International Leprosy Association -
History of Leprosy

  • International Leprosy Association -
    History of Leprosy


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    1918 Sanitary Code established for the State of Paraná (Brazil), Paraná State Leprosarium, St Roque. [Legislation] [Brazil]
    1918 "In 1918, the first leprosarium was established by the American Leprosy Mission in Tongzhou county [Shandong Province], with 60 beds".(Chen Shumin, Liu Dingchang, Liu Bing, Zhang Lin and Yu Xioulu, "Role of Leprosy Villages and Leprosaria in Shandong Province, People's Republic of China: Past, Present and Future" Leprosy Review74 (2003): 222-8.) [Other] [China]
    1918 "A second Committee was appointed in 1918 [in Malta]to study de novo the question of the seclusion of lepers enforced by the law. This Committee maintained that compulsory segregation was still necessary, but emphasised that patients should have the right to all the necessary comforts and the best therapeutic treatment." Leprosy Archives: The Maltese Islands compiled by C Savona-Ventura, the Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands, the Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem, Malta, 2006, p.9) [Legislation] [Malta]
    1918 KalaupapaGoodhue, E S, 'The Molokai Leper Settlement'. Trop. Dis. Bull., 1918:11 (6) 402.
    Source: Keffer, L, Índice Bibliográfico da Lepra:1.500-1.944, Vol II, I-P. Biblioteca do Departamento da Lepra do São Paulo, Brasil, 1946. [Leprosarium] [Hawaii]
    1918 Santo ÂngeloCaiuby, A S. 'Projeto da leprosaria modelo nos campos de Santo Ângelo - Estado de São Paulo'. Monograph. S. Paulo, 1918.
    Source: Keffer, L, Índice Bibliográfico da Lepra:1.500-1.944, Vol II, I-P. Biblioteca do Departamento da Lepra do São Paulo, Brasil, 1946. [Leprosarium] [Brazil]
    1918 Santo ÂngeloNeiva, A. 'Prefácio à monografia 'Projecto da Leprosaria Modelo nos Campos de Santo Angelo - Estado de São Paulo', de A. S. Caiuby'. S. Paulo, 1918, 3.
    Source: Keffer, L, Índice Bibliográfico da Lepra:1.500-1.944, Vol II, I-P. Biblioteca do Departamento da Lepra do São Paulo, Brasil, 1946. [Leprosarium] [Brazil]
    1918 GuapiraSoares, J C M. 'Santa Casa de Misericordia de São Paulo - Relatorio apresentado pelo mordomo do Hospital dos Lazaros, em 30-6-1918, para o anno de 1917'. S. Paulo, 1918.
    Source: Keffer, L, Índice Bibliográfico da Lepra:1.500-1.944, Vol II, I-P. Biblioteca do Departamento da Lepra do São Paulo, Brasil, 1946. [Leprosarium] [Brazil]
    1918 GuapiraRibas, E. 'Santa Casa de Misericordia de São Paulo - Relatorio apresentado pelo mordomo do Hospital dos Lazaros, em 30-6-1918, para o anno de 1917: Annexo A.- Pelo chefe clinico do Hospital dos Lazaros, em Guapira, 18-5-1918'. S. Paulo, 1918, 15.
    Source: Keffer, L, Índice Bibliográfico da Lepra:1.500-1.944, Vol II, I-P. Biblioteca do Departamento da Lepra do São Paulo, Brasil, 1946. [Leprosarium] [Brazil]
    1918 Tai-Kam ColonyDr Wu Ting-fang and Rev John Lake began to look for a suitable island off the southern coast of what was known as Kwangtung Province, and Tai-Kam, which is within sight of Saint John's Island where in 1552 Francis Xavier died in seeking entrance to China, was decided upon.
    Source: James L Maxwell, "Ridding China of Leprosy" in The China Medical Journal 44 (1930): 769.
