Status | Physician |
Country | Thailand |
Professor Teera Ramasoota has worked for the Ministry of Public Health in Thailand, in the field of leprosy, since the 1950s. He was Chief Medical Officer in various regions for the Department of Health’s Leprosy Control Project in Thailand from 1957 to 1966. In 1967 he became Chief of Training and Research at Raj-Pracha-Samasai Leprosy Institute, and then Director of this Institute from 1974 to 1978.
In 1978 Professor Ramasoota began working for the Leprosy Division in the Department of Communicable Disease Control, still within the Ministry of Public Health. He began as Leprosy Specialist, became Director of the Leprosy Division in 1979, then Senior Expert in Preventive Medicine in 1981. The post of Deputy Director-General of the Department was obtained in 1983, followed by that of Deputy Permanent Secretary for the Ministry in 1987.
He became Director-General for the Department of Communicable Disease Control in 1989 and three years later was the Deputy Permanent Secretary and Director of Policy and Planning Bureau. From 1993, he has worked as a Consultant, firstly only for the Ministry of Public Health but later also for the Sasakawa Memorial Health Foundation of Japan.
Information supplied by Teera Ramasoota
Entry made 22 January 2003
Ramasoota T. ‘Leprosy.’ Paper presented at the International Training Course in Tropical Medicine and Travelling Medicine for members of the American College of Physicians. Royal College of Physicians of Thailand, 6-8 February 1992, Bangkok.
Ramasoota T. ‘Indeterminate Leprosy’. Rajpracha Samasai Bulletin, 1964; 2: 135-140
Ramasoota T, Johnson WC, Graham JH. 'Cutaneous Sarcoidosis and Tuberculoid Leprosy. A Comparative Histopathology and Histochemical Study.' Arch. Derm., 1967; 96: 259-264
Siringha S, Charupatana C, Ramasoota T. 'Serum Immunoglobin in Leprosy Patients with Different Spectra of Clinical Manifestations.' Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 1972; 140 (3) July: 1062-1068
Ramasoota T. 'Double-blind Study of Dapsone and Fanasyl in the Treatment of Leprosy.' Int J Lep, 1973; 41 (4): 700
Ramasoota T. 'Clinical Trial of Lower Dose of B663 in the Treatment of Leprosy.' Int J Lep, 1973; 41 (4): 701
Ramasoota T. 'Clinical Trial ofThalidomide in the Treatment of Leprosy Reaction.' Int J Lep, 1973; 41 (4): 702
Phansomboon S, Ramasoota T, Singhaprasert P, Rungsitarangi B. 'Immune Adherance Hemagglutination in Leprosy Patients.' Arch. Roum. Path. Exp. Microbial, 1973, 32 (2) June: 301-303
Pechclai B, Chuthanonbth R, Rungruang S, Ramasoota T. 'Autoantibodies in Leprosy Among Thai Patients.' The Lancet, 1973; 30 (June): 1481-1482
Ramasoota T. 'Problem of Aging.' Thai Journal of Health, 1973; 1 (8) 67-86
Pechclai B, Chuthanonbth R, Prasongsom S, Hiranras S and Ramasoota T. 'Complement Profile in Leprosy.' The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 1973; 22 (6) November: 761-764
Ramasoota T. Kettanurak C, Kongsoebchart K, Sampattavanich S. ‘Two Years Experience of Partial Integration of Leprosy Control into the Health Services in Thailand.’ Int J Lep , 1973; 41 (4): 623-624
Ramasoota T, Tardtong A, Watanaputi S, Sampattavanich S, Koengsoebchart K. ‘Evaluation of Orientation Training Prior to Integration of Leprosy Control into Provincial Health Services of the Central Region.’ Thai Journal of Medical and Health Department, 1973; 1 (6): 57-65
Ramasoota T, Loesuwan P, Chunhaprasert S, Rungruang S. ‘Evaluation of Nationwide Orientation Prior to Integration of Leprosy Control into Provincial Health Services.’ Thai Journal of Medical Health Department, 1973; 1 (1): 54-72
