3,298 matches out of all 3,298, 121 to 150 displayed.
1800 | Numbers of cases in Iceland: 200 (Ehlers quoted in Rogers 17). [Epidemiology] [Europe] |
1800 | 1800's - Indian Camp was the name used to refer to the historic Houma Native American hunting and fishing ground located on this site some years earlier. Their village was apparently located on the Mississippi River south of the site that was to become Carville (Daughters of Charity, West Central Province Archives, “Record Group 11-2, Records of the National Hansen’s Disease Programs, Carville, Louisiana, Marillac Provincialate, St. Louis, Missouri”) [Other] [Carville, North America] |
1800 | Carville1800's - Indian Camp - name referred to historic Houma (red) Indian's hunting and fishing ground located on the site of Carville some years earlier. Their village was apparently located on the Mississippi River south of this site. (http://bphc.hrsa.gov/nhdp/HISTORY_MAIN_PAGE.htm) [Leprosarium] [USA] |
1805 | San Lázaro HospitalViceroy Avilés appointed Baltazar de Villalobos as Director of the Hospital. Source: Marcos Cueto and Julio Núñes, "Leprosy in Peru: a general description of historical developments" (research sponsored by the ILA project), 14 August, 2006. [Leprosarium] [Peru] |
1807 | Finland has an asylum for people with the disease on an island in a lake. [Other] [Europe] |
1810 | BallygungeAn unidentified leprosarium was founded in Calcutta. Source: Report on Leprosy and its Control in India by the Committee appointed by the Central Advisory Board of Health (1941). Government of India Press, New Dehli, 1942, p. 58. [Leprosarium] [India] |
1811 | BallygungeEstablished [Leprosarium] [India] |
1814 | São João dos LázarosHospital dos lazaros de Cuiabá - 1814 e 1816.- Documentos de ordens governamentais assinadas pelo Visconde de Oeynhausen, então governador da Província'. Source: Keffer, L, Índice Bibliográfico da Lepra:1.500-1.944, Vol II, I-P. Biblioteca do Departamento da Lepra do São Paulo, Brasil, 1946. [Leprosarium] [Brazil] |
1815 | Pará, Brazil: The Governor, Count dos Arcos built an asylum at the Hospital dos Lazaros, Santa Casa da Misericordia, in Tocundaba, near Belém. [Other] [Brazil] |
1815 | The first New Brunswick case noted. [Other] [North America] |
1815 | TocundubaFounded by Santa Casa da Misericordia. (Araujo, H C S. 'The Leprosy Problem in Brazil'. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine, 1925:5, 3) Five patients when opened. (Araujo, H C S. 'Contribuição á epidemiologia e prophylaxia da lepra no norte do Brasil'. Mem. Inst. Osw. Cruz, 1933:27 (3)) [Leprosarium] [Brazil] |
1816 | Norway: report by J E Welhaven (pastor to St Jorgens Hospital in Bergen) on the rural poor. [Other] [Europe] |
1816 | TocundubaInaugurated as 'Hospicio dos Lazaros'. (Araujo, H C S. 'Contribuição á epidemiologia e prophylaxia da lepra no norte do Brasil'. Mem. Inst. Osw. Cruz, 1933:27 (3)) [Leprosarium] [Brazil] |
1820 | 1413 people in Portugal were diagnosed with leprosy [Epidemiology] [Europe] |
1820 | TocundubaThirty-eight patients. (Araujo, H C S. 'Contribuição á epidemiologia e prophylaxia da lepra no norte do Brasil'. Mem. Inst. Osw. Cruz, 1933:27 (3)) [Leprosarium] [Brazil] |
1821 | TocundubaSixty-one patients. Thirteen of these were from Santarém. (Araujo, H C S. 'Contribuição á epidemiologia e prophylaxia da lepra no norte do Brasil'. Mem. Inst. Osw. Cruz, 1933:27 (3)) [Leprosarium] [Brazil] |
1823 | Circa 1823: first reference to leprosy in Hawaii. [Other] [Pacific Islands] |
1824 | BenaresEstablished. Source: Report on Leprosy and its Control in India by the Committee appointed by the Central Advisory Board of Health (1941). Government of India Press, New Dehli, 1942, p. 59. [Leprosarium] [India] |
1825 | 1825 - The site that was to be Carville was purchased by Robert Coleman Camp on May 12. His early farm or plantation was known as Woodlawn according to Persac's map of the Mississippi River published in 1858 (Daughters of Charity, West Central Province Archives, “Record Group 11-2, Records of the National Hansen’s Disease Programs, Carville, Louisiana, Marillac Provincialate, St. Louis, Missouri”) [Other] [Carville, North America] |
