You can search the database by archive, person, and timeline and retrieve data by category, country, and keyword.
Archive/Person - Select “Archive” to explore archival collections, leprosaria, and other institutions associated with the history of leprosy. Select “Person” to see biographical information on key people in the history of leprosy. These entries also link to leprosaria and research institutes associated with each individual and archives that hold records pertaining to them. You can check the boxes under “Archive” or “Person” to narrow your search to one or more subcategories.
Category - When you search the “Archive” categories you retrieve a list of archives held in the database that best fit into that/those category(ies); for example, “Institutional Archives”. When you search the “Person” categories, you retrieve a list of people with similar status; for example: “physicians”.
Please note that the term leprosarium is used in a generic sense to cover old leprosy colonies, asylums, sanatoria, lazarettos, and anywhere else used to treat and/or house people suffering from leprosy. When a name from the list is selected, you will find details regarding that leprosarium, such as any name changes that it has undergone, recorded dates of its existence, who visited, and where its archives may be found. NB: Where the exact name of the leprosarium is unknown, it has been named as the closest town.
Country - Select a country from the menu (in alphabetical order) in order to retrieve a list that cross searches either all of the “Archive” or all of the “Person” categories held in the database relevant to that country.
Keyword - Enter any word of more than four letters for which you would like to browse either the “Archive” or the “Person” categories of the whole database.
Timeline - To search the timeline, link to the timeline search. There you can browse by a specific location/subject, by a keyword, or by a year or a range of years.