International Leprosy Association -
History of Leprosy

  • International Leprosy Association -
    History of Leprosy


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    1928 Santo ÂngeloOnde renasce a esperança - A inauguração, hontem, do modelar Asylo-Colonia de Santo Angelo'. From A Platéa, S. Paulo, 4-5-1928.
    Source: Keffer, L, Índice Bibliográfico da Lepra:1.500-1.944, Vol II, I-P. Biblioteca do Departamento da Lepra do São Paulo, Brasil, 1946. [Leprosarium] [Brazil]
    1928 Santo ÂngeloLeprosario Santo Angelo - Inaugurou-se, hontem, pela manhã, o notavel asylo-colonia. A cerimonia da entrega do leprosario à Santa Casa. Palavras do sr. presidente Julio Prestes e do senador Padua Salles. Visita às diversas dependencias do Santo Angelo. Diversas notas'. From Correio Paulistano, S. Paulo, 4-5-1928.
    Source: Keffer, L, Índice Bibliográfico da Lepra:1.500-1.944, Vol II, I-P. Biblioteca do Departamento da Lepra do São Paulo, Brasil, 1946. [Leprosarium] [Brazil]
    1928 Santo ÂngeloCampos, A C. 'O leprosario de Santo Angelo'. From O Dia, S. Paulo, 14-5-1928.
    Source: Keffer, L, Índice Bibliográfico da Lepra:1.500-1.944, Vol II, I-P. Biblioteca do Departamento da Lepra do São Paulo, Brasil, 1946. [Leprosarium] [Brazil]
    1928 Santo Ângelo497 patients. (Araujo, H C S. 'A lepra e as organizações anti-leprosas do Brasil em 1936'. Mem. Inst. Osw Cruz, 1937:32, 145) [Leprosarium] [Brazil]
    1928 Edalji (Edulji, Eduljee) Framji Albless Leper Home/HouseListed in Public Health Organisation in the Bombay Presidency, Bombay: Government Central Press. (MSA R 3706/2) [Leprosarium] [India]
    1928 Antônio Diogo31 December 1928 - sixty-six patients.
    (Araujo, H C S. 'Contribuição á epidemiologia e prophylaxia da lepra no norte do Brasil: VII.- A lepra no Estado do Ceará - Situação actual: Leprosario Antonio Diogo'. Mem. Inst. Osw. Cruz, 1933:27 (3) 268) [Leprosarium] [Brazil]
    1928 Tocunduba291 patients in total at end of year: seventy-three admitted; thirteen dismissed; thirty-three died.
    (Araujo, H C S. 'Contribuição á epidemiologia e prophylaxia da lepra no norte do Brasil'. Mem. Inst. Osw. Cruz, 1933:27 (3)) [Leprosarium] [Brazil]
    1928 Yanzhou LeprosariumYanzhou Leprosarium in Shandong Province, China, was opened in 1928.
    "Chen Shumin, Liu Dingchang, Liu Bing, Zhang Lin and Yu Xioulu, "Role of Leprosy Villages and Leprosaria in Shandong Province, People's Republic of China: Past, Present and Future" Leprosy Review, 74 (2003): 222-8. [Leprosarium] [China]
    1928 Kiulungkiang"Our colony was established February 1, 1928 with two patients and since then 160 have been enrolled." (Curtis M Galt, 'Kiulungkiang', in James L Maxwell, "Ridding China of Leprosy" The China Medical Journal 44 (1930): 781) [Leprosarium] [China]
    1928 LoyuanEleven in the camp were undergoing treatment. Dr Byrne used 'Hydnocreol'. After five months treatment they all refused to go on with the injections saying they made them 'feel so ill and none of them were one bit better!'
    Source: Dr F M Cooper, 'Loyuan', in James L Maxwell, "Ridding China of Leprosy", The China Medical Journal, 44 (1930): 787) [Leprosarium] [China]
    1928 Hongkew General DispensaryThe Hongkew General Dispensary was later moved to its present quarters at 173 Lin Pin Road in November 1928. (F Y Pan, 'Shanghai Hongkew General Dispensary', in James L Maxwell, "Ridding China of Leprosy" The China Medical Journal 44 (1930): 793). [Leprosarium] [China]
    1928 Bethesda
    Surinam Leprosy Annual Report 1928 (taken from the Annual Report of the Public Health Service 1928)
    At the end of December 1928, the number of patients was as follows: In the leprosy-settlement “Groot-Chatillon” 166; in the leprosy-asylum “St Gerardus Majella” 176; iIn the leprosy asylum “Bethesda” 66.

