3,298 matches out of all 3,298, 61 to 90 displayed.
1567 | San Lázaro HospitalThe Spanish King, Felipe II, granted San Lázaro the same privileges as the Hospital Lazarinos leprosarium in Seville, allowing it receive donations and a measure of autonomy. [Leprosarium] [Peru] |
1587 | Palliport Leper Hospital/Lazaretto"The oldest institution in the Madras presidency specifically for the care of leprosy suffers was the Pallipost Lazaretto at Cochin. Said to have been established by the Portuguese in 1587, it was restored by the Dutch in 1728 and continued by the East India Company as a leprosy hospital in 1795. The Lazaretto was initially maintained with rent money from the river ferry which ran from Vypeen to Cochin." (Jane Buckingham, Leprosy in Colonial South India: Medicine and Confinement, UK: Palgrave, 2002) [Leprosarium] [India] |
1592 | The San Lázaro Hospital of Cartagena, Colombia, accepted its first patients [Other] [South America] |
1595 | San Lázaro HospitalThe building underwent architectural improvements. [Leprosarium] [Peru] |
1596 | Argentina - Souza-Araujo in the “History of Leprosy in South America in the Colonial Period” in Revista Brasileira de Medicina 18.2 (Feb 1961) in Leprosy Review 32.1 (Jan 1962): 72. There were imported Africans who were the subjects of leprosy, as well as white European immigrants. [Other] [South America] |
1600 | Beginning of Seventeenth Century: First hospital in America for people with leprosy founded at Cartagena (Jesuit priest D Pedro Alegre founded San Lazarus Hospital in Havana). [Other] [South America, West Indies] |
1604 | San Lázaro HospitalArchbishop Toribio de Mogrovejo raised the status of the Hospital and the security of the Catholic Brotherhood who ran the Hospital was increased. At this time it was one of four main hospitals in Lima. [Leprosarium] [Peru] |
1612 | Louis XIII of France forbade the marriage of persons with leprosy to anyone. [Legislation] [Europe] |
1617 | Havana hospital, Cuba, accepted its first leprosy patients [Other] [West Indies] |
1626 | The first case was reported in Venezuela. This was the Governor of the province. [Other] [South America] |
1627 | Venezuela - other cases appeared between these years (Souza-Araujo “History of Antileprosy Legislation in South America in the Colonial period”) [Other] [South America] |
1630 | The earliest recorded case of leprosy in Malta was that of a Dominican friar who died in the Rabat convent on April 30, 1630. (Archives of the Dominican Priory, Rabat (Malta): De statu trium conventum Parte 1, f.129t, 188. cited in Leprosy Archives: The Maltese Islands compiled by C Savona-Ventura, the Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands, the Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem, Malta, 2006.) [People] [Europe, Malta] |
1640 | Campo dos Lázaros (Camp of the lepers), Bahia, Brazil (situated two miles from the Fortalezo de Nazaré do Cabo (Fort of Cape Nazereth) [Other] [Brazil] |
1642 | Overseas Council (Conselho Ultramarino) established by João IV consisting of a president, secretary, and three councillors [Other] [Europe] |
1644 | Japanese with leprosy who were Christianized arrive in Manila; San Lazaro Hospital in the Philippines established [Other] [Philippines] |
1644 | Xiao Xiao-Ting, a leprologist from the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) wrote Ma Feng Quan Shu regarded leprosy as an infectious disease and described its distribution in relation to geographical and meterological conditions. Information supplied by H Y Li ) [Treatment] [China] |
1652 | Iceland: Leper asylums opened but only one out of ten cases taken (Ehlers quoted in Rogers 17). [Other] [Europe] |
1659 | The Council of the Order of St John expressed its concern in 1659 about the fate of those with leprosy on the island of Malta. (Leprosy Archives: The Maltese Islands compiled by C Savona-Ventura, the Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands, the Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem, Malta, 2006.) [Other] [Malta] |
1677 | July 27: Philip IV King of Spain signed a decree which stated that any person with leprosy would be isolated in hospital. [Legislation] [Europe] |
1678 | San Lázaro HospitalAn earthquake destroyed part of the building. [Leprosarium] [Peru] |
1679 | In 1679, the Commission appointed to assess the management of the Sacra Infirmeria on Malta suggested that while local people affected by the disease should be given financial aid and treated in their own homes, foreigners should only be admitted to the falanga reserved for contagious disease. Leprosy Archives: The Maltese Islands compiled by C Savona-Ventura, the Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands, the Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem, Malta, 2006.) [Other] [Malta] |
1682 | The Leprosy Hospital of Lisbon had seven patients [Other] [Europe] |
1687 | Malta: Leprosy known there (Rogers 22). [Other] [Europe] |
1687 | Academic interest in leprosy was first shown in 1687 in Malta when Dr Guiseppe Zammit read a paper before a medical assembly wherein he described five cases of leprosy. (Leprosy Archives: The Maltese Islands compiled by C Savona-Ventura, the Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands, the Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem, Malta, 2006.) [Other] [Malta] |
1696 | First report on prevalence of leprosy in Rio de Janeiro by Artur de Sá e Meneses, the city's governor. Source: HC de Souza Araújo, História da lepra no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: Imprensa Nacional, 1946. Cited in: AP Velloso,& V Andrade, Hanseníase: curar para eliminar. Porto Alegre, 2002. [Epidemiology] [Brazil] |
1698 | Rio de Janeiro's governor, Artur de Sá e Meneses, asked the king to authorise the instalation of a leprosy hospital in order to improve the condition of people suffering with the disease. (Souza Araújo, H C de. História da lepra no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: Imprensa Nacional, 1946. Cited in: Velloso, A P & Andrade, V. Hanseníase: curar para eliminar. Porto Alegre, 2002) [Other] [Brazil] |
1702 | The Leprosy Hospital of Lisbon had eleven patients [Other] [Europe] |
1714 | Iceland: total of people with leprosy 100-120 3/3.5 per mille (Ehlers quoted in Rogers 17). [Epidemiology] [Europe] |
1714 | Gomes Freire de Andrade, Count of Bobadela and governor of Rio at the time, constructed huts for leprosy sufferers at the top of the hill in the São Christóvão district, near the Jesuit convent. (Souza Araújo, H C de. História da lepra no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: Imprensa Nacional, 1946. Cited in: Velloso, A P & Andrade, V. Hanseníase: curar para eliminar. Porto Alegre, 2002) [Other] [Brazil] |
1716 | Chaulmoogra seeds used in treatment of leprosy in Japan. Source: International Journal of Leprosy 1: 161. [Treatment] [Japan] |