International Leprosy Association -
History of Leprosy

  • International Leprosy Association -
    History of Leprosy


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    1891 ManankavalyIn the Chronicle of the London Missionary Society for the Year 1891(ed Rev George Cousins, London: London Missionary Society, 1891), an article "A Leper Colony in Madagascar: Shall it be Ours?" reported that "The Rev P G Peake, of Isoavina, Madagascar, in an affecting appeal to the Directors, states that from the time of his arrival in Madagascar, in 1870, he had always been aware that there were lepers [sic] in the province of Imerina, but so little was seen of them that, in common with most foreigners, he scarcely realised their existence. However, on his return last season he became painfully conscious of the serious extent of this fell disease. One of his most promising students, left under native instruction during his absence, after taking a second-class certificate when only half through his course, showed marked indications of the disease, and was at once asked to retire from the companionship of his fellows. He had in disappointment, shame, and self-horror spent his days and nights, for fifteen months, in tears over his sad fate. He had learned the trade of tin-smith previous to his becoming a student, so he has been furnished with tools and materials, and is now working in his seclusion, but he has great difficulty in disposing of his products. Another case was that of David, a college-trained man, who had once been an evangelist in the district. On the day after Mr Peake's arrival in Antananarivo, he received a letter from him urging him to use his influence to save him from being turned out of his little secluded home in the outskirts of the town to the east of our LMS College. He failed in his endeavours to prevent this, and David was turned out of his home without compensation, and is now in the hands of a native who professes to be able to cure him." (233)
    Peake wrote to the Foreign Secretary "I propose to begin in a very modest and moderate way by building twenty-four cottages, a small hospital, and small chapel. Five persons to each cottage would secure shelter for 120. These cottages, chapel, and hospital will not exceed 10 each, a maximum total of 260. I hope the Society and friends in England will send me that sum for so excellent a purpose" (235) [Leprosarium] [Madagascar]
    1891 MuuliMuuli at the University of Tartu was founded in 1891. (P Parmakson, "Statistic Reports on Leprosy in Estonia", IJL6 (1938):185-198) [Leprosarium] [Estonia]
    1891 Lazaretto, Black RockA Lazaretto Land Plan dated 1891 from the Public Works Office shows a single building divided into male and female quarters, a kitchen, seclusion cells, wash stand, baths, a water tank, a superintendent's house and land planned or proposed for purchase. (Cited from notes provided by Gerald F. Schroedl, Professor of Anthropology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville from the Barbados Museum and Archives) [Leprosarium] [West Indies]
    1891 Homes for LepersFounded [Leprosarium] [Burma]
    1891 Sehore"The Bombay Gazette, 17th July, 1891, reports the opening of the New Leper Asylum at Sehore, Bhopal, towards which Her Highness the Begum of Bhopal has contributed munificently, and has promised an annual grant of 4500 Rs. for the expenses of maintenance. The building will accommodate about 160 lepers. In his address, Surgeon-Major Dane frankly said, "We do not expect to cure these unfortunate people, as, notwithstanding the praises which are repeatedly being bestowed on some vaunted ‘certain cures’ there is no doubt that a cure for leprosy has still to be discovered." This benevolent lady, the Begum of Bhopal, Nawab Shahjeham, has been persuaded to extend vaccinations in her province, upon which she spends 5000 rupees yearly, employing 35 vaccinators, who performed 38,000 vaccinations last year, thus unwittingly spreading the fell disease at the point of the lancet, and helping to fill the wards of the hospital which her benevolence has established." William Tebb. The Recrudescence of Leprosy and its Causation. London, Swan Sonnenschein and Co, 1893. [Leprosarium] [India]
    1892 Ziferino Falcao (Portugal), at the International Congress of Dermatology, held that in most cases "the first symptom of leprosy is rhinitis … Not seldom, the perforations of the septum may constitute for a very long time, the sole symptom." He found Hansen's bacillus in rubbings from septal mucos. As a consequence the concept of leprosy transmission through the nasal mucosa became widespread. [Conference/Congress, Treatment] [Europe]
