3,298 matches out of all 3,298, 301 to 330 displayed.
1881 | The demonstration of leprosy bacilli in large numbers in affected nerves (Babes, Les Bacteries et leur Rôle dans L'Anatomie et l'Histologie des Maladies Infectieves, Paris: F Alcan, 1885). [Treatment] [Europe] |
1881 | 128 089 leprosy patients were estimated in India in a population of 216 679 331, a prevalence of 0.59. Table 65.1: Information on Census and Leprosy Prevalence in India 1872 to 1931 in M D Gupte, "Leprosy: Epidemiology" in IADVL Textbook of Atlas of Dermatology vol 1 2nd ed, 2001. [Epidemiology] [India] |
1881 | "In the report for the year ending March 31, 1881, among 1420 native patients, only three cases of leprosy were met with". (George Thin, Leprosy, London: Percival,1891: 53 writing about a report from Kiukiang) [Epidemiology] [China] |
1881 | Thane District, Maharashtra, India: 61 cases per 1,00,000. Source: Maharashtra State Gazetteer: Government of Maharashtra Thane District (Revised Edition). Bombay: Gazetteers Department, Government of Maharashtra, 1982. 1st edn: 1882. 2nd edn (rev) 1982, p. 897. [Epidemiology] [India] |
1881 | Albert Victor Leper AsylumAn extra budget grant was sanctioned to meet the cost of repairs to the Leprosy Asylum, Calcutta in January 1881 West Bengal State Archives [Leprosarium] [India] |
1881 | JesushilfeOn January 1st 1881, responsibility for the hospital passed to "The Community of Brothers" (Brudergemeinde). This organization, and notably its English branch, at its head Bishop La Trobe, exhibited interest in the hospital to the extent of accumulating considerable funds for it. Legally, management was vested in the local council in Jerusalem, which had been constituted a short while before. Chairman of the council was Baron Meinhausen, Consul for Germany in the Holy City. Treasurer was the banker Protiger; the others were the hospital’s doctor, Dr. Chaplin, and Schick, the architect. cited in Nissim Levy, History of Medicine in the Holy Land : 1799-1948 (Hakibbutz Hameuchad Publishing House & the Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Haifa, Israel, 1998), translation by Professor Mark N. Lowenthal. [Leprosarium] [Palestine] |
1882 | JesushilfeAt the end of 1882, there were in the institution 16 patients: 11 male (6 Moslem, 5 Christian) and 5 females (2 Moslem, 3 Christian). In the same year, the local committee decided to transfer the institution to a new site close to the Templar settlement (Valley of Spirits, in Hebrew, Emek Harefaim). The prime reason for this, the fear that the government would close the institution because of its closeness to the city. The acquistion encountered many difficulties. Moslem interests, and Jewish, tried to prevent it. A short time after accession of the site for the new hospital, the old building was sold to the Catholic Lazarists. During World War 1, Turkish officers were housed in the building, defaced its façade and among other activities, created a mosque. At the war’s end, the building was commandeered by the British Supply Corps. Thereafter, the Lazarists returned and remain there until the present. After 1948 some Jewish families inhabited the upper storeys. " Witztum, Eli, "Jerusalem" collection of articles arranged by Yaron Lorberbaum, Nature Protection Society (Jerusalem 1988): 24-29, cited in Nissim Levy, History of Medicine in the Holy Land : 1799-1948 (Hakibbutz Hameuchad Publishing House & the Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Haifa, Israel, 1998), translation by Professor Mark N. Lowenthal. [Leprosarium] [Palestine] |
1883 | Malta: leprosy found to be increasing. (Rogers 22). [Epidemiology] [Europe] |
1883 | The Council of Government issued An Ordinance for Checking the Spread of the Disease Commonly Known as Leprosy. This provided for the compulsory notification under pain of legal penalities of every case of leprosy immediately it was recognised. Cases conformed by the Leprosy Board, composed of five doctors, were to be immediately segregated in a leprosarium for as long as they were deemed a public danger. (Leprosy Archives: The Maltese Islands compiled by C Savona-Ventura, the Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands, the Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem, Malta, 2006.) [Legislation] [Malta] |
1883 | RawalpindiAn asylum there [Leprosarium] [India] |
1883 | SabaráFounded. (Araujo, H C S. 'A lepra e as organizações anti-leprosas do Brasil em 1936'. Mem. Inst. Osw. Cruz, 1937:32 (1) 136) [Leprosarium] [Brazil] |
1883 | Albert Victor Leper AsylumIn May, 1883, a contribution was made by the government and the Calcutta Municipality towards the cost of repairs to the asylum West Bengal State Archives [Leprosarium] [India] |