    In the capital city Paramariibo, there were known, on December 1928, 376 not-segregated lepers, of whom, 244 were treated by the Public Health Service clinically and 87 were treated in their homes. A number were treated by private physicians. In the districts, there were, on December 1928, 113 not segregated lepers under treatment.

    The number of lepers as far as known amounts in Paramaribo to 552; isolated 176; not isolated 376; in the districts 346; isolated 232; not isolated 113; in abodes not known, 41. Total 938

    Besides that, there are 259 persons under supervision of the Public Health Service, because there have suspected symptoms; however, without that there exist sufficient reasons for treatment, or because they were formerly infected and are declared to be free from active symptoms now, or because they were born from leprous parents.

    (The supervision of those, declared as being cured includes a further treatment of at least 2 years. The regular control of children, born from lepers lasts till the age of 7 – 8 years is reached).

    A clinical-bacteriological examination at all schoolchildren extended over more than 8800 children, brought the alarming fact to the light, that not less than 167 children were found infected or in such a measure suspected, that they were forbidden to visit the school.

    Of this 167 children, 123 were found to be infected and 44 to be suspected. The bacteriological examination found16 children positive. Only those children, who would have been recognised by any one as a leper, seem to be kept at home by the parents. All of these children are under treatment now.

    The treatment of leprosy – as put into practice by the Public Health Service in Surinam – consists of

    a) injections with alepol in the muscles twice a week;
    b) taking of chaulmoogra oil, daily as much as can be borne
    c) ointment of chaulmoogra oil, for daily use as ungent
    d) chaulmoogra soap for warm baths

    In the infirmaries, antileprol is also used next to alepol, such in accordance with the opinion of the physician, charged with the treatment. It was given a trial to use natrium salts of chaulmoogra-oil (called by us “chaulmoogran”) instead of alepol. This preparation seems to give good results, but the tenableness [sic] is too scanty for the practice outside the Military Hospital. (Surinam Leprosy Annual Report 1928 (taken from the Annual Report of the Public Health Service 1928,
    p 1)

    [Leprosarium] [Dutch Guiana]
    1928 OmdurmanIn Leprosy in Europe, The Middle and Near East and Africa (London: World Dominion Press, 1928), Robert Cochrane states that "The Government is at present financing the work of the Leper Hospital at Omdurman, responsibility for the superintendence of which has been undertaken by the Church Missionary Society." (23) [Leprosarium] [Anglo-Egyptian Sudan]
    1928 LuiRobert Cochrane reported that "Lepers are also being cared for in the Church Missionary Society Hospital at Lui, which touches an area the population which is about one hundred and twenty thousand, and it has been estimated that the prevalence of leprosy is five per thousand." Robert Cochrane, Leprosy in Europe, The Middle and Near East and Africa (London: World Dominion Press, 1928), pp 23-4 [Leprosarium] [Anglo-Egyptian Sudan]
    1928 GedarefRobert Cochrane reported that there was a small Government Leper Hospital at Gedaref, with about fifteen inmates. Robert Cochrane, Leprosy in Europe, The Middle and Near East and Africa (London: World Dominion Press, 1928), p 23 [Leprosarium] [Anglo-Egyptian Sudan]
    1928 Likoma IslandTreatment described by Alice Simpkin, "The treatment of leprosy", British Journal of Nursing, Dec 1928: 313-4. [Leprosarium] [Nyasaland]
    1928 Groot Chatillon
    Surinam Leprosy Annual Report 1928 (taken from the Annual Report of the Public Health Service 1928)
    At the end of December 1928, the number of patients was as follows: In the leprosy-settlement “Groot-Chatillon” 166; in the leprosy-asylum “St Gerardus Majella” 176; iIn the leprosy asylum “Bethesda” 66.

    In the capital city Paramariibo, there were known, on December 1928, 376 not-segregated lepers, of whom, 244 were treated by the Public Health Service clinically and 87 were treated in their homes. A number were treated by private physicians. In the districts, there were, on December 1928, 113 not segregated lepers under treatment.