Kettanurak C, Ramasoota T, Kongsoebchart K, Sampattavanich S. ‘Preliminary Report of the Pilot Project of Early Total Integration of Leprosy Control into the Local Health Services in Phuket Island of Thailand. Int J Lep, 1973; 41 (4): 622-623
Ramasoota T. 'Clinical Features and Histopathology of Early Childhood Leprosy.' Read at the fifteenth Seameo-Tropmed seminar. Tropical Pediatric Problems in Southeast Asia: Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University, 24-28 Nov, 1975 (four pages in Proceedings)
Ramasoota T, Morkan J, Kongsoebchart K, Devis A, Tongpadpu C. ‘Random Sampling Evaluating Survey of Leprosy Control in Uthaithani Province.’ Thai Journal of Communicable Disease, 1975; 1: 81-103
Ramasoota T, Ochasanonda P, Pirayavaraporn C, Sampatavanich S. 'Manual in Leprosy.' Second Edition. Prajuabkirikant: Soon Karn Thamtas Printing Co. Ltd, 1975
Ramasoota T. 'Leprosy. Teaching Manual for Post-Graduated Students, DTM and H International Course.' Faculty of Tropical Medicine. Prajuabkirikant, 1976
Ramasoota T, Ruangruang S, Poomlek A and Duangkaew S. 'Evaluation of Leprosy Patients who were released after cure to Phrangkayang Rehabilitation Colony, Chanthaburi.' Vachira Medical Gazette, 1976; 20 (6): 75-95
Ramasoota T, Srinopakul S, Sampattavanich S, Chunhaprasert S, Tonhpadpou C, Umaomboon. ‘Evaluation of Nationwide Orientation Training of Provincial Supervisors of Communicable Disease Control.’ Thai Journal of Communicable Disease Control, 1976; 2 (2): 30-44
Ramasoota T. Sampatavanich S, Ochasanoda P and Ito T. ‘Results of Five Years of Integration of Leprosy Control into the Provincial Health Service of Phuket Island, Southern Thailand. Leprosy Review, 1977; 48: 261-268
Ramasoota T. ‘Report on Evaluation of the Mahasarakam Leprosy Control Projects.’ 1979
Ramasoota T, Sampoonachote P, Rungruang S, Pumlek A. 'Clinical Trial of Rifampicin in the Treatment of Cases of Lepromatous Leprosy in Thailand.' Thai Journal of Communicable Disease, 1980; 6 (4): 241-249
Ramasoota T. ‘Report on Evaluation of the Uthaithani Leprosy Control Project.’ 1981
Ramasoota T, Oshasanoon P, Sampatavanich S, Kongsoebchart K. 'Classification of Leprosy, Concept on Dapsone Resistance and New Muiltdrug Therapy in Leprosy.' Bangkok: Jongjarem Press, 1981; 22-51
Ramasoota T, Johnson WC, Graham JH. 'Sarcoidosis and Tuberculoid Leprosy.' In Demal Pathology (ED) Jame H Graham. New York: Harper and Row Co. Ltd, 1982
Ramasoota T. 'Clinical Practice In Leprosy.' Bangkok: New Tharmasa Printing and Publishing Co. Ltd, 1982
Petcharanon Y and Ramasoota T. ‘Preliminary Study on Deformities of Leprosy Patients.’ Thai Journal of Communicable Disease, 1982; 4: 440-446
Ramasoota T. ‘Evaluation of Integrated Leprosy Control in Phuket from 1972-1982.’ Thai Journal of Public Health, 1983; 2:258-260
Ramasoota T. ‘The Second Evaluation of Integrated Leprosy Control Project in Khonkaen Province.’ 1982
Ramasoota T. ‘Evaluation of Integration of Leprosy Control into Local Health Services of Phuket Province from 1972-1982.’ Thai Journal of Public Health, 1983; 2: 258-280
Ramasoota T. ‘Social Problems in Leprosy’. Thai Journal of Medical Social Science, 1983; 3: 69-81
Ramasoota T, Montrivasuwat N, Sampatavanich S, Banpenyu S.' Histopathology of early macular lesions of 589 suspicious cases of leprosy.' Thai Journal of Communicable Disease, 1984; 10(2): 101-112
Ramasoota T, Hirata T, Sampoonachote P, Rungruang, Sampattavanich S, Ochasanond P. ‘Preliminary Report on Acid Fast Organisms Isolated and Cultivated from Leprosy Patients.’ Thai Journal of Communicable Disease, 1985; (1): 17-25