1883 | Rurki (Roorkee)Founded. Source: League of Nations Archive: File 29098. and Report on Leprosy and its Control in India by the Committee appointed by the Central Advisory Board of Health (1941). Government of India Press, New Dehli, 1942, p. 59. [Leprosarium] [India] |
1883 | St Joseph's Leper AsylumFounded. Source: League of Nations Archive: File 29098. [Leprosarium] [India] |
1883 | MangaloreEstablished. Source: Report on Leprosy and its Control in India by the Committee appointed by the Central Advisory Board of Health (1941). Government of India Press, New Dehli, 1942, p. 59. [Leprosarium] [India] |
1884 | Hillis's paper read at British Guiana Branch meeting (reported in BMJ Jan 5, 33). [Other] [West Indies] |
1884 | Dr Arning (Hawaii) presented a paper at the First Dermatological Congress in Prague, June 10-12, 1889 which described how he had obtained permission to suggest to a condemned criminal a choice between death by execution or to use as a subject in a medical experiment. Keanu cooperated with the latter in September 1884 and was injected with leprous tissue. In December 1887, he showed unmistakable symptoms of the disease. In September 1888, he was diagnosed with fully developed leprosy. Once again, it seemed inescapable that the disease could be conveyed by inoculation, specifically vaccination - that it was contagious in this way. ("The Inoculation of Leprosy" British Medical Journal Jan. 11 1890: 90-1). Subsequent medical reports on April 19 1890: 909 and 917-8 revealed that members of his immediate family had already been exposed to the disease: "his son, his nephew, and his brother-in-law were victims of the disease" - and the case sank into oblivion. Most of the literature of the time that argued the case for contagion referred to this ethically suspect experiment for support. [Treatment] [Pacific Islands] |
1884 | Alleppey (Allepy)Began. (Or 1893, according to a 1931 questionnaire replies given by the asylum - Source: League of Nations Archive: File 29098.) [Leprosarium] [India] |
1885 | Albless Home in Mumbai; Sambalpur Leprosy Asylum; Petit Leprosy Hospital, Ratnagiri all established in India. Source: Dongre, The History of Leprosy in India p 54. [Other] [India] |
1885 | The Sambalpur Local Committee formed and established a leprosy asylum. [Other] [India] |
1885 | Edalji (Edulji, Eduljee) Framji Albless Leper Home/HouseEdalji (Eduljee) Framji Albless Leper Home, Trombay: maintained by the Catholic Mission [Leprosarium] [India] |
1885 | Albert Victor Leper AsylumIn October 1885, a report was made on the Leprosy Asylum, Calcutta and the leper ward in Bankura Jail West Bengal State Archives [Leprosarium] [India] |
1885 | JesushilfeOn the 9th May 1885, the building work of the hospital commenced on the new site following the plan of Conrad Schick. The building was dedicated on the 24th April 1887. At the main entrance, facing south are double stairs which lead to the entrance to the 1st floor. Above the entrance, chiselled in stone in German was Jesus-Hilfe. The 1st floor was planned around an inner courtyard. The rooms were connected by means of a passage and an arcade surrounding the courtyard on all sides. The rooms of the 2nd floor were joined by a verandah and a wooden staircase leading to the courtyard. The garden enabled the patients to indulge in the growing of various plants. In the courtyard were two large wells. Nissim Levy, History of Medicine in the Holy Land : 1799-1948 (Hakibbutz Hameuchad Publishing House & the Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Haifa, Israel, 1998), translation by Professor Mark N. Lowenthal. [Leprosarium] [Palestine] |
1885 | JesushilfeBrother Tappen returned to Germany in 1884 (d. 1897) and the direction of the new hospital was entrusted to Father Müller who remained in this capacity until 1891. He was then replaced by Karl Schubert. In 1908, the institution was transferred to the management of the Deaconesses from Herrnhut. Three of them had already been working in the institution. Elizabeth Müller was appointed to be the principal nurse. Nissim Levy, History of Medicine in the Holy Land : 1799-1948 (Hakibbutz Hameuchad Publishing House & the Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Haifa, Israel, 1998), translation by Professor Mark N. Lowenthal. [Leprosarium] [Palestine] |
1885 | J J Hospital Leprosy WardW J Moore Esq, Surgeon-General with the Government of Bombay, reported to the Secretary of the Government of Bombay, General Department, on Feburary 18, 1889 that a total of 126 people were treated in the JJ Hospital ward. He wrote that "every week some are refused from want of room in the male ward. The average stay in hospital is longer than with ordinary patients, sometimes extending to years." Selections from the Government of India Home Department: Papers Relating to the Treatment of Leprosy in India from 1887-95. Calcutta: Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, India, 1896. [Leprosarium] [India] |