    The number of lepers as far as known amounts in Paramaribo to 552; isolated 176; not isolated 376; in the districts 346; isolated 232; not isolated 113; in abodes not known, 41. Total 938

    Besides that, there are 259 persons under supervision of the Public Health Service, because there have suspected symptoms; however, without that there exist sufficient reasons for treatment, or because they were formerly infected and are declared to be free from active symptoms now, or because they were born from leprous parents.

    (The supervision of those, declared as being cured includes a further treatment of at least 2 years. The regular control of children, born from lepers lasts till the age of 7 – 8 years is reached).

    A clinical-bacteriological examination at all schoolchildren extended over more than 8800 children, brought the alarming fact to the light, that not less than 167 children were found infected or in such a measure suspected, that they were forbidden to visit the school.

    Of this 167 children, 123 were found to be infected and 44 to be suspected. The bacteriological examination found16 children positive. Only those children, who would have been recognised by any one as a leper, seem to be kept at home by the parents. All of these children are under treatment now.

    The treatment of leprosy – as put into practice by the Public Health Service in Surinam – consists of

    a) injections with alepol in the muscles twice a week;
    b) taking of chaulmoogra oil, daily as much as can be borne
    c) ointment of chaulmoogra oil, for daily use as ungent
    d) chaulmoogra soap for warm baths

    In the infirmaries, antileprol is also used next to alepol, such in accordance with the opinion of the physician, charged with the treatment. It was given a trial to use natrium salts of chaulmoogra-oil (called by us “chaulmoogran”) instead of alepol. This preparation seems to give good results, but the tenableness [sic] is too scanty for the practice outside the Military Hospital. (Surinam Leprosy Annual Report 1928 (taken from the Annual Report of the Public Health Service 1928,
    p 1)

    [Leprosarium] [Dutch Guiana]
    1928 St Gerardus Majella
    Surinam Leprosy Annual Report 1928 (taken from the Annual Report of the Public Health Service 1928)
    At the end of December 1928, the number of patients was as follows: In the leprosy-settlement “Groot-Chatillon” 166; in the leprosy-asylum “St Gerardus Majella” 176; iIn the leprosy asylum “Bethesda” 66.

    In the capital city Paramariibo, there were known, on December 1928, 376 not-segregated lepers, of whom, 244 were treated by the Public Health Service clinically and 87 were treated in their homes. A number were treated by private physicians. In the districts, there were, on December 1928, 113 not segregated lepers under treatment.

    The number of lepers as far as known amounts in Paramaribo to 552; isolated 176; not isolated 376; in the districts 346; isolated 232; not isolated 113; in abodes not known, 41. Total 938

    Besides that, there are 259 persons under supervision of the Public Health Service, because there have suspected symptoms; however, without that there exist sufficient reasons for treatment, or because they were formerly infected and are declared to be free from active symptoms now, or because they were born from leprous parents.

    (The supervision of those, declared as being cured includes a further treatment of at least 2 years. The regular control of children, born from lepers lasts till the age of 7 – 8 years is reached).

    A clinical-bacteriological examination at all schoolchildren extended over more than 8800 children, brought the alarming fact to the light, that not less than 167 children were found infected or in such a measure suspected, that they were forbidden to visit the school.

    Of this 167 children, 123 were found to be infected and 44 to be suspected. The bacteriological examination found16 children positive. Only those children, who would have been recognised by any one as a leper, seem to be kept at home by the parents. All of these children are under treatment now.

    The treatment of leprosy – as put into practice by the Public Health Service in Surinam – consists of

    a) injections with alepol in the muscles twice a week;
    b) taking of chaulmoogra oil, daily as much as can be borne
    c) ointment of chaulmoogra oil, for daily use as ungent
    d) chaulmoogra soap for warm baths

    In the infirmaries, antileprol is also used next to alepol, such in accordance with the opinion of the physician, charged with the treatment. It was given a trial to use natrium salts of chaulmoogra-oil (called by us “chaulmoogran”) instead of alepol. This preparation seems to give good results, but the tenableness [sic] is too scanty for the practice outside the Military Hospital. (Surinam Leprosy Annual Report 1928 (taken from the Annual Report of the Public Health Service 1928,
    p 1)

