International Leprosy Association -
History of Leprosy

  • International Leprosy Association -
    History of Leprosy

    Messages from Mr. Koichi Kondo

    “Braille – the tip of my tongue and lips still have some slight sensation – they are my only eye”

    2008, National Sanatorium Tama Zenshoen, Japan, Ceramics, 26x19. More details
    “Braille – the tip of my tongue and lips still have some slight sensation – they are my only eye”
    舌先と唇に残った わずかな知覚 
    それは ぼくの 唯一の目だ
    Other works by this artist
    Title Messages from Mr. Koichi Kondo
    Title(Original language) 近藤宏一さんの言葉
    Year 2008
    Country Japan
    Location National Sanatorium Tama Zenshoen
    Genre Ceramics
    Material Ceramics
    Size 26x19
    Copyright Matsuo Sasaki