International Leprosy Association -
History of Leprosy

  • International Leprosy Association -
    History of Leprosy


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    1896 Pakhoi CMS Leper Asylum
    "The CMS Leper Asylum was founded by the late Dr E C Horder in 1896. It is divided into two compounds, one for men and one for women, and situated on the western side of the general hospital, about 40 feet away and is separated by a wall of ten feet in height. The principal buildings in the men's compound comprise three large airy dormitories, a chapel, a printing house, a dressing room, and a workshop. There are other small buildings serving as kitchen, bathroom, sickroom, store-room etc. The women's compound has three buildings, two for dormitories and one chapel, besides other smaller outhouses. The two compounds enclose an area of 60,990 sq ft."
    Source: S Y Sing and P Z Sun, 'The CMS Leper Asylum, Pakhoi, South China' in James L Maxwell, "Ridding China of Leprosy" The China Medical Journal 44 (1930): 778.
    [Leprosarium] [China]
    1896 Manankavaly"The Faithfulness of the Christian Leper" Two or three miles away from Ambatovory is a large piece of ground granted by the good Queen to the Rev P G Peake, for the purpose of forming a village for those afflicted by that terrible disease, leprosy. Here a number of cottages had been erected, a neat little church built, and hundreds of trees planted for fruit and shade. A few weeks ago the rebels attacked this place, wrecked the church, cut down almost all the trees, and stole the year's store of rice which had been provided for the inmates. Since then a few of the poor people have ventured to return, and to these, three or four days ago, Mr Peake sent a supply of money through a trustworthy man, himself a leper [sic], but formerly, before he was attacked by the disease, an evangelist. His name is David, and he has acted as superintendent and teacher at the leprosy village. But, by some means or other, the rebels, or rather the ruffianism of the neighbourhood got to know of this money being sent out. They seized poor David, stole his money,stripped him of his clothing, and then demanded that he should swear to become one of them - in other words to renounce his Christianity and return to heathenism. But the good man refused utterly to do this; and then the wretches brutally murdered him, cutting off his head and afterwards burning his body.Chronicle of the London Missionary Society for the Year 1893(ed Rev George Cousins, London: London Missionary Society, 1893): 261 [Leprosarium] [Madagascar]
    1896 AmbohipiantranaEn 1896, elle hospitalisait plus se 120 malades, et un nouveau local spécial de 16 lits venait d’être créé. De vastes terrains contigus aux bâtiments avaient été mis en valeur par les lépreux et produisaient les denrées nécessaires a leur alimentation.
    Depuis la fondation, la direction de l’établissement a toujours été assurée par M le pasteur Rossas. Des soins médicaux y sont donnés par M le docteur Ebbell ; enfin deux dames diaconesses sont chargées des soins aux malades et de l’administration intérieure.

    Ainsi fonctionnait la léproserie norvégienne d’Antsirabe lorsque le gouvernement de la colonie, voulant combattre méthodiquement le mal dans toute les parties de l’île, décida la création de léproseries officielles.
    Celle d’Ambohipiantrana possédant des installations toutes créées et parfaitement comprises, le gouvernement entama des pourparlers avec la Mission Norvégienne, en vue de faire de son établissement la léproserie définitive de la région du Vakinankaratra. Ces négociations ont abouti ; elles ont fait l’object d’une convention singée le 15 Août dernier, aux termes de laquelle la Mission Norvégienne s’engage, moyennant une subvention de 40 Frs par an et par malade, à hospitaliser tous les lépreux de la province, soit environ 600.(G S Chapus, Antsirabe, Passé, Présent, Avenir, (Tananarive: Imprimerie Lutherienne, 1951)
    [Leprosarium] [Madagascar]
    1896 KuudaKuuda was founded in 1896 (P Parmakson, "Statistic Reports on Leprosy in Estonia", IJL6 (1938):185-198) [Leprosarium] [Northern Estonia]
    1896 Isle Curieuse (Curieuse Island)The first Seychelles legal ordinance to regulate the conduct of persons with leprosy allowed for the compulsory segregation of vagrant, convict or pauper sufferers. CR Grainger, ‘Leprosy in the Seychelles’, Lep Rev (1980), 51: 43-9. [Leprosarium] [Seychelles]
    1896 Mayurbhanj Leprosy HomeThe asylum was founded.
    Source: League of Nations Archive: File 29098. [Leprosarium] [India]
    1896 McLeod Road Leper ColonyA leprosarium was founded in Karachi, under the control of a local body.
    Source: Report on Leprosy and its Control in India by the Committee appointed by the Central Advisory Board of Health (1941). Government of India Press, New Dehli, 1942, p. 59. [Leprosarium] [Pakistan]
    1897 St Joseph’s Leprosy Hospital, Mangalore, founded in India. [Other] [India]
    1897 Finland: 67 cases .026 per mille (Rogers 19). [Epidemiology] [Europe]
    1897 Iceland leper hospital opened: eighty-one admitted (Ehlers quoted in Rogers 17). [Other] [Europe]
    1897 First International Leprosy Congress in Berlin. President: Rudolf Virchow; Vice-Presidents: Hansen and Lassar. This conference recognised skin and nasal discharge of bacilli, the contagiousness of leprosy, and it also recommended control of leprosy by segregation of patients with the disease.
    Source: International Journal of Leprosy: Centennial Festskrift, 1 1873-1973. [Conference/Congress, People] [Europe]
    1897 Italy: 167 cases in 24 provinces. [Epidemiology] [Europe]
    1897 1897-1902 - First observations of leprosy in state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, by doctor and researcher, Von Bassewitz, in Alegrete. (Velloso, A P & Andrade, V. Hanseníase: curar para eliminar. Porto Alegre, 2002) [Epidemiology] [Brazil]
    1897 Russia:
    The special commission appointed by Baron Vrevski, Governor-General of Russian Turkestan, reports that there are one hundred and sixty-eight persons afflicted with leprosy in that province, and in Bokhara four hundred and thirteen. This number is much lower than the reports of recent travellers would lead one to suppose, and appears to indicate that the disease is dying out. The Russian Red Cross Society has decided to erect an isolated central lazaretto for leprous persons in the neighbourhood of Tashkent.