    [Leprosarium] [Dutch Guiana]
    1928 Ahmedabad Kagda Petit (Kagrapeth) HospitalGovernment Institution: listed in Public Health Organisation in the Bombay Presidency [Leprosarium] [India]
    1929 I Santra operating PTS centres; 3414 being treated: Leprosy Notes, 4 (1929): 9. [Epidemiology, Treatment]
    1929 Ceylon "Leprosy Work in Ceylon: Mantivu Island Leper Colony" run by Dr J P Felix and Franciscan Sisters Leprosy Notes, 5 (1929): 27-8. [Other] [India]
    1929 Pacific Report from Dr R W Cilento, Director of the Division of Tropical Hygiene, Leprosy Notes, 5 (1929): 28. [People] [Pacific Islands]
    1929 Leprosy work in Trinidad (Dr Welch) and British Guiana (Dr Rose) described in "Leprosy Work in British Guiana" by FG Rose, Medical Superintendent, Mahaica Leper Asylum: Leprosy Notes, 4 (1929): 17-9 (300 patients on average). [People] [Pacific Islands]
    1929 China: "Leprosy in China" by Henry Fowler in Leprosy Notes, 4 (1929): 25-8 cites Cantlie and Manson - The Mission to Lepers and the Chinese Mission to Lepers: Kwantung (South); Shantung (North West); North Kiangsu; Chekiang; Fukien; Siaokan, in Hupeh - endemic; Kweichuh and Yunnan Mios tribesmen. [Other] [China]
    1929 Brazil: "The Frequency of Leprosy in Brazil" in Leprosy Notes, 4 (1929): 29-32 by HC de Souza-Araujo estimates that out of a population of 36,000,000, there are 24,000 lepers: i.e. 0.67 per 1000.
    Major foci:
    States of Amazonas:
    Minas Gerais,
    São Paulo.
    Minor foci:
    NE and South of Brazil.
    Leper Asylums:
    Hospital dos Lazaros of Rio de Janeiro "Irmandade da Candelaria Prof Fernando Terra;
    Hospital dos Lazaros of São Salvador, Bahia;
    Hospital dos Lazaros of Recife, Pernambuco (1789);

    Hospital dos Lazaros of Tocunduba, Belem, Para (1915);
    Hospital dos Lazaros of Sabara, Minas Gerais (1883);
    Hospital dos Lazaros of Guapira, São Paulo (1904) "Santa Casa da Misericordia" Dr Ribeiro de Almeida;

    New Leprosaria:
    Lazaropolis do Prata, Pará (1924) 354 patients, Dr Bernardo L Rutowitcz; Leprosario S Roque, Curityba, State of Parana (1926) 300 patients, Dr Luiz Medeiros;
    Leprosaro Santa Angelo founded by Santa Casa da Misericordia (1928);
    Leprosario São Luiz, St Luiz;
    Leprosario Santa Izabel, of Minas Gerais;
    Leprosario de Paricatuba, Estado do Amazonas;

    States of Ceará and Rio Grande do Norte building two leprosaria;
    Gaffree-Guinle Foundation planning National Leprosarium near Rio;
    State of São Paulo planning two regional leprosaria;
    Planning for Laboratory for research on leprosy as a department of the "Intiitute of Hygiene". [Epidemiology] [Brazil]
    1929 Cyprus: "Leprosy Relief in Cyprus" by Robert G Cochrane Leprosy Notes, 6 (1929): 8-10 mentions a Leper Farm at Nicosia. [People] [Europe]
    1929 Leprosy in India published. [Publication] [India]
    1929 "Lepers Turned Away: Progress in Nyasaland", Leprosy Notes, 4 (1929): 16.
    Birkenstock's successor Dr HA Erickson (Whitehead Director of Medical and Sanitary Services, Nyasaland).
    "Leprosy in Nyasaland" FE Whitehead Leprosy Notes, 6 (1929): 4-5.
    "Leprosy Work in Nyasaland: Report on Loudon Leper Colony, 1928" in Leprosy Notes 6 (1929): 6-7 (United Free Church of Scotland Mission at Loudon). [People] [Africa]
    1929 Dichpali now recognised by the Indian Council of the British Empire Leprosy Relief Association as the teaching centre for Southern India (for education of Medical Officers). Also in mentioned in Rogers on "Training Leprosy Workers", Leprosy Notes, 5 (1929): 21-2. [Organisation] [India]
    1929 Lady Willingdon Leper Settlement established by the UF Church of Scotland Mission (500 patients) described in "An Indian Leper Settlement: The Lady Willingdon Leper Settlement, Chingleput, S India", by Robert S Donaldson in Leprosy Notes, 5 (1929): 24. [Epidemiology] [India]
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