International Leprosy Association -
History of Leprosy

  • International Leprosy Association -
    History of Leprosy


    Timeline Search

    3,298 matches out of all 3,298, 391 to 420 displayed.

    1890 Amballa (Ambala)Amballa is mentioned in the report of the Leprosy Commission [Leprosarium] [India]
    1890 Chamba State Leper AsylumVisit by Wellesley Bailey
    Bailey, W. The Lepers of Our Indian Empire: A Visit to Them in 1890-91, London: John Shaw, 1891 [Leprosarium] [India]
    1890 RawalpindiVisit of the Leprosy Commission [Leprosarium] [India]
    1890 RawalpindiVisit by Wellesley Bailey
    Bailey, W. The Lepers of Our Indian Empire: A Visit to Them in 1890-91, London: John Shaw, 1891 [Leprosarium] [India]
    1890 Tarn TaranVisit of the Leprosy Commission [Leprosarium] [India]
    1890 Tarn TaranVisit by Wellesley Bailey
    Bailey, W. The Lepers of Our Indian Empire: A Visit to Them in 1890-91, London: John Shaw, 1891 [Leprosarium] [India]
    1890 Subathu Leper AsylumVisit of the Leprosy Commission [Leprosarium] [India]
    1890 Subathu Leper AsylumVisit by Wellesley Bailey
    Bailey, W. The Lepers of Our Indian Empire: A Visit to Them in 1890-91, London: John Shaw, 1891 [Leprosarium] [India]
    1890 SrinagarVisit by Wellesley Bailey - asylum to be built at Bahra (Dr Neve CMS to be superintendent).
    Bailey, W. The Lepers of Our Indian Empire: A Visit to Them in 1890-91, London: John Shaw, 1891 [Leprosarium] [India]
    1890 RangoonVisit of the Leprosy Commission [Leprosarium] [Burma]
    1890 RangoonVisit by Wellesley Bailey
    Bailey, W. The Lepers of Our Indian Empire: A Visit to Them in 1890-91, London: John Shaw, 1891 [Leprosarium] [Burma]
    1890 Moulmein Leper HomeVisit of the Leprosy Commission [Leprosarium] [Burma]
    1890 Moulmein Leper HomeVisit by Wellesley Bailey
    Bailey, W. The Lepers of Our Indian Empire: A Visit to Them in 1890-91, London: John Shaw, 1891 [Leprosarium] [Burma]
    1890 Thayetmyo (Thayetmo)Visit of the Leprosy Commission [Leprosarium] [Burma]
    1890 PromeVisit of the Leprosy Commission [Leprosarium] [Burma]
    1890 Albert Victor Leper AsylumThe cost of repairs to the Alms House and asylum was sanctioned in December 1890 West Bengal State Archives [Leprosarium] [India]
    1890 Albert Victor Leper AsylumA government grant was made towards repairs of the Calcutta asylum in January 1890 West Bengal State Archives [Leprosarium] [India]
    1890 Pulau Jerejak62. Acting Colonial Surgeon Leask reports on this hospital
    1. One hundred and ten (l10) lepers were admitted into Hospital during the year which, with 22 that remained from last year, made a total of 132. Of these,
    there were discharged 18, transferred 42, absconded 27, died 18, remained at end of year 27.
    2. Fourteen (14) prisoners were treated during the year in the Prison Ward. On the 21st April, 2 long sentenced prisoners made their escape by lilting a plank
    off the floor.
    3. On the night of 18th August, a batch of 22 male lepers escaped from the Hospital by wrenching off one of the doors of the ward and overpowering the two
    attendants. Of these, five were arrested and brought back by the Police.
    4. I'o ensure their safe custody for the future, I would recommend that the three wards in the male Hospital be replaced by semi-permanent, ones similar to
    tliose at the Pauper Hospital. The number of watchmen, too. is inadequate for the proper control of these men, especially when a large body of them is in Hospital.
    5. The average daily sick was 37.49, and their mortality 13.63 per cent.
    6. Of the total treated, 25 were females, amongst whom 3 deaths occurred.
    7. Forty-two (42) lepers, amongst whom were two prisoners, were transferred to the I.eper Asylum, Pulau Jerejak, on the 3rd December.
    Report on the Leper Hospital. The report was recorded in the Straits Settlement Annual Department Reports [Leprosarium] [Malaysia]
