3 matches out of all 3,298, 1 to 3 displayed.
1943 | National Suruga Sanatorium (Suruga Ryoyojo) 国立駿河療養所Opened originally for military men affected by Hansen’s disease; after WWII it came under government control (Ohtani) [Leprosarium] [Japan] |
1963 | National Suruga Sanatorium (Suruga Ryoyojo) 国立駿河療養所Dr Shigenori Ishihara, was the director, After he attended a WHO sponsored conference in Manila, he established an out-patients’ clinic (Nagoya Out-Patient Clinic) (Ohtani 145) [Leprosarium] [Japan] |
1995 | National Suruga Sanatorium (Suruga Ryoyojo) 国立駿河療養所There were 215 residents. The address was 915 Kohyama, Gotenba-shi, Shizuoka Prefecture [Leprosarium] [Japan] |