International Leprosy Association -
History of Leprosy

  • International Leprosy Association -
    History of Leprosy

    Introduction to Web page of The Chronicle of Indian Leprosy

    Leprosy has deep historical roots in India, with mention in ancient texts like the Atharva Veda and Sushruta Samhita. Even now, India consistently reports highest number of new leprosy cases globally.

    While India was known across the world before 17th century for its riches – cultural, spiritual and economic – post this period it missed the benefits of industrial revolution and modernization, as it was reeling under the yoke of invasions, plunder and colonial rule till its independence in mid 20th century. Of many diseases prevalent at those times in India, the malady leprosy attracted special attention due to its inherent nature of progressing to disfigurement.

    The generous munificence and compassion it received from the west in combating this age-old disease is well recorded. At the same time, India has been a fertile ground to test various medicaments, from Chaulmoogra oil to drugs of modern medicine, such as dapsone and clofazimine which impacted the management of leprosy greatly across the world.

    However, there is more to Indian leprosy than often told. Great thinkers and philosophers of ancient times; brilliant native researchers, self-less workers and generous benefactors of recent times, contributed considerably to the growth of knowledge and welfare of leprosy patients. Some of these workers started important institutions which continue to serve even at present for the cause of leprosy.

    To bring out these details ‘The Chronicle of Indian Leprosy’ was brought out commemorating the 21st International leprosy Congress 2022, held at Hyderabad, India. It has seven sections. The sections ‘Leprosy in ancient and colonial India, Independent India Pre-MDT era, and Post 1983 Indian leprosy’ describe the evaluation of concepts of care and issues concerning leprosy in India of those times. The later sections detail Stalwarts and Researchers who pioneered and impacted Leprosy work across India over the last century and contribution of various ‘Non-Governmental agencies, Journals & Associations of HCP and Persons-affected in the management of leprosy and patient rehabilitation.

    This chronicle attempts to bring-forth these aspects of Indian leprosy, though not in full detail but substantially, in a coherent manner through the chapters contributed by fifty-eight authors who have been working for Indian leprosy over decades. It attempts to detail the information in an easy-to-read manner, while keeping the content relevant and honest.

    P. Narasimha Rao, MD, D.D, PhD.

    President, International Leprosy Association (ILA)
    Past President, Indian Association of Leprologists (IAL)

    A Chronicle of Indian Leprosy (PDF)


    Acworth Leprosy Hospital and Museum
    Lady Willingdon Settlement (later Central Leprosy Teaching and Research Institute (CLTRI)) 
    Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine
    Schieffelin Leprosy Research Centre, Karigiri, Vellore (Christian Medical College and Hospital)
    Bombay Leprosy Project
    Gandhi Memorial Leprosy Foundation
    Foundation for Medical Research (FMR), Mumbai