Inner strength and resilience are among the qualities that shine forth in this collection of artworks created by people affected by leprosy and those near to them.
Matsuo Sasaki
2006, Japan, Ceramics
2008, Japan, Ceramics
“The victim is not necessarily the loser” 被害者は 必ずしも 敗北者ではない
“Uzushio in Seto – the stone cross on the hill below is resting peacefully” 瀬戸のうず潮 見下ろす丘に 石の十字架は 静かに眠る
People looking at things is wondrous Not being able to see is wondrous This is the gods’ masterpiece 人間の ものを見るという不思議 見えないという不思議 これぞ まこと 神の傑作
“Our wind blew on us” ぼくらには ぼくらの 風が吹いていた
“Braille – the tip of my tongue and lips still have some slight sensation – they are my only eye” 点字 舌先と唇に残った わずかな知覚 それは ぼくの 唯一の目だ
2007, Japan, Ceramics