3,298 matches out of all 3,298, 91 to 120 displayed.
1728 | Dutch Guiana (Suriname) ordinance forbidding lepers going into the streets of the town (Rogers 7). [Legislation] [South America] |
1728 | First leprosy asylum was built by Dutch in Kerala at Pallipuram (Kochi/Cochin), India. Source: Dongre, History of Leprosy in India, p. 54. [Other] [India] |
1740 | King of Portugal, Dom João V, ordered Dr Euzebio Ferreira to study the subject of leprosy in Rio. Drs Francisco Teixeira and Jose Rodrigues, of Lisbon were appointed to outline a program of control of leprosy in Brazil. [Other] [Brazil, Europe] |
1741 | The first anti-leprosy law for Brazil was drawn up by a committee of three Lisbon doctors. The rules considered leprosy a contagious disease of greater or less degree according to its clinical type, and segregation of all confirmed cases was recommended without distinction. Leprosaria were established, with separation of sex and social classes. A health officer was given full authority to enforce the law. There was compulsory notification of cases, and special diagnostic examinations were given to distinguish leprosy from other diseases. [Legislation] [Brazil] |
1746 | The Leprosy Hospital of Lisbon had forty-nine patients [Other] [Europe] |
1746 | San Lázaro HospitalA second earthquake completely destroyed the hospital. Patients were forced to relocate to huts on the outskirts of the city. [Leprosarium] [Peru] |
1752 | A Jesuit monastry was established at São Christavão outside Rio [Other] [Brazil] |
1755 | The Leprosy Hospital of Lisbon had thirty-eight patients [Other] [Europe] |
1756 | A place called “Bachang”, about a mile upstream from “Gajah Berang” on the outskirts of the Malacca Fortress, had a little chapel near which was a sort of hospice to accommodate people suffering from leprosy: “On that day, in the morning, Captain Stephanus Elias van Stock received from the Governor orders to leave Malacca by the Tranqueira gate, then to follow the road to the Lazarus house (Leper Hospital), that is the actual road to Tanjong Kling …” quoted from D F A Hervey and J H Westerhout, “Translation from Old `Dutch Records’ – an old Diary in the Govt. Office, Malacca reproduced in JSBRAS (Dec 1883, p.162) 1883 and cited in A Joshua-Raghavar, Leprosy in Malaysia: Past, Present and Future,( A Joshua-Raghavar: Sungai Buluh, West Malaysia, 1983):15 [Other] [Malaysia] |
1758 | First known cases in Louisana. [Other] [North America] |
1760 | August 27, 1760, King Jose I issued a resolution authorising the establishment of a leprosy hospital in Rio de Janeiro (Thomas Hunter Smith, A Monument to Lazarus: The Evolution of the Leprosy Hospital of Rio de Janeiro Dissertation 1999) [Other] [Brazil] |
1761 | Peru: José Bravo de Lagunas y Castilla, "Protector" of the Hospital, published, Discurso Historico-Juridico del Origen, Fundacion, reedification, derechos y exenciones del Hospital de San Lazaro en Lima (Historical-Legal Account of the Origin, Foundation, Re-building, Rights and Exemptions of the Hospital of San Lázaro in Lima). [Publication] [Peru, South America] |
1761 | San Lázaro HospitalJosé Bravo de Lagunas y Castilla, "Protector" of the Hospital, published Discurso Historico-Juridico del Origen, Fundacion, Reedification, Derechos y Exenciones del Hospital de San Lazaro en Lima (Historical-Legal Account of the Origin, Foundation, Re-building, Rights and Exemptions of the Hospital of San Lázaro in Lima). [Leprosarium] [Peru] |
1762 | In Malta, a number of isolated cases were reported during the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, while the disease was academically discussed in a dermatological book written by Dr Guiseppe DeMarco in 1762 and the discussions of the Accademia Medica Maltese which functioned until 1837. (Leprosy Archives: The Maltese Islands compiled by C Savona-Ventura, the Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands, the Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem, Malta, 2006.) [Other] [Malta] |
1763 | Catholic Fraternity "Irmandade da Candelaria" took over the leprosy asylum in Rio de Janeiro - named Hospital dos Lázaros. Source: HC de Souza Araujo, História da Lepra no Brasil. Vol III. Rio de Janeiro: Imprensa Nacional, 1956, p 453. [Other] [Brazil] |
1763 | Rio - When the Count of Bobadela died, Bishop Dom Antônio do Desterro recommended that the religious order, Irmandade da Candelária take charge of 53 patients, who were transferred to an uninhabited Jesuit convent. This led to the foundation of a hospital for the people with leprosy in the city of Rio de Janeiro. (Souza Araújo, H C de. História da lepra no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: Imprensa Nacional, 1946. Cited in: Velloso, A P & Andrade, V. Hanseníase: curar para eliminar. Porto Alegre, 2002) [Other] [Brazil] |
1766 | Belize lazaretto established, eighty miles below New Orleans. [Other] [Central America] |
1768 | Iceland: increase in numbers with leprosy: 6 per mille (Ehlers quoted in Rogers 17). [Epidemiology] [Europe] |
1775 | Leprosy still endemic in Ireland from European phase of the disease (Rogers 4). [Epidemiology] [Europe] |
1775 | Change of responsibility for the Camp of the Lepers (Campo dos Lázaros), Bahia, from the local governing body in Brazil to the Overseas Council (Conselho Ultramarino) [Other] [Brazil] |
1778 | Argentina - Control measures were established against endemic diseases, including leprosy, and leprosaria were set up in Santa Fé, Cordoba, Salta, and Tucuman [Other] [South America] |
1785 | Iceland: famine caused a reduction of cases to ninety-nine (3 per mille). [Epidemiology] [Europe] |
1786 | Iceland: Ordinance forbidding marriage (Ehlers quoted in Rogers 17). [Legislation] [Europe] |
1787 | Bahia, São Salvador City Hospital - S Christovam dos Lazaros. [Other] [Brazil] |
1787 | Hospital dos Lazaros da Bahia21 August - Inauguration by Governor Captain General Dom Rodrigo José de Menezes. (Araujo, H C S. 'A lepra e as organizações anti-leprosas do Brasil em 1936'. Mem. Inst. Osw. Cruz, 1937:32 (1) 127) [Leprosarium] [Brazil] |
1789 | Hospital dos Lazaros of Recife, Pernambuco [Other] [Brazil] |
1789 | Hospital dos LázarosInaugurated. Its origin was the Asylum founded in 1714 by Father Antonio Manoel, in the district of Santo Amaro. (Araujo, H C S. 'A lepra e as organizações anti-leprosas do Brasil em 1936'. Mem. Inst. Osw. Cruz, 1937:32 (1) 123) [Leprosarium] [Brazil] |
1793 | Rio de Janeiro: 150 people with leprosy. [Epidemiology] [Brazil] |
1793 | In Santa Fé, Argentina, the total population of 2 000 contained fourteen leprosy patients who were begging from door to door, and six deaths from leprosy were registered [Epidemiology] [South America] |
1798 | Shetlands: leprosy still endemic here from the European Medieval phase. [Epidemiology] [Europe] |