International Leprosy Association -
History of Leprosy

  • International Leprosy Association -
    History of Leprosy


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    1928 Dr Ernest Muir writes about dispensaries in Bengal and Bihar and the appointment of five survey officers for five years: "The Campaign in Bengal" Leprosy Notes, 3 (1928): 29-30. [People] [India]
    1928 Dichpali Leprosy Hospital in the Nizam of Hyderbad's Dominions (begun in 1916) (run by Rev G M Kerr and Mrs Isabel Kerr). Census returns indicate 4,214 people with leprosy with hospital provision for 400. Estimated numbers equal 40,000.
    Source: Leprosy Notes, 3 (1928): 19. [Epidemiology] [India]
    1928 Report of AB MacDonald, missionary doctor with the United Free Church of Scotland Mission established Itu in Nigeria: Leprosy Notes 1 (1928): 3. [People] [Africa]
    1928 Leprosy Notes was begun by Rev Frank Oldrieve in order to provide information to field workers. The Annual General Meeting for BELRA was published in Leprosy Notes, 1 (1928). [People, Organisation, Organisation]
    1928 June 30: 293 patients at Carville.
    Source: OE Denny, "In the United States: National Leprosarium at Carville, Louisana", Leprosy Notes, 2 (1928): 15-16. [Other] [North America]
    1928 Muir refers to model surveys conducted by the Indian Council of The British Empire Leprosy Relief Association in Bihar, Bengal, Burma. Surveys in Central Provinces and Bombay are to follow.
    Source: Leprosy Notes, 2 (1928): 6. [People] [India]
    1928 A Leprosy Survey of the Gold Coast Colony carried out. There are three leper asylums: the first at Accra (small asylum on the sea shore) with 46 occupants; the second at Ho, Togoland, north-east of Accra (run by Dr F H Cooke and begun in September 1926) with 150 in-patients and 250 out-patients; and the third, at Yendi (500 miles by road north of Accra) and run by Dr Helen Hendrie, with 60 patients. The estimated incidence of the disease is 7 per 1000.
    Source: MB Duncan Dixey, “Work in the Gold Coast Colony", Leprosy Notes, 3 (1928): 17-18. [Epidemiology, People] [Africa]
    1928 Zanzibar, Funzi (island) sole population 25 lepers. Source: Leprosy Notes, 2 (1928): 28. [Epidemiology] [Africa]
    1928 Fiji: Makogai, Dr Neff. [People] [Pacific Islands]
    1928 Honolulu, Kalihi Leper Hospital. [Other] [Pacific Islands]
    1928 Dr Wilson in Korea. [People] [Korea]
    1928 Wade and Lara in Philippines, Culion. [People] [South-East Asia]
    1928 Abyssinia: Dr TA Lambie, Sudan Interior Mission. [People] [Africa]
    1928 Leprosy work carried out in Southern Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, bordering on Uganda and the Belgian Congo, written about by K G Fraser, Vilu, S Sudan in Leprosy Notes, 2 (1928): 16. [People] [Africa]
    1928 Institute for Medical Research, in the Federated Malay States, Kuala Lumpur: EAO Travers, Leprosy Notes, 2 (1928): 13. [Other] [South-East Asia]
    1928 Chacachacare Leper Settlement, Trinidad "Leprosy Work in the West Indies" by T B Welch in Leprosy Notes, 2 (1928): 21-3 (447 patients) treatment: hydnocarpus wightiana - "Alepol". [Treatment, People] [West Indies]
    1928 Japan Central Social Work Association estimate 15 000 people with the disease. Dr Albert Oltmans - Gen Sec for Japan for the American Mission to Lepers estimates 60,000. Source: Leprosy Notes, 2 (1928): 27. [Epidemiology, People] [Japan]
    1928 Feb 27: Question in the House of Commons for the Secretary of State for the Colonies on treatment stations for people with leprosy.
    Source: Leprosy Notes, 1 1928): 12. [Legislation] [Europe]
    1928 Dr Marie Wardam, CMS Home for Lepers at Purulia, Bihar, India. Source: Leprosy Notes, 2 (1928): 9. [People] [India]
    1928 Recipients of BELRA grants listed in Leprosy Notes, 2 (1928): 20.
    Italian Consolata Mission, Iringa, Tanganyika;
    Benedictine Mission, Ndanda, Tanganyika;
    White Fathers' Mission, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanganyika;
    Universities Mission, Liuli, Tanganyika;
    White Fathers' Mission, Mua, Nyasaland;
    Dutch Reformed Church Mission, Mkhoma, Nyasaland;
    Church of Scotland Mission, Zomba, Nyasaland;
    Seventh Day Adventist Mission, Malamulo, Nyasaland;
    Church Missionary Society Hospital, Kigezi, Uganda;
    Seventh Day Adventist Mission, Fort Jameson, N Rhodesia. [Organisation] [Africa]
    1928 Estimated lepers in British Empire 416 530 Leprosy Notes, 1 (1928): 9. [Epidemiology]
    1928 A leper home at Shinjomura, Aomori-ken destroyed by fire Leprosy Notes, 3 (1929): 32. [Other] [Japan]
    1928 Leonard Rogers reports that the League of Nations Health Committee have appointed a Leprosy Commission of Experts (including Colonel J O Graham – member of the Indian Council) to plan for an international investigation of leprosy. “Good Progress of Modern Prophylaxis Against Leprosy" Leprosy Notes, 3 (1928): 10. [People] [India]
    1928 Executive Committee of BELRA report "Some Questions of Empire Suffering", Leprosy Notes, 5 (April 1929: 1) attracted comment in The Times. [Organisation]
    1928 Estimated number suffering from leprosy in India 416 000 (Muir estimates between 500,000 - 1,000,000). [Epidemiology] [India]
    1928 Estonia: 235 cases (Paldrock, quoted in Rogers 19). [Epidemiology] [Europe]
    1928 Preventorios opened in Rio de Janeiro [Other] [Brazil]
    1928 Dr Santra conducted a survey at Barpali in the Sambalpur district. [Epidemiology, People] [India]
    1928 In 1928, the Leonard Wood Memorial for the Eradication of Leprosy was incorporated in New York State as a nonprofit organisation. "Appendix 1 Important Dates and Events in the Scientific Program of the Leonard Wood Memorial" in Forty Years of Leprosy Research: History of the Leonard Wood Memorial (American Leprosy Foundation) 1928 to 1967 by Esmond R Long (Washington DC: Office of the Medical Director, Leonard Wood Memorial, 1967) [Organisation]
    1928 In 1928, Mr Perry Burgess was appointed Director of the Leonard Wood Memorial. "Appendix 1 Important Dates and Events in the Scientific Program of the Leonard Wood Memorial" in Forty Years of Leprosy Research: History of the Leonard Wood Memorial (American Leprosy Foundation) 1928 to 1967 by Esmond R Long (Washington DC: Office of the Medical Director, Leonard Wood Memorial, 1967) [Organisation]
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