1885 | Neyoor (Colachel)This home was founded.Source: League of Nations Archive: File 29098 and Report on Leprosy and its Control in India by the Committee appointed by the Central Advisory Board of Health (1941). Government of India Press, New Dehli, 1942, p. 60. [Leprosarium] [India] |
1886 | Mission to Lepers active in twenty different towns and villages. [Organisation] [India] |
1886 | Pulau Jerejak157. There have been no additions or alterations to these buildings. The cornpound has undergone much improvement. Part of the open space in front of the Asylum has been turfed, and tlie whole will be completed shortly. The Eucalyptus trees mentioned in last report as having been planted all round the Asylum, are growing well. i 158. The sanitary condition of the Asylum has been satisfactory. No cases of malarial fever occurred. There were a few deaths from beri-beri among the patients who were admitted with the disease from without. 159. The health of ihc inmates during the year has been fair, the mortality being less than that for 1885. The total number treated has been 197. Of these, 75 died as against 85 in the previous year, giving a percentage of 38.27, against 41.6, respectively; This death.rate, though high, is chiefly due to the cases admitted being in a cachectic, ill-nourished, feeble condition, suffering more or less from extensive iilceration, general debility witli intercurrcnt syphilis, many of them being besides victims to opium smoking. 160., The regular number of lepers drafted during the year from Singapore and Malacca was 44. These arrived at the Asylum on the 8th of January, 1886, One of them died on the voyage, and one on the morning of his arrival on the Island. 161. The gurjon and chaulmaugra oil treatment is vigorously carried out, with beneficial results. Some of tlic patients will soon be ready for discharge. 162. The behaviour of the inmates throughout the year has been most satisfactory, and so much so that the police guard hitherto attached to the Asylum was dis- pensed with in September last, being considered no longer necessary. 163. As the system of keeping up a fishing stake ("blat") for the lepers did not work satisfactorily, it has been stopped, and the Colonial Surgeon in charge has entered into a contract with fishermen whose fishing grounds are in the vicinity to supply regularly fresh fish for the inmates. 164. The water supply has been good and ample. 165. The money realised from the cocoa-nut trees in the compound has been $100 for the year. 166. The rainfall amounted to 110.10 inches. i67.. Regular visits, twice .1 week, have been paid by the Colonial Surgeon. The Superintendent and working staff have given every satisfaction. Report on the Leper Hospital. The report was recorded in the Straits Settlement Annual Department Reports [Leprosarium] [Malaysia] |
1886 | AmbohipiantranaEn 1886, les measures d’organisation étant arrêtées, at les fonds nécessaries ayant pu être réunis, la mission décida la création de la léproserie d'Antsirabe et commença les premiers travaux. Elle fut, d’ailleurs, secondée par les habitants et, en particulier, par le gouveneur indigène d’alors. Les maisons ne tardèrent pas a s’élever; le premier village lépreux, Ambohipiantrana, fut inauguré en 1888, et reçut, au début, une vingtaine de maladies. Depuis, la Mission Norvégienne n’a cessé de poursuivre, avec un dévouement de plus méritoires, l’oeuvre humanitaire qu’elle s’est assignée. (GS Chapus, Antsirabe, Passé, Présent, Avenir. Tananarive: Imprimerie Lutherienne, 1951. [Leprosarium] [Madagascar] |
1886 | Dinsha Manekji Petit Asylum (Dinshah Manockji Petit Leprosy Hospital)"Rules have been passed from time to time by the Hospital Committee, chiefly with a view to stopping, if possible, patients absconding. On Dr McCalman's recommendations, the committee ruled in 1886 that a leper who absconded should not be readmitted. I found however that the lepers came back and sought readmission on account of the disease becoming aggravated, and that they were frequently in such a condition that it would have been nothing short of cruelty to refuse them admission." Source: W J Moore Esq, Surgeon-General with the Government of Bombay, to the Secretary of the Government of Bombay, General Department, on Feburary 18, 1889. Selections from the Government of India Home Department: Papers Relating to the Treatment of Leprosy in India from 1887-95. Calcutta: Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, India, 1896: 4. [Leprosarium] [India] |