25 matches out of all 3,298, 1 to 25 displayed.
1864 | Lady Willingdon SettlementReport from Surgeon E A Trimnell, Chingleput 5-6 under treatment. [Leprosarium] [India] |
1919 | Lady Willingdon Settlement"In November 1919, a resolution was moved in the Local legislative Council urging the Government to take measures to check the spread of leprosy in the provinces. The Government considered that the first step to be taken was to provide accommodation for about half the total lepers in the Presidency at selected centres for groups of districts. As originally contemplated, the existing asylums under private management were to be subsidised and enlarged for the purpose, but this was since found impracticable as the Mission to Lepers, which maintained most of these institutions, was strongly opposed to their utilisation for the purpose of compulsory segregation. The question whether this central institution should take the form of an asylum or a settlement for lepers was then discussed, but was left over for further consideration. The Mission to Lepers strongly advocated Leper Settlements or Colonies as being economical and efficient where large numbers of lepers had to be accommodated."Source: Note for the Finance Committee: Proposed Leper Colony at Chingleput" Correspondence at the Leprosy Mission International, Brentford. [Leprosarium] [India] |
1922 | Lady Willingdon Settlement"As long ago as 1913, the Government, after careful consideration decided that the Lepers' Act III of 1898 should be brought into force throughout the Presidency, as soon as arrangements could be made for the reception of pauper lepers. For this purpose, it was intended (1) to establish a Government Leper Asylum at Chingleput, and (2) to make use of existing private asylums for the compulsory segregation of lepers. Plans and estimates amounting to Rs 342,861 for the construction of pukka buildings for an asylum for 300 patients at Chingleput were sanctioned in 1917, but owing to the financial stringency created by the war, it was not possible to proceed with the scheme."Source: 'Note for the Finance Committee: Proposed Leper Colony at Chingleput', Correspondence at the Leprosy Mission International, Brentford. [Leprosarium] [India] |
1924 | Lady Willingdon SettlementLady Willingdon Settlement founded. Source: League of Nations Archive: File 29098 and also the Report on Leprosy and its Control in India by the Committee appointed by the Central Advisory Board of Health (1941). Government of India Press, New Dehli, 1942, p. 59. [Leprosarium] [India] |
1925 | Lady Willingdon SettlementRev John Stewart, the Secretary of the Madras Mission Council of the United Free Church of Scotland, reported to the Foreign Mission Committee, in a letter submitted on May 7, 1925 that an agreement had been reached with the Government regarding the handing over of the Leper Settlement at Tirumani (Chingleput) to the Mission on 1st July. The committee approved the agreement. (Mss, Leprosy Mission International, Brentford) [Leprosarium] [India] |
1927 | Lady Willingdon SettlementAided by TLM, government leprosy hospital (Cochrane) [Leprosarium] [India] |
1929 | Lady Willingdon SettlementDonaldson, R S, 'An Indian Leper Settlement, Chingleput, S India', Leprosy Notes, 1929 (6) 11. Source: Keffer, L, Índice Bibliográfico da Lepra:1.500-1.944, Vol II, I-P. Biblioteca do Departamento da Lepra do São Paulo, Brasil, 1946. [Leprosarium] [India] |
1930 | Lady Willingdon SettlementChingleput Leper Settlement: out-patients clinic (Leprosy Review 1.4 (1930): 25) [Leprosarium] [India] |
1930 | Lady Willingdon SettlementBaxter, D F, 'Report from provincial branches and treatment centres: a.- The medical report of Lady Willingdon Leper Settlement, Chingleput'. Lep. India, (1930), 2.3: 116. Source: Keffer, L, Índice Bibliográfico da Lepra:1.500-1.944, Vol II, I-P. Biblioteca do Departamento da Lepra do São Paulo, Brasil, 1946. [Leprosarium] [India] |
1931 | Lady Willingdon SettlementThe leprosarium was being run by Scotland Mission, with funding from the Mission to Lepers and the Madras Government. A population of 600 was housed in 73 stone/brick buildings. Rev WE Sutherland was director of the settlement, and medical care was provided by Dr BF Baxter, Dr E Paul Raj, Dr A Amandan and 6 medical assistants. Source: League of Nations Archive: File 29098. [Leprosarium] [India] |
1935 | Lady Willingdon SettlementLargest leprosarium in Madras presidency with a capacity for 750 patients [Leprosarium] [India] |
1939 | Lady Willingdon SettlementIsaac Santra visited Chingleput in 1939 and wrote in the guest book "Unlike most leprosy institutions in India, the Tirumani Leper Settlement is one which, in addition to its usual work, is associated with organisations which carry out research and investigations, both in rural and urban areas, amongst children and adults, thus presenting valuable facilities to study the disease and its problems at bed side, laboratory, and in villages. Isaac Santra. Propaganda Officer. British Empire Leprosy Relief Association (Indian Council) 15.12.39 [Leprosarium] [India] |
1941 | Lady Willingdon SettlementAnnual report of the Madras Provincial Branch of BELRA for the year 1940-41 notes Government agreement to the proposal that the anti-leprosy campaign should be located at the Lady Willingdon Leprosy Sanitorium, Chingleput (name change from Settlement to Sanitorium) [Leprosarium] [India] |