    Source: The Nursing Record and Hospital World, 19 (11 Dec, 1897): 479. [Epidemiology] [Russia]
    1897 KalaupapaThe leper Island of Molokai', from Lancet, 1897:75 (2) 888.
    Source: Keffer, L, Índice Bibliográfico da Lepra:1.500-1.944, Vol II, I-P. Biblioteca do Departamento da Lepra do São Paulo, Brasil, 1946. [Leprosarium] [Hawaii]
    1897 São LázaroHospital de S. Lazaro.- Abril 10 de 1845.- Lei mineira determinando a creação de um hospital na província com a denominação de S. Lázaro'. Reproduction of Ephemérides Mineiras - 1664-1897 by J P Xavier da Veiga. Ouro Preto, 1897:2, 47.
    Source: Keffer, L, Índice Bibliográfico da Lepra:1.500-1.944, Vol II, I-P. Biblioteca do Departamento da Lepra do São Paulo, Brasil, 1946., 1897:2, 47. [Leprosarium] [Brazil]
    1897 Albert Victor Leper AsylumAn amendment scheme for the Albert Victor Leprosy Asylum was submitted by the government solicitor in March 1897 West Bengal State Archives [Leprosarium] [India]
    1897 Albert Victor Leper AsylumIt was established that the order of the 18th of May, 1894, which required that medicines and medical stores be obtained through private agency for the asylum was still in force. The Government of India was asked to include the asylum in its list of institutions which were able to indent government medical stores. It was also decided that menial servants employed in the asylum be treated as whole time servants of the government in order to obtain a grant of compensation for the cost of food West Bengal State Archives [Leprosarium] [India]
    1897 Albert Victor Leper AsylumIn April 1897, a grant of a permanent advance of R100 was made to the Superintendent of the Albert Victor Leprosy Asylum to meet the petty charges of the institution West Bengal State Archives [Leprosarium] [India]
    1897 Albert Victor Leper AsylumIn March 1897, a payment of R150 a month was scantioned to be made to the Superintendent of the alms house, for the performance of the clerical work of the Albert Victor Leprosy Asylum West Bengal State Archives [Leprosarium] [India]
    1897 VilyuyskThe leprosy hospital was founded, using monies raised by Kate Marsden. [Leprosarium] [Russia]
    1897 Chandkuri Leprosy Hospital and HomeFounded. Source: League of Nations Archive: File 29098 and Report on Leprosy and its Control in India by the Committee appointed by the Central Advisory Board of Health (1941). Government of India Press, New Dehli, 1942, p. 58. [Leprosarium] [India]
    1897 Victoria Leper HomeFounded. Source: League of Nations Archive: File 29098 and the Report on Leprosy and its Control in India by the Committee appointed by the Central Advisory Board of Health (1941). Government of India Press, New Dehli, 1942, p. 58. [Leprosarium] [India]
    1898 Indian Lepers’ Act passed. Source: Dongre, The History of Leprosy in India: 79. [Legislation] [India]
    1898 Iceland: Segregation law passed. (Ehlers, quoted in Rogers 17). [Legislation] [Europe]
    1898 Romania: compulsory notification introduced: 407 cases noted between 1897-1902. (Rogers 20). [Epidemiology, Legislation] [Europe]
    1898 Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine established. [Other] [Europe]
    1898 1898-9: Indian Plague Commission. [Other] [India]
    1898 Portugal: 466 cases reported (Rogers 22). [Epidemiology] [Europe]
    1898 The Indian Leper Act was passed and enforced at pilgrimage places, including Puri. [Other] [India]
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