3,298 matches out of all 3,298, 1,981 to 2,010 displayed.
1938 | Padre BentoBarros, J M. 'Organisação do serviço de olhos do "Sanatorio Padre Bento".- Sugestão para montagem na sede central'. Rev. Bras. Lepr., 1938:6 (N. Especial) 31. Source: Keffer, L, Índice Bibliográfico da Lepra:1.500-1.944, Vol II, I-P. Biblioteca do Departamento da Lepra do São Paulo, Brasil, 1946. [Leprosarium] [Brazil] |
1938 | Santo ÂngeloPassos Sobrinho, A. 'O Asylo Colonia "Santo Angelo".' From A Tribuna, Santos, 24-2-1938. Source: Keffer, L, Índice Bibliográfico da Lepra:1.500-1.944, Vol II, I-P. Biblioteca do Departamento da Lepra do São Paulo, Brasil, 1946. [Leprosarium] [Brazil] |
1938 | Santo ÂngeloO Asilo-Colonia de Santo Angelo recebeu no dia 24 pela manhã a visita do Interventor Federal. O Dr. Adhemar de Barros teve magnifica impressão da modelar organização que é aquelle serviço de combate à lepra em São Paulo'. From A Nota, Rio de Janeiro, 26-6-1938. Source: Keffer, L, Índice Bibliográfico da Lepra:1.500-1.944, Vol II, I-P. Biblioteca do Departamento da Lepra do São Paulo, Brasil, 1946. [Leprosarium] [Brazil] |
1938 | Santo Ângelo1 545 internados no Asylo Santo Angelo. Como transcorreu a festa commemorativa do primeiro decennio de existencia daquella colonia hospital - Impressões colhidas pelo Diario da Noite'. From Diario da Noite, S. Paulo, 8-8-1938. Source: Keffer, L, Índice Bibliográfico da Lepra:1.500-1.944, Vol II, I-P. Biblioteca do Departamento da Lepra do São Paulo, Brasil, 1946. [Leprosarium] [Brazil] |
1938 | Tavares de MacedoOpened. (Document in CPDOC - Fundação Getúlio Vargas, GC j 1946.01.19 - rolo 73 fot. 882 - 884) [Leprosarium] [Brazil] |
1938 | Cuttack Leper HospitalIn 1938, on October 1, the scheme for anti-leprosy work in Orissa was put into operation (Jayadev Sahu, "One Hundred Years of Leprosy Work in Orissa 1885-1984" Unpublished thesis, 1989: Appendix I) [Leprosarium] [India] |
1938 | Audaku, Saaremaa Island ( Ösel)Parmakson states that there were 33 people with leprosy here at this time. (P Parmakson, "Statistic Reports on Leprosy in Estonia", IJL6 (1938):185-198) [Leprosarium] [Estonia] |
1938 | MuuliThere were 14 people at Muuli n 1938. (P Parmakson, "Statistic Reports on Leprosy in Estonia", IJL6 (1938):185-198) [Leprosarium] [Estonia] |
1938 | TarvastuThere were 56 people here in 1938 (P Parmakson, "Statistic Reports on Leprosy in Estonia", IJL6 (1938):185-198) [Leprosarium] [Estonia] |
1938 | KuudaIn 1938, there were 55 people housed at the leprosarium (P Parmakson, "Statistic Reports on Leprosy in Estonia", IJL6 (1938):185-198) [Leprosarium] [Northern Estonia] |
1938 | MaïnaThere are three leprosaria in New Caledonia: Maïna and Kananou, agricultural colonies on the east coast; and the Sanatorium de Ducos, seven kilometers from Noumea. A fourth is under construction on the west coast. There are four agricultural colonies in the Loyalty Islands to which patients also go: at Chila, on Lifou; at Bone and Betsédo, on Maré; and at Oné, on Ouvéa. (J Sorel, "Prophylaxie de la lèpre dans les colonies Françaises. Bull Office Internat D'Hyg Pub Supplement 6.1 (1938): 1-21 cited in World Wide Distribution and Prevalence of Leprosy: Supplement to International Journal of Leprosy 12 (December 1944): 53 [Leprosarium] [New Caledonia] |
1938 | KananouThere are three leprosaria: Maïna and Kananou, agricultural colonies on the east coast; and the Sanatorium de Ducos, seven kilometers from Noumea. A fourth is under construction on the west coast. There are four agricultural colonies in the Loyalty Islands to which patients also go: at Chila, on Lifou; at Bone and Betsédo, on Maré; and at Oné, on Ouvéa. (J Sorel, "Prophylaxie de la lèpre dans les colonies Françaises. Bull Office Internat D'Hyg Pub Supplement 6.1 (1938): 1-21 cited in World Wide Distribution and Prevalence of Leprosy: Supplement to International Journal of Leprosy 12 (December 1944): 53 [Leprosarium] [New Caledonia] |