1825 | CarvilleThe site tract is purchased by Robert Coleman Camp on 12 May. His early farm or plantation was known as Woodlawn according to Persac's map of the Mississippi River published in 1858. (http://bphc.hrsa.gov/nhdp/HISTORY_MAIN_PAGE.htm) [Leprosarium] [USA] |
1828 | The Senior Surgeon’s report to the Governor of the Straits Settlements dated 25th March proposed isolating leprosy sufferers found in the Penang Settlement on the smaller island of Pulau Jerejak which lay adjacent to the main island. (A Joshua-Raghavar, Leprosy in Malaysia: Past, Present and Future, (A Joshua-Raghavar: Sungai Buluh, West Malaysia, 1983):19 [Other] [Malaysia] |
1828 | Pulau JerejakPulau Jerejak was first mentioned in March 1828 as a possible isolation centre for leprosy patients, by the Surgeon General. A Joshua-Raghavar, Leprosy in Malaysia: Past, Present and Future,( A Joshua-Raghavar: Sungai Buluh, West Malaysia, 1983):38 [Leprosarium] [Malaysia] |
1829 | Isle Curieuse was acquired by the Seychelles government to support a leprosy colony. C R Grainger, ‘Leprosy in the Seychelles’, Lep Rev (1980), 51: 43-9. [Other] |
1829 | Hospital dos Lázaros70 patients on 28 January 1829, date of new management. Between January and June, eleven patients entered the hospital and twelve died. ('Hospital dos Lázaros - Mapa dos doentes', June 1829, Rio de Janeiro. Held in Biblioteca Nacional) [Leprosarium] [Brazil] |
1830 | Royal Decree establishes San Lazaro Hospital and estate in the Philippines [Other] [Philippines] |
1830 | Pulau JerejakIn May 1830, the Senior Surgeon wrote again stressing the infectious nature of the disease, and though he had not given up the idea of isolation on an island, he suggested a separate hospital. A Joshua-Raghavar, Leprosy in Malaysia: Past, Present and Future,( A Joshua-Raghavar: Sungai Buluh, West Malaysia, 1983):39 [Leprosarium] [Malaysia] |
1830 | TLM Hospital, NainiThe leprosarium was founded. Source: League of Nations Archive: File 29098. [Leprosarium] [India] |
1832 | BallygungeInstitution Rules and Orders relative to The Native Hospital and the Dependent Dispensaries Baptist Mission Press: Calcutta, 1832 At the meeting of the Governors of the Native Hospital, held on the 29th Nov, 1831, Sir Edward Ryan proposed , that on account of the depressed state of the funds of the Select Vestry, the Native Hospital should, for the future, bear the charge of the Leper Establishment at Bulliah Ghant, and that Messrs Nicolson and Martin be requested, in concert with Dr Jackson (the gratuitous medical attendant) to submit a plan for the Leper Institution, as a subordinate branch to the Native Hospital. The transfer was finally ordered on the 16th Feb, 1832, when an Establishment was … and the site of the Institution was removed to an open space near the Portuguese Burial Ground – a situation in all respects more accessible and airy than the last, and having the advantage of two good tanks. The Leper Asylum is indebted for its original Establishment to the late Mr Harrington, Member of Council, who, in the year 1811, secured a piece of ground at Ballygunj, repaired a tank, and erected buildings capable of containing forty persons. In 1812, Mr Harrington on leaving the country transferred the Establishment to the Select Vestry, to whose finds he was also a liberal contributor. The individuals residing in the Asylum are supplied with cots and furnished annually with blankets and coarse cloth for clothing. Several of the Lepers have near relatives living with them, the assistance of whom for obvious reasons is always encouraged, and they likewise are supplied with cots, blankets, and clothing. (MSA [Leprosarium] [India] |
1833 | First hospital-asylum built, in São Luís do Maranhão. (Maurano, F. Tratado de leprologia. História da lepra no Brasil e sua distribuição geográfica. Rio de Janeiro: Ministério da Educação e Saúde. Departamento Nacional de Saúde. Serviço Nacional de Lepra, 1944. V.1, p16-19. Cited in: Velloso, A P & Andrade, V. Hanseníase: curar para eliminar. Porto Alegre, 2002) [Other] [Brazil] |
1835 | Calcutta Medical College established. [Other] [India] |