    1892 South Africa: The Government passed a directive that all persons with leprosy be segregated on Robben Island.
    Source: "The Story of Robben Island, told by Mr. Jonathan Hutchinson, F.R.C.S.", The Nursing Record and Hospital World June 2, 1900, pp 441-2. [Legislation] [Africa]
    1892 ManankavalyThe Rev Philip Peake took it upon himself to start a leper hospital at Isoavina in 1892, and assisted by friends in Britain and the Malagasy Government, which donated the land, he built thirteen cottages. He struggled with financial problems until the LMS directors finally agreed to give him the necessary funds for a leprosy hospital. (Ibonar A Gow, Madagascar and the Protestant Impact: The Work of the British Missions, 1818-95 (Longman & Dalhousie UP, 1979): 141) [Leprosarium] [Madagascar]
    1892 LungegaardsThis was identified as one of the two hospitals visited and described by 'Shamrock', in "Notes by the Wayside", The Nursing Record, 9 (1892): 693-6 and 827-8. Dr DC Danelssen took issue with Shamrock's account, and responded in an article entitled "Leper Hospitals in Norway", which was immediately met with a riposte by "Shamrock" in The Nursing Record, 9 (1892): 935-6. PDF copies of these articles are freely available online from the Royal College of Nursing archives. [Leprosarium] [Norway]
    1892 St Jørgen HospitalThis was identified as one of the two hospitals visited and described by 'Shamrock', in "Notes by the Wayside", The Nursing Record, 9 (1892): 693-6 and 827-8. Dr DC Danelssen took issue with Shamrock's account, and responded in an article entitled "Leper Hospitals in Norway", which was immediately met with a riposte by "Shamrock" in The Nursing Record, 9 (1892): 935-6. PDF copies of these articles are freely available online from the Royal College of Nursing archives. [Leprosarium] [Norway]
    1892 Robben IslandThe Government passed a directive that all persons with leprosy be segregated on Robben Island.
    Source: "The Story of Robben Island, told by Mr. Jonathan Hutchinson, F.R.C.S.", The Nursing Record and Hospital World June 2, 1900, pp 441-2. [Leprosarium] [South Africa]
    1892 St John's Leper AsylumFounded. Source: League of Nations Archive: File 29098. [Leprosarium] [Burma]
    1892 Raj Kumari Leper AsylumThe asylum was founded. Source: Report on Leprosy and its Control in India by the Committee appointed by the Central Advisory Board of Health (1941). Government of India Press, New Dehli, 1942, p. 58. [Leprosarium] [India]
    1893 Iceland proposal for leper asylums voted down. (Ehlers, quoted in Rogers 17). [Other] [Europe]
    1893 Hospital dos Lazaros da BahiaVianna, F V & Ferreira, J C. 'Hospitaes, enfermerias, casa de saude, asylos e cemiterios.- Hospitaes: 2.- O dos lazaros'. Extract from book, Memoria sobre o Estado da Bahia - Written by order of Exmo. Sr. Dr. Joaquim Manuel Rodrigues Lima, Governor of the State of Bahia. Bahia, 1893, 355.
    Source: Keffer, L, Índice Bibliográfico da Lepra:1.500-1.944, Vol II, I-P. Biblioteca do Departamento da Lepra do São Paulo, Brasil, 1946. [Leprosarium] [Brazil]
    1893 Hospital dos LázarosLima, A. 'Sur l'hôpital de lépreux de Rio de Janeiro'. Ann. Dermat. et Syph., 1893:4 (3rd Series) 228.
    Source: Keffer, L, Índice Bibliográfico da Lepra:1.500-1.944, Vol II, I-P. Biblioteca do Departamento da Lepra do São Paulo, Brasil, 1946. [Leprosarium] [Brazil]
    1893 Albert Victor Leper AsylumIn October, a petition was received from the president of the District Charitable Society asking to be relieved of the charge of maintaining the Leprosy Asylum, Calcutta, and suggesting to the Honorary Secretary of the Prince Albert Victor Memorial Committee that the asylum be over to the government and the funds be placed in the hands of the Committee West Bengal State Archives [Leprosarium] [India]
    1893 Albert Victor Leper AsylumIn October 1893, a report of the Committee for the Leprosy Asylum, Calcutta proposed the removal of the asylum to Manicktola. A petition from Babu Joy Gobinda Law and the residents of ward no. 4 protested against its retention in Amherst Street West Bengal State Archives [Leprosarium] [India]
    1893 Manankavaly"Destruction of the Leper Chapel Madagascar" "... as early as the middle of 1891, I had secured a large piece of land, nearly three quarters of a mile long by about the same in breadth, and commenced building thirteen cottages, trusting to the willingness of good people to help in good time. We were not, however, fortunate in getting the buildings sufficiently advanced before the rains set in, and they were left for the building season. But last April we prepared plans for twenty-five cottages, a hospital, a house for visitors, and a chapel; and we were well into the work again by the end of May, and before the rainy season had well set in all the buildings were roofed in with tiles, and we hoped to be able to open our doors to such as were looking forward and longing for admission after Christmas, when we expected to hold a dedication service in the chapel.