    [Leprosarium] [China]
    1918 JesushilfeDuring World War I, the work at the hospital went on uninterrupted. After the war, the hospital was principally supported by Britain and the centre, which was previously in Herrnhut, was transferred to Britain. However, the Sisters continued to come, as previously, from the center at Emaus, near Dresden. The local committee, at the head of which originally, was a cleric, ceased its function. The German influence on the hospital decreased and, in the eyes of the (British) Mandatory government, became international. Nissim Levy, History of Medicine in the Holy Land : 1799-1948 (Hakibbutz Hameuchad Publishing House & the Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Haifa, Israel, 1998), translation by Professor Mark N. Lowenthal.
    [Leprosarium] [Palestine]
    1918 MakogaiOver 300 patients. Source: Makogai - Image of Hope (1978), p. 50. [Leprosarium] [Fiji]
    1918 Vengurla (Friends Leprosy Mission)Founded. Source: League of Nations Archive: File 29098 and Report on Leprosy and its Control in India by the Committee appointed by the Central Advisory Board of Health (1941). Government of India Press, New Dehli, 1942, p. 58. [Leprosarium] [India]
    1919 Cuttack Leprosy Asylum founded in India. Source: Dongre, The History of Leprosy in India: 54. [Other] [India]
    1919 On November 11, 1919, the leprosy asylum at Cuttack was established by the Baptist Mission. [Other] [India]
    1919 "An amended Lepers' Ordinance was published in 1919, while the hospital regulations were revised. The new regulations required internment only seven days after confirmation [of leprosy], and allowed for the eventual discharge of the patient when the disease process was considered arrested and there remained no further risk to the public." Leprosy Archives: The Maltese Islands compiled by C Savona-Ventura, the Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands, the Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem, Malta, 2006, p 9.) [Legislation] [Malta]
    1919 Purulia, Chota NagporeThere were 733 patients there in 1919 (E B Sharpe, "Personal Communication to Perry Burgess" (1937) [Leprosarium] [India]
    1919 National Sanatorium Oshima Seisho-en / Ohshima Hospital 国立療養所大島青松園Kegai’s report on detention of Tashiro "ringleader" of vagrant gangs of persons with leprosy [Leprosarium] [Japan]
    1919 Santo ÂngeloProphylaxia da lepra'. Arq. Bras. Med., 1919:9 (1) 177.
    Source: Keffer, L, Índice Bibliográfico da Lepra:1.500-1.944, Vol II, I-P. Biblioteca do Departamento da Lepra do São Paulo, Brasil, 1946. [Leprosarium] [Brazil]
    1919 Santo ÂngeloEradication of leprosy - Letter' J.A.M.A, 1919:72 (24) 1783.
    Source: Keffer, L, Índice Bibliográfico da Lepra:1.500-1.944, Vol II, I-P. Biblioteca do Departamento da Lepra do São Paulo, Brasil, 1946. [Leprosarium] [Brazil]
    1919 Santo ÂngeloAlmeida, R. 'Leprosaria modelo'. Gaz. Clin., 1919:17 (2) 26.
    Source: Keffer, L, Índice Bibliográfico da Lepra:1.500-1.944, Vol II, I-P. Biblioteca do Departamento da Lepra do São Paulo, Brasil, 1946. [Leprosarium] [Brazil]
    1919 GuapiraSoares, J C M. 'Irmandade da Santa Casa da Misericordia de São Paulo - Relatório apresentado à Mesa Conjuncta pelo irmão provedor, Exmo. Sr. Senador A. de Lacerda Franco, em 14-9-1919: Annexo n. 7.- Relatorio do mordomo do Hospital dos Lazaros do Guapira - 1918'. S. Paulo, 1919, 145.
    Source: Keffer, L, Índice Bibliográfico da Lepra:1.500-1.944, Vol II, I-P. Biblioteca do Departamento da Lepra do São Paulo, Brasil, 1946. [Leprosarium] [Brazil]
    1919 GuapiraRibas, E. 'Irmandade da Santa Casa da Misericordia de São Paulo - Relatorio apresentado à Mesa Conjuncta pelo irmão provedor, Exmo. Sr. Senador A. de Lacerda Franco, em 14-9-1919: Annexo n. 7.- Relatorio do mordomo do Hospital dos Lazaros do Guapira - 1918.- Annexo: Relatorio do director clinico do Hospital dos Lazaros, 5-7-1919'. S. Paulo, 1919, 151.
