International Leprosy Association -
History of Leprosy

  • International Leprosy Association -
    History of Leprosy


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    1927 OmdurmanIn his 1927 report, Frank Oldrieve recommended that the existing Leper Hospital at Omdurman be enlarged so that "in part of it accommodation may be provided for the pauper and homeless lepers of Northern and Central Sudan and that part of it be used as a hospital for cases of leprosy under constant medical treatment." Cited in Robert Cochrane, Leprosy in Europe, The Middle and Near East and Africa (London: World Dominion Press, 1928) [Leprosarium] [Anglo-Egyptian Sudan]
    1928 OmdurmanIn Leprosy in Europe, The Middle and Near East and Africa (London: World Dominion Press, 1928), Robert Cochrane states that "The Government is at present financing the work of the Leper Hospital at Omdurman, responsibility for the superintendence of which has been undertaken by the Church Missionary Society." (23) [Leprosarium] [Anglo-Egyptian Sudan]
    1929 OmdurmanTLM made its first grant available for leprosy work in Sudan in 1929 to the Lui leper colony. [Leprosarium] [Anglo-Egyptian Sudan]
    1930 OmdurmanRobert Cochrane reported on his visit to Omdurman, in 1930, that "The great majority of the forty odd patients are very advanced cases, and apart from hastening on the resolution of the disease, little can be expected as a result of treatment. In addition to this camp there is a small out-patient centre in connection with the CMS hospital where about eighteen patients attend. Among these were quite a number in the early stages of the disease. Considering the type of case, the treatment on the whole was quite satisfactory. Trichloracetic Acid should be used in all camps, unless there is a staff sufficient to carry out experimental work. I am of the opinion that the camp at Omdurman is not a suitable one to be styled the experimental station." (Report by Robert Cochrane on the Leprosy Situation in the Sudan) [Leprosarium] [Anglo-Egyptian Sudan]
    1989 OmdurmanTLM's present involvement is in the region of Omdurman near the capital of Khartoum (since 1989), and in Darfur in the west of Sudan (since 1997). The Omdurman team hold a regular leprosy clinic within the Abu Rof general clinic providing the only really effective treatment and care within the whole country. TLM is also providing training in leprosy care and disability prevention for government workers. Countrywide, TLM has a case-load of over 2,000 leprosy patients and an operating budget of over 3 million. (The Leprosy Mission website) [Leprosarium] [Anglo-Egyptian Sudan]
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