Ramasoota T. ‘Leprosy in Southeast Asia.’ Proceedings of the First International Leprosy Symposium in China, Guangzhou, Peopl’s Republic of China. November 26-28, 1985: 1-55
Ramasoota T, Rungruang S, Sampatavanich S, Rasamipraba K, Kongsoebchart K, Sampoonachot P. 'Preliminary Study on Dapsone Resistant Leprosy.' Bangkok: Chumnum Sahakorn of Thailand Printing Co. Ltd, 1987
Ramasoota T, Charoon Pirayavaraporn, Ochasanonda P, Peerapakorn S. 'Report of Thai Expert Committee in Leprosy.' Bangkok: Chumnum Sahakorn of Thailand Printing Co. Ltd, 1987
Ramasoota T. ‘Recent Advance and Practice of WHO Recommended Multidrug Therapy.’ Thai Medical Council Journal, 1987; 10 (1): 5-13
Ramasoota T. 'Recent Advance in Leprosy.' Proceeding of the Second National Seminar on Leprosy Control in Thailand. Chainagmai, 12-14 Dec 1988. Bangkok: Ruamtas Printing Co. Ltd, 1988
Ramasoota T. ‘Direction and Role of Community Participation in Leprosy Control.’ Thai Journal of Public Health, 1988; 7 (9): 600-610
Ramasoota T. ‘Concept of Dapsone Resistant Leprosy and its Prevention.’ Thai Journal of Communicable Disease, 1989; 10 (1): 256-271
Ramasoota T. ‘First Five Years of Epidemics of AIDS in Thailand.’ Thai AIDS Journal, 1989; 3: 6-11
Roland V, Callona, Tranquillo T, Fajardo Jr, Ramasoota T. ‘Joint Chemotherapy Trials in Lepromatous Leprosy Conducted in Thailand. The Philippines and Korea.’ Int J Lep, 1990; 58 (1): 9-11
Ramasoota T. ‘Prospects for Control of Infectious Disease in Thailand.’ Thai Journal of Infectious Disease and Antimicrobial, 1990; 7 (4): 223-224
Ramasoota T. ‘Leprosy and Related Medicine.’ Paper presented at the fifth Asian Congress on Rural Medicine, Bangkok, 26 November 1990.
Ramasoota T. ‘Development of Leprosy Control in Thailand: the Integrative and Primary Health Care Approach.’ Paper presented at the International Federation of Anti-Leprosy Association Meeting in Bangkok, 14 December 1990
Ramasoota T. ‘Evaluation of the First Seven Years of Prevention and Control of AIDS in Thailand.’ Thai Journal of Communicable Disease, 1991; 17: 1-18
Ramasoota T. ‘Leprosy.’ Paper presented at the International Special Short Training Course of Tropical Medicine, Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University, Bangkok. 25 February 1991.
Ramasoota T. ‘Textbook of Leprosy.’ Bangkok: New Thamada Printing Co Ltd, 1992
Ramasoota T. ‘Crisis of AIDS.’ Thai Journal of Medical Social Science, 1992; 5: 8-15
Ramasoota T. ‘Four Years Follow-up of the Impact of AIDS and Intensive Health Education on the Control of Sexually Transmitted Disease in Thailand.’ Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 1992; 22: 489-498
Ramasoota T. ‘Expectation and Development of Quality of Life of Leprosy Patients.’ Paper presented at the workshop on Method of Development of Quality of Life of Leprosy Patients of Socio-Economic Aspects at the Center for Training of Civil Commission, Nonthaburi. 12 December 1993
Ramasoota T. ‘Concept and Experience on Health Education and Public Relation Activities in Communicable Disease Control for Health for all.’ Thai Journal of Communicable Disease, 1995: 2 (4): 217-228
Ramasoota T. ‘Globalisation and Development of Leprosy Control.’ Thai Journal of Communicable Disease, 1995 : 2 (2); 279-295
Ramasoota T. ‘Development of Strategy for Leprosy Control Under Low-Endemic Conditions.’ Thai Journal of Health Science, 1996: 5 (2): 279-295
Ramasoota T. ‘Concept and Principle of Community-Based Rehabilitation.’ Thai Journal of Communicable Disease, 1997;23 (4): 481-489
Ramasoota T. ‘Forty Years of Pioneering and Development Towards the Elimination of Leprosy in Thailand.’ Bangkok: Srimuang Karnpim Co Ltd, 1998