    These plans, however have been rudely set aside by the most destructive cyclone which has ever swept over this country within the memory of the oldest living natives. It took place on January 29th. Besides taking off part of the roof of the mission house, the entire roof of our girl’s schoolhouse, and destroying the class room of the boy’s school here, five chapels in the district were leveled to the ground; ... our beautiful new chapel, with its tiled roof, coloured walls, and glass windows, in the leper village, in which we hoped many hearts would be gladdened by the message of mercy and love, was laid waste by the rage of the terrible storm." P G Peake. Chronicle of the London Missionary Society for the Year 1893(ed Rev George Cousins, London: London Missionary Society, 1893):149-
    [Leprosarium] [Madagascar]
    1893 JesushilfeIn 1893 a children’s section was opened for the healthy children of affected parents. Medical treatment, in the new building, was directed by Dr. Einsler. It is not known when he replaced his predecessor, Dr. Chaplin. At all events, the latter left his position at the English Hospital in 1886 on health grounds, presumably he was then also relieved of his duties at the hospital for leprosy patients. Nissim Levy, History of Medicine in the Holy Land : 1799-1948 (Hakibbutz Hameuchad Publishing House & the Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Haifa, Israel, 1998), translation by Professor Mark N. Lowenthal.
    [Leprosarium] [Palestine]
    1893 Ranigunj (Raniganj, Ranigani, Raniganji)Founded.
    i) League of Nations Archive: File 29098. ii) Report on Leprosy and its Control in India by the Committee appointed by the Central Advisory Board of Health (1941). Government of India Press, New Dehli, 1942, p. 58.
    [Leprosarium] [India]
    1894 Iceland: visited by Ehlers who inspected 158 lepers [Other] [Europe]
    1894 Chaulmoogra used as an injection in Egypt (Feeny)
    Photos of chaulmoogra, including use as injection. [Treatment] [Africa]
    1894 1894 - Louisiana meets the challenge of providing care for leprosy patients. The first seven patients are transported from New Orleans by river barge to what is then a deserted Indian Camp Plantation. The Louisiana State Legislature, with Dr. Isadore Dyer, a dermatologist and leprologist from Tulane University medical school, establishes the Control Board for the Louisiana Leper Home at Carville, Louisiana, "a place of refuge, not reproach; a place of treatment and research, not detention." [Other] [Carville, North America]
    1894 The first leprosy autopsy series included 125 cases. (Hansen, G A and Looft, C Die Lepra vom klinschen und pathologisch Standpunkt). This was later extended by Mitsuda and Ogawa, 1937; Black, 1938; Kean and Childress, 1942; Powell and Schwan, 1955; Junnarkar, 1957; Bernard, 1936; Desikan and Job, 1968; Bernard, 1973. [Treatment]
    1894 IhaienOhtani writes that Ihaien was established by "the Kozensha in what was then the village of Meguro in Tokyo through the charitable efforts of Mr and Mrs Shoshin Ohtsuka, who were assisted by an English charity, the East India Leprosy Relief Association." (48) [Leprosarium] [Japan]
    1894 Hospital dos LázarosPinheiro, F B M. 'Hospital dos lázaros'. Chapter 4 of book, Irmandade do Santissimo Sacramento da Freguezia de Nossa Senhora da Candelária e suas Repartições, Côro, Caridade e Hospital dos Lázaros, Rio de Janeiro, 1894:2.
    Source: Keffer, L, Índice Bibliográfico da Lepra:1.500-1.944, Vol II, I-P. Biblioteca do Departamento da Lepra do São Paulo, Brasil, 1946. [Leprosarium] [Brazil]
    1894 CarvilleThe first seven patients, five men and two women, are transported from New Orleans by river barge to what is then a deserted Indian Camp Plantation. The Louisiana State Legislature, with Dr Isadore Dyer, a dermatologist and leprologist from Tulane University medical school, establishes the Control Board for the Louisiana Leper Home at Carville, Louisiana, "a place of refuge, not reproach; a place of treatment and research, not detention." [Leprosarium] [USA]
    1894 Albert Victor Leper AsylumProposal was made to place the Albert Victor Leprosy Asylum on the list of institutions which had the privilege of indenting on the government medical stores department for medicines and medical stores, in August 1894, West Bengal State Archives [Leprosarium] [India]
    1894 Albert Victor Leper AsylumIn Feburary 1894, a resolution was made to take over the management of the Albert Victor Leprosy Asylum from the District Charitable Society West Bengal State Archives [Leprosarium] [India]
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