    1890 BagamoyoThe first recorded leprosy village in the country was established near the Catholic Mission in Bagamoyo, run by Catholic Missionaries and supported with funds from the Indian trader, Sewa Haji. This development has been dated variously to 1890 and 1897.
    (For the former date see H Goergen "The History of Health Care in Tanzania". For the latter, see HW Wheate, "Leprosy Control in Tanzania", Lepr Rev, 40 (1969):217-222; on p. 217.
    [Leprosarium] [German East Africa]
    1890 BhagalpurFounded.
    Sources: League of Nations Archive: File 29098 and
    Report on Leprosy and its Control in India by the Committee appointed by the Central Advisory Board of Health (1941). Government of India Press, New Dehli, 1942, p. 58.. [Leprosarium] [India]
    1890 Acworth Leprosy Hospital (Matoonga)Founded [Leprosarium] [India]
    1891 Chaulmoogra used in St Louis Leper Hospital, Paris. [Treatment] [Europe]
    1891 126 244 leprosy patients were estimated in India in a population of 274 373 929, a prevalence of 0.50. Table 65.1: Information on Census and Leprosy Prevalence in India 1872 to 1931 in M D Gupte, "Leprosy: Epidemiology" in IADVL Textbook of Atlas of Dermatology vol 1 2nd ed, 2001. [Epidemiology] [India]
    1891 “It is certain that leprosy does not prevail in the north of China to anything like the extent to which it prevails in the south-eastern parts, and it is very probable that it occurs in the neighbourhood of Canton, Amoy, and adjacent districts, to a much greater extent than it does in any other parts of the Empire.” ((George Thin, Leprosy, London: Percival,1891: 52) [Epidemiology] [China]
    1891 “Leprosy is found throughout the whole Empire of China; that he [Jeremiassen] himself has seen it in all the sea-coast provinces from north to south; that the disease is found among all classes, but naturally most among the poor. He states that leprosy is generally considered contagious among the Chinese, but that lepers [sic] are often found living amongst the family during the first stage. … Leper villages are regularly established in different parts of the country. Generally near cities one or more lepers [sic] will be found outside the city wall; still they are not excluded from visiting the city, where one daily finds them going from house to house begging.” (The medical opinion of Dr Jeremiassen from Epitome of the Reports of the Medical Officers of the China Imperial Maritime Customs Service, from 1871 to 1882, compiled by Surgeon-General Dr Gordon and cited in George Thin, Leprosy, London: Percival,1891: 55-6) [Other] [China]
    1891 Sholapur District, Maharashtra, India: 81 cases per 10,000 population.
    Source: Maharashtra State Gazetteer: Government of Maharashtra, Sholapur District (Revised edition). Bombay Gazetteers Department, Government of Maharashtra, 1977. 1st edn 1884. 2nd edn (rev): 1977. p. 791. [Epidemiology] [India]
    1891 Purulia, Chota NagporeBailey noted that Mr. & Mrs Uffman and Mr Kufernagel were superintendents at the Asylum. There is a photo of the asylum: Chota Nagpore. (p.121) The Lepers of Our Indian Empire, by Wellesley Bailey, London: Shaw, 1892. [Leprosarium] [India]
    1891 Hospital dos Lazaros da BahiaRodrigues, N. 'A lepra no Estado da Bahia: Hospital de lazaros da Bahia.- Nota apresentada ao 3.º Cong. Med. Brasileiro, a proposito da distribuição geográfica da lepra no norte do Brazil'. Brasil Med., 1891:5 (4) 31.
    Source: Keffer, L, Índice Bibliográfico da Lepra:1.500-1.944, Vol II, I-P. Biblioteca do Departamento da Lepra do São Paulo, Brasil, 1946. [Leprosarium] [Brazil]
    1891 Purulia, Chota NagporeA grant of Rs. 100 per annum was made to the leprosy asylum, Purulia West Bengal State Archives [Leprosarium] [India]
    1891 Hangchow Leper Hospital"In 1891 a separate building for males was erected in a corner of the CMS Hospital compound."
    Source: Phyllis Haddow and Stephen D Sturton, 'Hangchow', in James L Maxwell, "Ridding China of Leprosy" The China Medical Journal 44 (1930): 789. [Leprosarium] [China]
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