed. WF and Helen Bynum. Greenwood Press.
    306. Høgberg V, Rasmussen S. Irgens LM. The effects of smoking and hypertensive disorders on abruptio placentae.
    307. Lisi A, Botto LD, Rittler M, Castilla E, Bianca S. Bianchi F, Botting B, De Walle H, Erickson JD, Gatt M, De Vigan C, Irgens LM, Johnson W, Lancaster P, Merlob P, Mutchinick OM, Ritvanen A, Robert E, Scarano G, Stoll C, Mastroiacovo P. Sex and Congenital Malformations: An International Perspective. Am J Med Genet 2005;134A;4957. 307A, Corrigendum. Sex and Congenital Malformations: An International Perspective. Am J Med Genet 2005; 1 34A:463.
    308. Kristensen P, Bjerkedal T, Irgens LM, Gravseth HM, Brevik JI. Impact of life course determinants on work participation in Norwegian men. Norsk Epidemiologi 2005; 15.
    309. Kristensen P, Bjerkedal T, Irgens LM. Early life determinants of musculosceletal sickness abscence: Live course study. Am J Public Health.
    310. Eide MG, Skjærven R, Irgens LM, Bjerkedal T, Øyen N. Associations of Birth Defects with Adult Intellectual Performance Disability and Mortality: Population Based Cohort Study.
    311. Mjøen G, Sætre DO, Lie RT, Tynes T, Blaasaas KG, Hennesvik M, Irgens LM. Paternal occupational exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields and risk of adverse pregnancy outcome.
    312. Botto LD, Lisi A, Robert-Gnansia E, Erickson JD, Vollset SE, Mastroiacovo P, Botting B, Cochi G, de Vigan C, de Walle H, Feijoo M, Irgens LM, McDonnell B, Merlob P, Ritvanen A, Scarano G, Siffel C, Metneki J, Stoll C, Smithells R, Goujard J. International retrospective cohort study of neural tube defects in relation to folic Acid recommendations: are the recommendations working? (Abstract/Editorial comment.) Obstet Gynecol Surv 2005;60(9):563-5.
    313. Vatten U, Kristensen P, Irgens LM (eds.). Tidlig eksponering og senere sykdom. Norsk Epidemiologi 2005;15(l):3-4.
    314. Nafstad P, Samuelsen SO, Irgens LM, Bjerkedal T. Svangerskapskomplikasjoner og risikoen for astma blant nordmenn født 19671993. Norsk Epidemiologi 2005;15:4754, (Se også nr. 244).
    315. Basso O, Rasmussen S, Weinberg CR, Wilcox AJ, Irgens LM, Skjærven R. Changes in obstetric management of preeclampsia: consequences for offspring survival, Norway 1967- 2003.

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