International Leprosy Association -
History of Leprosy

  • International Leprosy Association -
    History of Leprosy


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    1928 The Pathology Laboratory at Culion, the Eversley Childs Sanitarium, with the capacity for 1,250 patients, and the Skin Dispensary at Cebu were constructed between 1928 and 1931. Pathologic research commenced at Culion. An important phase of this research related to clarification of the basic differences between the major types of leprosy and contributed to recognition of the "borderline" form. "Appendix 1 Important Dates and Events in the Scientific Program of the Leonard Wood Memorial" in Forty Years of Leprosy Research: History of the Leonard Wood Memorial (American Leprosy Foundation) 1928 to 1967 by Esmond R Long (Washington DC: Office of the Medical Director, Leonard Wood Memorial, 1967) [Organisation]
    1928 Seventy-seven people were confined in the lazaret on Peel Island, Queensland, as reported in the Annual Report of the Commissioner of Public Health to 30th June, 1928, (Brisbane: Anthony James Cumming, Government Printer, William Street). [Epidemiology] [Australasia]
    1928 There were 889 cases under treatment in the Eastern, and 717 in the Northern area: a total of 1,910 [sic] (Anti-Leprosy Measures in the Uganda Protectorate, 1824-51) in “Leprosy Incidence and Control in East Africa, 1924-1952 and the Outlook” by Leonard Rogers, Leprosy Review 25.1 (1954): 41-59 [Organisation, People, Epidemiology] [Africa, Uganda]
    1928 Sudan: As the second part, Leprosy in Europe, The Middle and Near East and Africa (London: World Dominion Press, 1928), of his attempt to carry out a world survey of leprosy, Robert G Cochrane wrote that it was difficult to give anything near a correct estimate of leprosy in Anglo-Egyptian Sudan.There was apparently little leprosy in Northern and Central Sudan (probably only 350 affected, allowing for early cases), and in the Nuba Mountains Provinces there may have been 500. But in the extreme south (in the Mongalla and Bahr-el-Ghazal provinces), there were at least 1,000 in each province. Indeed, in some parts of the south, the incidence may have been as high as twenty per thousand, and it was doubtful if these figures included many early cases. (23) [Epidemiology, People, Organisation] [Africa, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, Sudan]
    1928 Uganda: Cochrane reported that "Of the prevalence of leprosy in Uganda, the principal Government Medical Officer reports that 'the incidence is estimated at two per thousand of the population. Legal powers which enforce segregation of leprosy are embodied in the Infectious Disease Ordinance of 1922, but these are mostly exercized in townships only; if carried further, antagonism might result among the natives.' There are Leper Camps in Busiro, Teso, Budo and Bunyoro: there is no fixed staff, but the Government Medical Officer of the district and members of his staff visit the hospitals, dispensaries and camps where regular treatment is given."
    Source: Robert Cochrane, Leprosy in Europe. The Middle East and near East and Africa, London: World Dominion Press, 1928. [Epidemiology, Treatment, Legislation, Organisation] [Africa, Uganda]
    1928 Kenya: In 1928, there were 547 voluntary admissions to leprosy institutions in Kenya, and Alepol “treatment is said to be very effective.” (Leonard Rogers, "Leprosy Incidence and Control in East Africa, 1924-1952 and the Outlook" Leprosy Review 25.1 (1954): 41-59) [Epidemiology, Treatment, People] [Africa, Kenya]
    1928 Kenya: In 1928, Robert Cochrane stated of Kenya, that "No estimate of the prevalence of leprosy exists, but both Government and Mission doctors agree that in certain districts the percentage is probably high, especially amongst the Thanaka people, who inhabit the lower slopes of Kenya. Lepers are received at the Government infectious Disease Hospitals at Nairobi, Mombasa, and at six leper camps." (Robert Cochrane, Leprosy in Europe. The Middle East and near East and Africa, London: World Dominion Press, 1928, p 30) [Epidemiology] [Africa, Kenya]
    1928 Nyasaland (present day Malawi): Likoma colony described by Alice Simpkin in "The Treatment of Leprosy", The British Journal of Nursing, (Dec 1928): 313-4. [Treatment, Publication] [Africa]
    1928 Government Institution: listed in Public Health Organisation in the Bombay Presidency [Leprosarium]
    1928 Acworth Leprosy Hospital (Matoonga)Listed in Public Health Organisation in the Bombay Presidency, Bombay: Government Central Press. (Maharashtra State Archives R 3706/2) [Leprosarium] [India]
    1928 Kondhwa Budruk (Kondova Leper Home)Listed in Public Health Organisation in the Bombay Presidency, Bombay: Government Central Press. (MSA R 3706/2) [Leprosarium] [India]
    1928 Belgaum Leprosy HospitalListed in Public Health Organisation in the Bombay Presidency, Bombay: Government Central Press. (MSA R 3706/2) [Leprosarium] [India]
    1928 Nasik Leper AsylumListed in Public Health Organisation in the Bombay Presidency, Bombay: Government Central Press. (MSA R 3706/2 [Leprosarium] [India]
    1928 Taluka RohaListed in Public Health Organisation in the Bombay Presidency, Bombay: Government Central Press. (MSA R 3706/2) [Leprosarium] [India]
    1928 Taluka Mahad (TLM Trust Hospital Poladpur)Listed in Public Health Organisation in the Bombay Presidency, Bombay: Government Central Press. (MSA R 3706/2) [Leprosarium] [India]
    1928 SholapurListed in Public Health Organisation in the Bombay Presidency, Bombay: Government Central Press. (MSA R 3706/2) [Leprosarium] [India]
    1928 Vengurla (Friends Leprosy Mission)Listed in Public Health Organisation in the Bombay Presidency, Bombay: Government Central Press. (MSA R 3706/2) [Leprosarium] [India]
    1928 Listed in Public Health Organisation in the Bombay Presidency, Bombay: Government Central Press. (MSA R 3706/2) [Leprosarium]
    1928 Listed in Public Health Organisation in the Bombay Presidency, Bombay: Government Central Press. (MSA R 3706/2) [Leprosarium]
    1928 Emjanyana Leprosy AsylumMacVicar, N, 'Leprosy work in South Africa. A visit to Emjanyana', Leprosy Review 1928 (3) 24.