    Source: Keffer, L, Índice Bibliográfico da Lepra:1.500-1.944, Vol II, I-P. Biblioteca do Departamento da Lepra do São Paulo, Brasil, 1946. [Leprosarium] [Brazil]
    1919 Santa IsabelConstruction began.
    (Araujo, H C S. 'A lepra e as organizações anti-leprosas do Brasil em 1936'. Mem. Inst. Osw. Cruz, 1937:32 (1) 136-7) [Leprosarium] [Brazil]
    1919 Cuttack Leper HospitalThe Leprosy Asylum at Cuttack, which had been set up by the Government, and built at a cost of Rs 1,60,000/-, and had been inaugurated by Sir Edward Gait, the then Lt Governor of Bihar and Orissa on November 11, 1891, was handed over to the Baptist Mission, Cuttack through the Baptist Mission, London, under the Superintendance of Rev R J Grundy. (Jayadev Sahu, "One Hundred Years of Leprosy Work in Orissa 1885-1984" Unpublished thesis, 1989: 19). 1919 is given as the founding date of the asylum in a document in the League of Nations Archive: File 29098. [Leprosarium] [India]
    1919 Cuttack Leper HospitalIn 1919, the Sambalpur District Council set apart an amount in its budget to be contributed annually to the Cuttack asylum (Jayadev Sahu, "One Hundred Years of Leprosy Work in Orissa 1885-1984" Unpublished thesis, 1989: 20) [Leprosarium] [India]
    1919 JesushilfeDr. Einsler died in 1919 and in his place Dr. Tewfik Canaan was appointed Medical Director. He had been the assistant in the German Hospital. He directed the hospital for 29 years, until 1948. During this period, marked progress in the treatment of leprosy occurred, including the introduction of the sulphones. Nissim Levy, History of Medicine in the Holy Land : 1799-1948 (Hakibbutz Hameuchad Publishing House & the Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Haifa, Israel, 1998), translation by Professor Mark N. Lowenthal.
    [Leprosarium] [Palestine]
    1919 Lady Willingdon Settlement
    "In November 1919, a resolution was moved in the Local legislative Council urging the Government to take measures to check the spread of leprosy in the provinces. The Government considered that the first step to be taken was to provide accommodation for about half the total lepers in the Presidency at selected centres for groups of districts. As originally contemplated, the existing asylums under private management were to be subsidised and enlarged for the purpose, but this was since found impracticable as the Mission to Lepers, which maintained most of these institutions, was strongly opposed to their utilisation for the purpose of compulsory segregation. The question whether this central institution should take the form of an asylum or a settlement for lepers was then discussed, but was left over for further consideration. The Mission to Lepers strongly advocated Leper Settlements or Colonies as being economical and efficient where large numbers of lepers had to be accommodated."
    Source: Note for the Finance Committee: Proposed Leper Colony at Chingleput" Correspondence at the Leprosy Mission International, Brentford. [Leprosarium] [India]
    1919 Cuttack Leper HospitalEstablished. Source: Report on Leprosy and its Control in India by the Committee appointed by the Central Advisory Board of Health (1941). Government of India Press, New Dehli, 1942, p. 58. [Leprosarium] [India]
    1920 Iceland: 67 lepers (0.78 per mille). (Ehlers, quoted in Rogers 17). [Epidemiology] [Europe]
    1920 The National Department of Public Health is formed (Departamento Nacional de Saúde Pública), with the Division of Control of Leprosy "Inspectoria de Prophylaxia da Lepra" (written by Eduardo Rabello) 1921-1926: 12,000 people with leprosy recorded.
    Source: HC de Souza Araujo, "The Leprosy Problem in Brazil" Am J Trop Med, May 1925.
    This Department was created by Carlos Chagas and it was the first time that sanitary activity regarding leprosy was organised in relation to public health.
    Source: L. Campos Melo, 'A luta contra a lepra no Distrito Federal', Folha Médica. Rio de Janeiro, 1937. Cited in: AP Velloso, & V Andrade, Hanseníase: curar para eliminar. Porto Alegre, 2002. [Epidemiology] [Brazil]
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