International Leprosy Association -
History of Leprosy

  • International Leprosy Association -
    History of Leprosy

    Abstract Painting: Little Sad

    かなしみは ひとりではない 支えられ 楽しき夢も ときにみてゐる

    2002, National Sanatorium Suruga, Japan. More details
    I am sad yet not alone
    Being supported
    There are sporadic moments of happy dreams

    The painting depicts two people; the person at the back is staying closely to the person in front as if to bring comfort. Having suffered leprosy, it was an unhappy life but there were happy moments, at times, when encouraged by people whom the painter met. In this unhappy life there were moments of joy. The title of the painting is not “sadness” but “little sad “because all in all, sadness is alleviated by people. The painting is an expression of the dream of having been comforted through sad times and joyous times.
    Other works by this artist
    Title Abstract Painting: Little Sad
    Title(Original language) 抽象 少し悲しい
    Year 2002
    Country Japan
    Location National Sanatorium Suruga
    Genre Painting
    Owner Hiroko Kato
    Copyright Hiroko Kato