3,298 matches out of all 3,298, 3,271 to 3,298 displayed.
2002 | Bethesda Leprosy HospitalDr. Vandanam, Superintendent, The Leprosy Mission, Bethesda Leprosy Hospital, W. Godavari Dt. (S. P.), Narsapur – 534 275 Andhra Pradesh [Leprosarium] [India] |
2002 | Leprosy Control UnitDr. Mohan Kumar, M O In charge, Superintendent, The Leprosy Mission, Leprosy Control Unit, Krishna District, Nuzvid – 521 202, Andhra Pradesh [Leprosarium] [India] |
2002 | Premananda Memorial Leprosy HospitalDr Jerry Joshua, Superintendent, The Leprosy Mission, Premananda Memorial Leprosy Hospital, 259 - A, A P Chandra Road, Calcutta - 700 005 [Leprosarium] [India] |
2002 | TLM Hospital MuzaffarpurDr W Kerketta Superintendent, The Leprosy Mission Hospital, P. O. Ramna, Muzaffarpur 842 002, Bihar [Leprosarium] [India] |
2002 | Purulia, Chota NagporeDr. Ruth Butlin, Superintendent, The Leprosy Mission, Purulia Leprosy Home and Hospital, P. O. Box 9, Purulia 723 101, West Bengal [Leprosarium] [India] |
2002 | TLM Hospital, NainiDr Premal Das, Superintendent, TLM Hospital, PO Naini, District Allahabad - 211 008, Uttar Pradesh, India [Leprosarium] [India] |
2002 | Almora TLM Hospital and HomeSuperintendent, Cornelius Walter, TLM Hospital and Home, Almora - 263 601, Uttar Pradesh, India. [Leprosarium] [India] |
2002 | Chandag Leprosy HospitalDr K N Biswas, Deputy Superintendent, TLM Chandag Leprosy Hospital, PO Chandag, District Pithoragarh - 262 501, Uttar Pradesh, India [Leprosarium] [India] |
2002 | Faizabad Leprosy HospitalDr Suresh Verghese, Superintendent, TLM Faizabad Leprosy Hospital, PO Motinagar, Faizabad District - 224 201, Uttar Pradesh, India [Leprosarium] [India] |
2002 | ChampaDr N K Nanda, Superintendent, The Leprosy Mission, Bethesda Leprosy Home and Hospital, PO Champa, Janjgir District - 495 671, Madhya Pradesh, India [Leprosarium] [India] |
2002 | Chandkuri Leprosy Hospital and HomeDr K S Toppo, Superintendent, TLM Chandkhuri Leprosy Hospital and Home, PO Baitalpur, Via Hirri Mines, Bilaspur District - 495 222, Madhya Pradesh, India [Leprosarium] [India] |
2002 | Kothara Leprosy HospitalDr Sunil Anand, Superintendent, The Leprosy Mission, Kothara Leprosy Hospital, PO Paratwada, Amravati District - 444 805, Maharashtra, India [Leprosarium] [India] |
2002 | BankuraDr Manas Kumar Kundu, MO in charge, The Leprosy Mission, Bankura Leprosy Control Programme, PO Box 27, PO Junbedia, Bankura - 722 101, West Bengal. [Leprosarium] [India] |
2002 | Santa Fé208 residents; one person being treated for leprosy; 149 people with deformities; ten buildings in use, eight disused. Twenty out-patients being treated for leprosy. [Leprosarium] [Brazil] |
2003 | In the late phase of the leprosy control programme in Shandong province, the People's Republic of China, there are few old and disabled ex-patients living in 54 leprosy vllages/leprosaria. (Chen Shumin, Liu Dingchang, Liu Bing, Zhang Lin and Yu Xioulu, "Role of Leprosy Villages and Leprosaria in Shandong Province, People's Republic of China: Past, Present and Future" Leprosy Review74 (2003): 222-8.) [Other] [China] |
2003 | McKean Leprosy Hospital The present situation : The challenges for a leprosy specialist center are diverse. Ironically, the original situation of unwanted leprosy patients gathering under the Chiangmai bridge by night, and begging by day has re-appeared. The present group are Burmese refugees, illegally in Thailand, in order to beg in affluent areas. This group has learned that treatment is available in McKean, and they are coming. Their illegal status means they avoid any official treatment with the integrated health services for registered Thai nationals. With the deployment of former experienced government leprosy control workers, the task of diagnosis and treatment falls on district hospital workers, who may have minimal leprosy understanding. McKean’s role has returned to one of training in cooperation with public health leadership. McKean is now part of the government "Health for all" programme - providing total care for the local district population as a general hospital, and referring on to the university hospital those for whom we cannot provide expert services needed. The local people are now coming to McKean for general outpatient and inpatient care, and emergency treatment. This has led to further integration, and has involved us in more public health activities - health promotion, vaccinations, and screening of the population for preventable diseases. Dr Trevor Smith (McKean Rehab Center, Chiangmai, Nth Thailand) [Leprosarium] [Siam] |
2004 | December 2004, the Leprosy Units of WHO South-East Asian and Western Pacific Regional Offices met in Manila and subsequently published a new 'Strategy to sustain leprosy services following elimination in Asia and the Pacific'. This encouraged the continued efforts to control the low levels of endemic leprosy leprosy without dedicated treatment centres, but rather through integration of leprosy services into the general health services, ongoing systems of evaluation, and political commitment and partnerships. [Publication] [Philippines] |