1941 | Lady Willingdon SettlementMadras Council of BELRA reports 11.5 to 41.1 per 1 000 cases in 1941-1942. Source: 1941-1942 Annual Report, BELRA, Madras Provincial Council, Chingleput: Arpudha Press. [Leprosarium] [India] |
1941 | Lady Willingdon Settlement"A rural area 23 miles south of Chingleput has recently been chosen for experimental work and nine villages selected in which to commence intensive work. There are nine villages in the group. The total population of the group is 4,894 and 177 people were detected with leprosy. Two plots of land have been selected within two miles of the villages surveyed and on one, administrative treatment and staff blocks have been built. On the other plot, the houses for segregating infectious cases from the villages will be built. The group of buildings consisting of the staff houses, laboratory and centre are separated by the road from the area which will be known as the segregation village. As a first step after choosing the area in which concentrated work was to be undertaken, we verified the preliminary survey figures and a much more intensive investigation is now in progress. For this purpose, the largest village in the area, Polambakkam, has first been chosen. Every house in each street is systematically visited and every person examined. Thus as far as possible, the conditions under which the villages live will be ascertained.Source: Robert Cochrane, Leprosy in Relation to Public Health: Being a Course of Lectures Delivered at the Course of Training for Health Officers Held at the Lady Willingdon Leprosy Sanitorium, Chingleput, Madras: Superintendent Government Press, 1941: 35-7 [Leprosarium] [India] |
1941 | Lady Willingdon SettlementThe leprosarium had accommodation for 800 patients, and was run by both Missionaries and Government. Source: Report on Leprosy and its Control in India by the Committee appointed by the Central Advisory Board of Health (1941). Government of India Press, New Dehli, 1942, p. 59. [Leprosarium] [India] |
1946 | Lady Willingdon SettlementOn January 30, 1946, Dr T B M Sloan wrote a "Brief Address to Mahatma Gandhji" on behalf of the "750 inmates of the Sanatorium at Chingleput": "Brief Address to Mahatma GandhijiT Sloan BELRA and Medical Superintendent, 30.1.46 [Leprosarium] [India] |
1959 | Lady Willingdon SettlementWhen Paul Brand was at CMC Vellore, he wrote in the Chingleput guest book: "I am very glad to revisit this place after several years, and to see the fine buildings coming up to completion. I am even more glad to see the beginning of an active programme of physiotherapy, and social work, and to meet the surgeon who is to begin hand reconstruction.[Leprosarium] [India] |
1961 | Lady Willingdon SettlementThe Central Leprosy Teaching and Research Institute Annual Report 1961 decribed the institute and staff for the last year:"During the year under report there has been all round progress in the development of the Institute. The Institute comprises of three Divisions (Clinical, Laboratories, and Epidemiology & Statistics) and some other sections. Till last year only the Clinical Division and some sections were functioning. During 1961, however, the Division of Laboratories and that of Epidemiology and Statistics have also been established and have started functioning.[Leprosarium] [India] |
1963 | Lady Willingdon SettlementStanley Browne’s visit - Central Leprosy Teaching and Research Institute - met Drs Dharmendra, Ramanujam, Ramu, and Iyer [Leprosarium] [India] |
1963 | Lady Willingdon SettlementFormation of the Leprosy Research Workers Co-ordination Committee of the Madras State [Leprosarium] [India] |
1965 | Lady Willingdon SettlementRamanujam (Central Leprosy Institute Chingleput) publishing on long-acting sulphones. [Leprosarium] [India] |
1965 | Lady Willingdon SettlementDharmendra and Noordeen and Ramanujam working on the Prophylactic Value of DDS (Chingleput) [Leprosarium] [India] |
1967 | Lady Willingdon SettlementChingleput: Central Leprosy Teaching and Research Institute: Report for 1965. Death of Dr H Paul who was associated with the institute when it was Lady Willingdon Leprosy Sanatorium. Dr D Chakrabarti, Officer in Charge of the Leprosy Training Centre at Nagpur was appointed to follow him. In the meantime, the position was being filled by Dr K Ramanujam. Continuing studies on the prophylactic value of DDS [Leprosarium] [India] |
1982 | Lady Willingdon SettlementOn June 10, 1982, Dr Ma Haide wrote in the Chingleput guest book "It was an honor to be received by our esteemed Colleagues in Leprosy Centre for Training and Research and by its Dr Roy. We learned much from the serious and good scientific work that is being done on the preventative, control, and treatment of leprosy sufferers. We hope the scientific exchanges and friendship between our two peoples India and China will continue to grow." Ma Haide dvisor, Ministry of Health, People's Republic of China. Other signatories were Dr Ye Ganyun, Deputy Director, Institute of Dermatology, CAMS, China, and Dr Su Junrui, Leprosy Control Program, Guang Dong Province [Leprosarium] [India] |