International Leprosy Association -
History of Leprosy

  • International Leprosy Association -
    History of Leprosy


    頬杖を つきて思ほゆ モジリアニー 肌のオレンジに 目のエメラルド 

    2009, National Sanatorium Suruga, Japan. More details
    With her chin resting on one hand
    Reminds me of the painter Modigliani
    Her emerald eyes and orange skin

    The girl with her chin resting on one hand reminds me of the Italian painter, Modigliani. Eyes are emerald green but the skin is orange which has a faint image of the Orient.
    Other works by this artist
    Title Modigliani
    Title(Original language) モジリアニ―
    Year 2009
    Country Japan
    Location National Sanatorium Suruga
    Genre Painting
    Owner Hiroko Kato
    Copyright Hiroko Kato