2004 | Nooranad'Polls bring them close to the world outside' - article in The Hindu Sunday, May 09, 2004. [Leprosarium] [India] |
2005 | 2005: Daughters of Charity leave Carville after 109 years of continuous service. From 1896-2005, a total of 116 sisters were on mission in Carville. The last six sisters to serve were: Sister Catherine Chernick, Sister Dorothy Bachelot, Sister Rose Anthony D’Alfonso, Sister Regis Maillian, Sister Francis Louviere, and Sister Laboure Kennedy (Daughters of Charity, West Central Province Archives, “Record Group 11-2, Records of the National Hansen’s Disease Programs, Carville, Louisiana, Marillac Provincialate, St. Louis, Missouri”) [Other] [Carville, North America] |
2005 | MakogaiD McMenamin, "Recording the experiences of leprosy sufferers in Suva, Fiji", The Fiji Social Workers Journal, 1.1 (2005): 27-32. [Leprosarium] [Fiji] |
2005 | Qui Hoa LeprosariumArmy Chaplain Paul N. Mitchell Recalls His Duties During the Vietnam War, June 2005 issue of Vietnam Magazine (sourced from historynet.com). NB: The ILA Global Project for the history of leprosy is not responsible for the content of external sites. In June 1966, "the GIs and I traveled about three miles down the coast from Qui Nhon to the Qui Hoa leprosarium -- one of the cleanest places in Vietnam. There a person could relax and enjoy a swim in the South China Sea. More than 900 men and women who had been stricken with the dreaded disease of leprosy lived there. Many no longer had fingers or toes. One man had a hole for a nose. All seemed very content to be living at the leprosarium. Those who were able to work took part in ongoing projects on the grounds. The residents enjoyed games of checkers, chess and sometimes cards. A snack bar had been built for them by a military police unit. Many lived in dormitory-type facilities, but some families lived in beautiful small houses built with funds from American military units. More than 20 cottages had been constructed with donations from the GIs. The 41st Signal Battalion was already named on the dedication plaque of one house, and funds for the construction of another house were donated a couple of months later. U.S. military doctors and other medical personnel were giving a part of their free time to treat the leprosy-afflicted people. ... During a fund council meeting in September 1966, we voted to donate 59,000 piasters ($500) to construct another family house at the Qui Hoa leprosarium. This would be the second house to bear the 41st Signal Battalion's insignia." [Leprosarium] [Vietnam] |
2005 | Qui Hoa LeprosariumThe contemporary state of the leprosarium is mentioned in the Pacific Leprosy Foundation, Annual Review 2005, on p 7. [Leprosarium] [Vietnam] |
2006 | Sudan: The Leprosy Mission (TLM) has recently launched a major treatment and rehabilitation programme in Darfur, a remote and primitive district of West Sudan, where TLM is currently caring for 1,400 leprosy patients. Many have been abandoned by their husbands, wives and children. They have been reduced to begging, stigmatised and set apart from their communities. The Leprosy Mission website [Treatment, Organisation] [Africa, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, Sudan] |
2006 | Lui "In a way, it's the peak of misery," said Thomas Reuter, a doctor from the German Leprosy Relief Association. The association has become virtually the sole caregiver for Luri Rokwe's residents, who began settling here in the 1950s when their illness forced them into exile from their own communities. In recent years, multi-drug therapy has made leprosy a curable disease, but health care was always lacking in underdeveloped southern Sudan, and the civil war left the region a shambles. That, combined with the terror many Africans have of leprosy, led those afflicted to gravitate to Luri Rokwe, where the German organization provides medicine, builds huts and distributes food. The community's population is now about 2,600, mostly relatives of the original residents. Only 331 are leprosy-affected, but nearly all rely on aid. Reuter is trying to change that, telling residents that, with a new government to represent them, it is time to establish a formal community, set rules for themselves and demand that the state provide electricity, water, schools and perhaps a paved road. So far, there is little indication his prodding has taken hold, a sign of the dependency that affects much of the war-scarred south. Tina Susman "Darfur: Inside the Crisis: A War Against Leprosy" Newsdaycom [Leprosarium] [Anglo-Egyptian Sudan] |
2006 | Kumi Leprosy CentreThe Leprosy Mission Canada published this at Kumi Update [Leprosarium] [Uganda] |
2006 | de GuíaTo this day, around 8 to 10 persons with Hansen's Disease live in the Hospital. Source: Cueto & Núñes, 2006. [Leprosarium] [Peru] |
2006 | Huambo LeprosariumMarcos Cueto and Julio Núñes, "Leprosy in Peru: a general description of historical developments" (reseach funded by the ILA project) 14 August 2006. [Leprosarium] [Peru] |
2022 | TimelineBrowse by country, category, or leprosarium [Other] |