    Source: Keffer, L, Índice Bibliográfico da Lepra:1.500-1.944, Vol II, I-P. Biblioteca do Departamento da Lepra do São Paulo, Brasil, 1946. [Leprosarium] [South Africa]
    1928 Itu ColonyMacDonald, A B, "Founding a leper colony in Nigeria", Leprosy Notes, 3 (1928): 3.
    Source: Keffer, L, Índice Bibliográfico da Lepra:1.500-1.944, Vol II, I-P. Biblioteca do Departamento da Lepra do São Paulo, Brasil, 1946. [Leprosarium] [Nigeria]
    1928 CarvilleAraujo, H C S, 'Um leprosário modelo'. Rev. Hig. S. Pub., 1928:2 (4) 189.
    Source: Keffer, L, Índice Bibliográfico da Lepra:1.500-1.944, Vol II, I-P. Biblioteca do Departamento da Lepra do São Paulo, Brasil, 1946. [Leprosarium] [USA]
    1928 CarvilleDenney, O E, 'In the United States.- National Leprosarium at Carville, Louisiana'. Leprosy Notes, 1928 (3) 15.
    Source: Keffer, L, Índice Bibliográfico da Lepra:1.500-1.944, Vol II, I-P. Biblioteca do Departamento da Lepra do São Paulo, Brasil, 1946. [Leprosarium] [USA]
    1928 Victoria Leprosy HospitalKerr G M, 'Up-to-date leprosy work in India. I.- The Dichpali Leprosy Hospital'. Leprosy Notes, 1928 (3) 19.
    Source: Keffer, L, Índice Bibliográfico da Lepra:1.500-1.944, Vol II, I-P. Biblioteca do Departamento da Lepra do São Paulo, Brasil, 1946. [Leprosarium] [India]
    1928 Aimorés (Aymorés)Lima, P. 'Leprosario regional de Aymorés.- Parecer sobre a escolha do local, S. Paulo, 1.° de Outubro de 1927'. Baurú-Med., 1928:1 (6) 126.
    Source: Keffer, L, Índice Bibliográfico da Lepra:1.500-1.944, Vol II, I-P. Biblioteca do Departamento da Lepra do São Paulo, Brasil, 1946. [Leprosarium] [Brazil]
    1928 Aimorés (Aymorés)Pupo, A & Alvaro, M. 'Leprosario regional de Aymorés.- Estudo de um typo de "leprosario modelo".' Baurú-Med., 1928:1 (6,7) 127 and 148.
    Source: Keffer, L, Índice Bibliográfico da Lepra:1.500-1.944, Vol II, I-P. Biblioteca do Departamento da Lepra do São Paulo, Brasil, 1946. [Leprosarium] [Brazil]
    1928 Aimorés (Aymorés)Acta do lançamento da primeira pedra da construção do Asilo-Colonia "Aimorés".' Leaflet. Baurú, 28-9-1928.
    Source: Keffer, L, Índice Bibliográfico da Lepra:1.500-1.944, Vol II, I-P. Biblioteca do Departamento da Lepra do São Paulo, Brasil, 1946. [Leprosarium] [Brazil]
    1928 Santo ÂngeloO asylo de Santo Angelo - O Diario Nacional visita demoradamente o leprosario que hoje se inaugura'. From Diario Nacional, S. Paulo, 3-5-1928.
    Source: Keffer, L, Índice Bibliográfico da Lepra:1.500-1.944, Vol II, I-P. Biblioteca do Departamento da Lepra do São Paulo, Brasil, 1946. [Leprosarium] [Brazil]
    1928 Santo ÂngeloCaiuby, A S. 'Leprosario Santo Angelo.- Inaugura-se, hoje, pela manhã, o notavel asylo-colonia - Uma obra que honra a administração Julio Prestes. Fala ao Correio Paulistano o engenheiro da obra'. From Correio Paulistano, S. Paulo, 3-5-1928.
    Source: Keffer, L, Índice Bibliográfico da Lepra:1.500-1.944, Vol II, I-P. Biblioteca do Departamento da Lepra do São Paulo, Brasil, 1946. [Leprosarium] [Brazil]
    1928 Santo ÂngeloInaugura-se hoje o leprosario de Santo Angelo - A significação dessa iniciativa em face da saude publica paulistana'. From Folha da Manhã, S. Paulo, 3-5-1928.
    Source: Keffer, L, Índice Bibliográfico da Lepra:1.500-1.944, Vol II, I-P. Biblioteca do Departamento da Lepra do São Paulo, Brasil, 1946. [Leprosarium] [Brazil]
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