1938 | DucosThere are three leprosaria: Maïna and Kananou, agricultural colonies on the east coast; and the Sanatorium de Ducos, seven kilometers from Noumea. A fourth is under construction on the west coast. There are four agricultural colonies in the Loyalty Islands to which patients also go: at Chila, on Lifou; at Bone and Betsédo, on Maré; and at Oné, on Ouvéa. (J Sorel, "Prophylaxie de la lèpre dans les colonies Françaises. Bull Office Internat D'Hyg Pub Supplement 6.1 (1938): 1-21 cited in World Wide Distribution and Prevalence of Leprosy: Supplement to International Journal of Leprosy 12 (December 1944): 53 [Leprosarium] [New Caledonia] |
1938 | ChilaThere are three leprosaria: Maïna and Kananou, agricultural colonies on the east coast; and the Sanatorium de Ducos, seven kilometers from Noumea. A fourth is under construction on the west coast. There are four agricultural colonies in the Loyalty Islands to which patients also go: at Chila, on Lifou; at Bone and Betsédo, on Maré; and at Oné, on Ouvéa. (J Sorel, "Prophylaxie de la lèpre dans les colonies Françaises. Bull Office Internat D'Hyg Pub Supplement 6.1 (1938): 1-21 cited in World Wide Distribution and Prevalence of Leprosy: Supplement to International Journal of Leprosy 12 (December 1944): 53 [Leprosarium] [New Caledonia] |
1938 | Isle Curieuse (Curieuse Island)Repeal of 1896 ordinance. Curieuse re-acquired for use as leprosy settlement. CR Grainger, ‘Leprosy in the Seychelles’, Lep Rev (1980), 51: 43-9. [Leprosarium] [Seychelles] |
1938 | Ngomahuru Leprosy Hospital"British Empire Leprosarium", The British Journal of Nursing, Nov 1938: 304. [Leprosarium] [Southern Rhodesia] |
1938 | UzuakoliIn a report to the Leprosy Mission, Davey wrote: "The Uzuakoli Leper Colony, Nigeria, is a modern and efficient institution financed by the Native Administration with the cooperation of the methodist Missionary Society which is responsible for the religious and social welfare of the patients. There are now 1,100 of these living in the colony and during the last four years, probably 5,000 people have been refused admission." [Leprosarium] [Nigeria] |
1938 | Purulia, Chota NagporeA second, smaller (but still substantial) leprosarium was established at Purulia, run by a local body. Source: Report on Leprosy and its Control in India by the Committee appointed by the Central Advisory Board of Health (1941). Government of India Press, New Dehli, 1942, p. 58. [Leprosarium] [India] |
1938 | Alalnarth (Alarnath)Established. Source: Report on Leprosy and its Control in India by the Committee appointed by the Central Advisory Board of Health (1941). Government of India Press, New Dehli, 1942, p. 59. [Leprosarium] [India] |
1938 | Hospital Colónia Rovisco PaisBy Decree-law nº 29.122/38, the Leprosaria Rovisco Pais was created and the commissions for the elaboration of the program and building of which the physician-surgeon Prof. Bissaya Barreto and Architect Carlos Ramos. Pelo Decreto-lei nº 29.122 /38 foi criada a Leprosaria Rovisco Pais e nomeadas as comissões de elaboração do programa e de obras das quais faziam parte o médico-cirurgião Prof. Bissaya Barreto e o Arquiteto Carlos Ramos. [Legislation, Leprosarium] [Portugal] |
1939 | Acworth Leprosy Home in Mumbai - Out-patient department with diagnostic, treatment and laboratory services commenced; leprosy training to J.J. Hospital students began. (Bhatki, "Report on Anti-Leprosy Activities in Mumbai", ILA History Workshop, July 2003) [Other] [India] |
1939 | Jose Maria Manuel Fernandez suggests the possible value of BCG for the prevention of leprosy (Rev. Argent. Dermato. 23: 425) [Treatment, People] |
1939 | Soviet Union: 300 cases; Caucasus: 700 cases; Turkestan: 1 000 cases; Astrakan: 600 to 700 cases; Far East 100 cases and Yakutsk 30 cases (Sprawson, quoted in Rogers 19) [Epidemiology] [Russia] |
1939 | Parchure Shastri was admitted to Gandhi's Sevagram Ashram. (Dongre, ILA History Workshop, July 2000) [People] [India] |
1939 | Cyprus: 228 cases (Muir, quoted in Rogers 20) [Epidemiology] [Europe] |
1939 | The Dr Pedro Lopez asylum was founded in Zoquiapan in Mexico State. [Other] [Central America] |
1939 | Panama - Courtney reports that there were 109 patients in the Colony at the time of his study. “Since 1907, there have been 188 cases of leprosy, isolated and admitted to the Colony, in addition to the 109 …” Estimating the population of Panama at 500 000, a rate of 0.26 active cases per 1 000 can be arrived at with a known number of active cases. “In an analysis of the records with regard to places of origin of the 109 cases in the Colony, it was found that 49 of them, or 45 per cent, originated from the four towns of Las Tablas, Los Santos, Bocas del Toro, and Taboga, which represent a total of not over 25 000 people. The remaining 60 cases originated from numerous other towns scattered throughout the Republic with a total population of about 450 000. “Leprosy in Panama: A Study of Its origin and Spread” IJL 7(1939): 29-40 cited in World Wide Distribution and Prevalence of Leprosy: Supplement to the International Journal of Leprosy 12 (1944) [Epidemiology] [Central America] |
1939 | Argentina - The National Department of Health reports 327 new cases for 1938, bringing the total of known cases to 3 579. These distributed as follows: Federal Capital, 697 Buenos Aires 395 Santa Fé, 787 Córdoba, 414 Corrientes, 359 Entre Riós, 265 Misiones, 258 Chaco, 137 The leprosaria are built on the mixed hospital plan: Posada, in Misiones, has 140 beds; San Francisco del Chañar, Córdoba, has 140 Isla del Cerrito, in the Chaco, has 300 General Rodriguez, in Buenos Aires, has 645 Diamante, in Entre Riós, with 260, and a small asylum in the Province of Salta, will soon be constructed. National Department of Health, “Report on the Departmento Nacional de Higiene for 1938: La Sanidad en Argentina” Bol. Sanitaria 3, 172, abstract cited in IJL 9 (1941): 124, cited in World Wide Distribution and Prevalence of Leprosy: Supplement to the International Journal of Leprosy 12 (1944). [Epidemiology] [South America] |
1939 | French Guiana - Delinotte states that in 1937 there were 609 known leprosy cases. “The Fight Against Leprosy in the French Overseas territories” IJL 7 (1939): 517-47 cited in World Wide Distribution and Prevalence of Leprosy: Supplement to the International Journal of Leprosy 12 (1944) [Epidemiology] [South America] |
1939 | Pesce states that Peru as a whole is little affected. “The important foci are limited to the ‘Montana’ in which the number of cases is estimated to be not more than 3 000.” The construction of a modern leprosarium has been begun in Iquitos, to replace the deficient old San Pablo Leprosarium. There is a dispensary at Andahuaylas. H Pesce, “Vencer la Lepra” Folleto de Propaganda Sanitaria, editado por la Campaña Antileprosa en Andahuaylas, Cusco, Peru, p 12. Abstract cited in IJL 9 (1941): 248 cited in World Wide Distribution and Prevalence of Leprosy: Supplement to the International Journal of Leprosy 12 (1944). [Epidemiology] [South America] |